/*: * AITSYS_RPC.js * @plugindesc This plugin provides support for discord rpc. * * @author Lala Sabathil * * @version 4.0.0 * @filename AITSYS_RPC.js * @url https://github.com/Aiko-IT-Systems/AITSYS.RpgMakerMv.DiscordRPC/blob/main/plugins/AITSYS_RPC.js * * @param --- Default Config --- * @default * * @param Discord App Id * @parent --- Default Config --- * @type string * @desc The discord application id bound to the rich presence * @default 805569792446562334 * * @param Steam App Id * @parent --- Default Config --- * @type string * @desc The steam app id bound to the rich presence * @default * * @param Use Button One * @parent --- Default Config --- * @type boolean * @on YES * @off NO * @desc Do you want to display button one on the rpc? * NO - false YES - true * @default true * * @param Use Button Two * @parent --- Default Config --- * @type boolean * @on YES * @off NO * @desc Do you want to display button two on the rpc? * NO - false YES - true * @default true * * @param --- Button One --- * @default * * @param Label One * @parent --- Button One --- * @type string * @desc The button label * @default Get RPC Extension * * @param Url One * @parent --- Button One --- * @type string * @desc The button url * @default https://github.com/Aiko-IT-Systems/AITSYS.RpgMakerMv.Rpc * * @param --- Button Two --- * @default * * @param Label Two * @parent --- Button Two --- * @type string * @desc The button label * @default RPC Extension Support * * @param Url Two * @parent --- Button Two --- * @type string * @desc The button url * @default https://discord.gg/Uk7sggRBTm * * @param --- Default Data --- * @default * * @param Large Asset Key * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc Key for the uploaded image for the large asset or url * @default logo * * @param Large Asset Text * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc Tooltip for the large asset * @default RMMV Game * * @param Small Asset Key * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc Key for the uploaded image for the small asset or url * @default * * @param Small Asset Text * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc Tooltip for the small asset * @default * * @param Details * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc What the player is currently doing * @default Playing Game * * @param State * @parent --- Default Data --- * @type string * @desc The users current party status * @default * * @help * * ============================================================================ * Introductions * ============================================================================ * * This plugin provides support for discord rpc. * * ============================================================================ * Terms of Use * ============================================================================ * * This plugin is free for use with credits in non-commercial and commercial * projects as well. Editing this plugin is forbidden! * * Contact: Lala Sabathil (aitsys.dev) on Discord Catra#9999 * * ============================================================================ * Change Log * ============================================================================ * * 2021.30.01 (v1.0.0): * * Create first version * 2021.31.01 (v1.1.0): * + Added the map-changed getName Event * 2021.18.04 (v1.3.0): * * On null ignore * 2022.12.10 (v2.0.0): * + Added ignore if rpc isn't running * 2023.14.01 (v3.0.0): * * Reworked the plugin to control steam dlc * 2023.XX.XX (v4.0.0): * * Rewrote plugin for general use */ var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.AITSYS_RPC = true; (function () { var AITSYS_RPC = AITSYS_RPC || {}; AITSYS_RPC.Version = "4.0.0"; AITSYS_RPC.Parameters = PluginManager.parameters('AITSYS_RPC'); AITSYS_RPC.Param = AITSYS_RPC.Param || {}; AITSYS_RPC.Param.DiscordAppId = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Discord App Id']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.SteamAppId = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Steam App Id']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.UseButtonOne = Boolean(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Use Button One']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.UseButtonTwo = Boolean(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Use Button Two']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.LabelOne = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Label One']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.UrlOne = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Url One']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.LabelTwo = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Label Two']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.UrlTwo = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Url Two']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetKey = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Large Asset Key']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetText = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Large Asset Text']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetKey = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Small Asset Key']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetText = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Small Asset Text']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.Details = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['Details']); AITSYS_RPC.Param.State = String(AITSYS_RPC.Parameters['State']); let commandLine = require("nw.gui").App.argv; let path = require("path"); let net = require("net"); let childProccess = require("child_process"); let child = null; const rpcIndex = commandLine.indexOf("enable-rpc"); chrome.commandLinePrivate.hasSwitch("enable-rpc", function (enabled) { if (enabled) { log("RPC enabled (chrome param found)"); enableRpc(true); } else { log("RPC disabled (chrome param not found)"); } }); if (rpcIndex > -1) { log("RPC enabled (param found)"); enableRpc(true); } else { log("RPC disabled (param not found)"); } function log(message) { console.info(message); } function setRPC(jsonData) { log("Rpc communication started."); log("Sending: " + jsonData); var client = new net.Socket(); client.setEncoding("utf8"); client.connect(59090, "", function () { client.write(jsonData); }); client.on("data", function (data) { var json = JSON.parse(data); if (json.type != 0) { console.error("Error: " + json.message); } else { log(data); } client.destroy(); }); client.on("close", function () { log("Rpc communication finished"); }); } function startRpc() { const __dirname__ = process.cwd(); let args = []; if (AITSYS_RPC.Param.SteamAppId != null && AITSYS_RPC.Param.SteamAppId != "") { args.push("--sapp"); args.push(AITSYS_RPC.Param.SteamAppId); } args.push("--dapp"); args.push(AITSYS_RPC.Param.DiscordAppId); child = childProccess.execFile( path.join(__dirname__, "/RPC Plugin", "/AITSYS.RpgMakerMv.Rpc.exe"), args, (err, _stdout, _stderr) => { if (err) { console.error(err); alert(err); return; } } ); } function stopRpc() { if (child != null) { child.kill(); } } enableRpc(false); window.callRpc = function (data) { setRPC(data); }; window.stopRpc = function () { stopRpc(); }; window.enableRpc = function (start = false) { enableRpc(start); }; function enableRpc(start = true) { if (start) { startRpc(); } try { let startupData = JSON.stringify({ rpc_cmd: 1, rpc_data: { large_asset_key: AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetKey, large_asset_text: AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetText, small_asset_key: AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetKey, small_asset_text: AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetText, details: AITSYS_RPC.Param.Details, state: AITSYS_RPC.Param.State, }, }); let startupConfig = JSON.stringify({ rpc_cmd: 0, rpc_config: { use_button_one: AITSYS_RPC.Param.UseButtonOne, use_button_two: AITSYS_RPC.Param.UseButtonTwo, button_one_config: { label: AITSYS_RPC.Param.LabelOne, url: AITSYS_RPC.Param.UrlOne, }, button_two_config: { label: AITSYS_RPC.Param.LabelTwo, url: AITSYS_RPC.Param.UrlTwo, }, }, }); setRPC(startupConfig); setRPC(startupData); } catch (e) { console.trace("Rpc communication failed"); } var gmset = Game_Map.prototype.setup; Game_Map.prototype.setup = function (mid) { gmset.call(this, mid); var currentMap = $dataMapInfos[$gameMap._mapId]; if (currentMap.name != null) { if (currentMap.params.length != 0) { if (currentMap.params[0].type == "rpc") { var data = currentMap.params[0].data; var jsonData = JSON.stringify({ rpc_cmd: 1, rpc_data: { large_asset_key: data.large_asset_key ?? AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetKey, large_asset_text: data.large_asset_text ?? AITSYS_RPC.Param.LargeAssetText, small_asset_key: data.small_asset_key ?? AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetKey, small_asset_text: data.small_asset_text ?? AITSYS_RPC.Param.SmallAssetText, details: data.details, state: data.state, }, }); try { setRPC(jsonData); } catch (e) { console.trace("Rpc communication failed"); } } } } }; } })();