diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs index c5ca85171..37e5bdc4b 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs @@ -1,927 +1,930 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.Enums; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.EventHandling; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; namespace DisCatSharp.Interactivity { /// /// Extension class for DSharpPlus.Interactivity /// public class InteractivityExtension : BaseExtension { #pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles /// /// Gets the config. /// internal InteractivityConfiguration Config { get; } private EventWaiter MessageCreatedWaiter; private EventWaiter MessageReactionAddWaiter; private EventWaiter TypingStartWaiter; private EventWaiter ComponentInteractionWaiter; private ComponentEventWaiter ComponentEventWaiter; private ReactionCollector ReactionCollector; private Poller Poller; private Paginator Paginator; private ComponentPaginator _compPaginator; #pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The configuration. internal InteractivityExtension(InteractivityConfiguration cfg) { this.Config = new InteractivityConfiguration(cfg); } /// /// Setups the Interactivity Extension. /// /// Discord client. protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { this.Client = client; this.MessageCreatedWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.MessageReactionAddWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.ComponentInteractionWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.TypingStartWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.Poller = new Poller(this.Client); this.ReactionCollector = new ReactionCollector(this.Client); this.Paginator = new Paginator(this.Client); this._compPaginator = new(this.Client, this.Config); this.ComponentEventWaiter = new(this.Client, this.Config); } /// /// Makes a poll and returns poll results. /// /// Message to create poll on. /// Emojis to use for this poll. /// What to do when the poll ends. /// override timeout period. /// public async Task> DoPollAsync(DiscordMessage m, IEnumerable emojis, PollBehaviour? behaviour = default, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); if (!emojis.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You need to provide at least one emoji for a poll!"); foreach (var em in emojis) await m.CreateReactionAsync(em).ConfigureAwait(false); var res = await this.Poller.DoPollAsync(new PollRequest(m, timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout, emojis)).ConfigureAwait(false); var pollbehaviour = behaviour ?? this.Config.PollBehaviour; var thismember = await m.Channel.Guild.GetMemberAsync(this.Client.CurrentUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); if (pollbehaviour == PollBehaviour.DeleteEmojis && m.Channel.PermissionsFor(thismember).HasPermission(Permissions.ManageMessages)) await m.DeleteAllReactionsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return new ReadOnlyCollection(res.ToList()); } /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// Override the timeout period in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, buttons, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!buttons.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You must specify at least one button to listen for."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Provided Message does not contain any button components."); var res = await this.ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && buttons.Any(b => b.CustomId == c.Id), token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new(res is null, res); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var ids = message.Components.SelectMany(m => m.Components).Select(c => c.CustomId); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && ids.Contains(c.Id), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, user, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.User == user, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().Any(c => c.CustomId == id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain button with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// Override the timeout specified in public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// A token to cancel interactivity with at any time. Pass to wait indefinitely. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// A token that can be used to cancel interactivity. Pass to wait indefinitely. /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// This is here for backwards-compatibility and will internally create a cancellation token. /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().Any(c => c.CustomId == id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select component with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, user, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().Any(c => c.CustomId == id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Id == id && c.User == user, token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a specific message. /// /// Predicate to match. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForMessageAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasMessageIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No message intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.MessageCreatedWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(x => predicate(x.Message), timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns?.Message); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// /// Predicate to match. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.MessageReactionAddWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Predicate to match. /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// predicate to match. /// User that made the reaction. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Channel the user is typing in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for any user to start typing. /// /// Channel to type in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForTypingAsync(DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Collects reactions on a specific message. /// /// Message to collect reactions on. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectReactionsAsync(DiscordMessage m, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var collection = await this.ReactionCollector.CollectAsync(new ReactionCollectRequest(m, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return collection; } /// /// Waits for specific event args to be received. Make sure the appropriate are registered, if needed. /// /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(res == null, res); } /// /// Collects the event arguments. /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.CollectMatchesAsync(new CollectRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return res; } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new(bts); - if (this.Config.PaginationBehaviour is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) + if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) { bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); bts.Left.Disable(); } var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); var message = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var req = new ButtonPaginationRequest(message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages.ToArray(), token == default ? this.GetCancellationToken() : token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// Override timeout period. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, buttons, behaviour, deletion, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutoverride)); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// The token. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, default, behaviour, deletion, token); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// The timeoutoverride. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, timeoutoverride, behaviour, deletion); /// /// Sends a paginated message. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Channel to send paginated message in. /// User to give control. /// Pages. /// Pagination emojis. /// Pagination behaviour (when hitting max and min indices). /// Deletion behaviour. /// Override timeout period. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationEmojis emojis, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, PaginationDeletion? deletion = default, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed); var m = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.PaginationDeletion; var ems = emojis ?? this.Config.PaginationEmojis; var prequest = new PaginationRequest(m, user, bhv, del, ems, timeout, pages.ToArray()); await this.Paginator.DoPaginationAsync(prequest).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message in response to an interaction. /// /// Pass the interaction directly. Interactivity will ACK it. /// /// /// The interaction to create a response to. /// Whether the response should be ephemeral. /// The user to listen for button presses from. /// The pages to paginate. /// Optional: custom buttons /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedResponseAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, bool ephemeral, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons = null, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new(bts); - bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); - bts.Left.Disable(); + if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) + { + bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); + bts.Left.Disable(); + } var builder = new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .AddEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AsEphemeral(ephemeral) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, builder).ConfigureAwait(false); var message = await interaction.GetOriginalResponseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var req = new InteractionPaginationRequest(interaction, message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages, token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Waits for a custom pagination request to finish. /// This does NOT handle removing emojis after finishing for you. /// /// /// public async Task WaitForCustomPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this.Paginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for custom button-based pagination request to finish. ///
/// This does not invoke . ///
/// The request to wait for. public async Task WaitForCustomComponentPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message content. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInContent(string input, SplitType splittype = SplitType.Character) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splittype) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += subsplit[i]; if (i >= 15 && i % 15 == 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (split.All(x => x != s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page($"Page {page}:\n{s}")); page++; } return result; } /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message embeds. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// Base embed for output embeds. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInEmbed(string input, SplitType splittype = SplitType.Character, DiscordEmbedBuilder embedbase = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var embed = embedbase ?? new DiscordEmbedBuilder(); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splittype) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += $"{subsplit[i]}\n"; if (i % 15 == 0 && i != 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (!split.Any(x => x == s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page("", new DiscordEmbedBuilder(embed).WithDescription(s).WithFooter($"Page {page}/{split.Count}"))); page++; } return result; } /// /// Splits the string. /// /// The string. /// The chunk size. private List SplitString(string str, int chunkSize) { var res = new List(); var len = str.Length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var size = Math.Min(len - i, chunkSize); res.Add(str.Substring(i, size)); i += size; } return res; } /// /// Gets the cancellation token. /// /// The timeout. private CancellationToken GetCancellationToken(TimeSpan? timeout = null) => new CancellationTokenSource(timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout).Token; /// /// Handles an invalid interaction. /// /// The interaction. private async Task HandleInvalidInteraction(DiscordInteraction interaction) { var at = this.Config.ResponseBehavior switch { InteractionResponseBehavior.Ack => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate), InteractionResponseBehavior.Respond => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new() { Content = this.Config.ResponseMessage, IsEphemeral = true}), InteractionResponseBehavior.Ignore => Task.CompletedTask, _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unknown enum value.") }; await at; } } }