diff --git a/BUILDING.md b/BUILDING.md index 970e8a32d..1571f043c 100644 --- a/BUILDING.md +++ b/BUILDING.md @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ # Building DisCatSharp These are detailed instructions on how to build the DisCatSharp library under various environmnets. It is recommended you have prior experience with multi-target .NET Core/Standard projects, as well as the `dotnet` CLI utility, and MSBuild. ## Requirements In order to build the library, you will first need to install some software. ### Windows On Windows, we only officially support Visual Studio 2019 16.10 or newer. Visual Studio Code and other IDEs might work, but are generally not supported or even guaranteed to work properly. * **Windows 10** - while we support running the library on Windows 7 and above, we only support building on Windows 10 and better. * [**Git for Windows**](https://git-scm.com/download/win) - required to clone the repository. * [**Visual Studio 2019**](https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/) - community edition or better. We do not support Visual Studio 2017 and older. Note that to build the library, you need Visual Studio 2019 version 16.10 or newer. * **Workloads**: * **.NET Framework Desktop** - required to build .NETFX (4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 targets) * **.NET Core Cross-Platform Development** - required to build .NET Standard targets (1.1, 1.3, and 2.0) and the project overall. * **Individual Components**: * **.NET Framework 4.5 SDK** - required for .NETFX 4.5 target * **.NET Framework 4.6 SDK** - required for .NETFX 4.6 target * **.NET Framework 4.7 SDK** - required for .NETFX 4.7 target * [**.NET Core SDK 3.1**](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download) - required to build the project. * **Windows PowerShell** - required to run the build scripts. You need to make sure your script execution policy allows execution of unsigned scripts. ### GNU/Linux On GNU/Linux, we support building via Visual Studio Code and .NET Core SDK. Other IDEs might work, but are not supported or guaranteed to work properly. While these should apply to any modern distribution, we only test against Debian 10. Your mileage may vary. When installing the below, make sure you install all the dependencies properly. We might ship a build environmnent as a docker container in the future. * **Any modern GNU/Linux distribution** - like Debian 10. * **Git** - to clone the repository. * [**Visual Studio Code**](https://code.visualstudio.com/Download) - a recent version is required. * **C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp)** - required for syntax highlighting and basic Intellisense * [**.NET Core SDK 3.1**](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download) - required to build the project. * [**Mono 5.x**](http://www.mono-project.com/download/#download-lin) - required to build the .NETFX 4.5, 4.6, and 4.7 targets, as well as to build the docs. * [**PowerShell Core**](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-core-on-linux?view=powershell-7.1) - required to execute the build scripts. * **p7zip-full** - required to package docs. ## Instructions Once you install all the necessary prerequisites, you can proceed to building. These instructions assume you have already cloned the repository. ### Windows Building on Windows is relatively easy. There's 2 ways to build the project: #### Building through Visual Studio Building through Visual Studio yields just binaries you can use in your projects. 1. Open the solution in Visual Studio. 2. Set the configuration to Release. 3. Select Build > Build Solution to build the project. -4. Select Build > Publish DSharpPlus to publish the binaries. +4. Select Build > Publish DisCatSharp to publish the binaries. #### Building with the build script Building this way outputs NuGet packages, and a documentation package. Ensure you have an internet connection available, as the script will install programs necessary to build the documentation. 1. Open PowerShell and navigate to the directory which you cloned DisCatSharp to. 2. Execute `.\s_oneclick-rebuild-all.ps1 -configuration Release` and wait for the script to finish execution. 3. Once it's done, the artifacts will be available in *dcs-artifacts* directory, next to the directory to which the repository is cloned. ### GNU/Linux When all necessary prerequisites are installed, you can proceed to building. There are technically 2 ways to build the library, though both of them perform the same steps, they are just invoked slightly differently. #### Through Visual Studio Code 1. Open Visual Studio Code and open the folder to which you cloned DisCatSharp as your workspace. 2. Select Build > Run Task... 3. Select `buildRelease` task and wait for it to finish. 4. The artifacts will be placed in *dcs-artifacts* directory, next to whoch the repository is cloned. #### Through PowerShell 1. Open PowerShell (`pwsh`) and navigate to the directory which you cloned DisCatSharp to. 2. Execute `.\s_oneclick-rebuild-all.ps1 -configuration Release` and wait for the script to finish execution. 3. Once it's done, the artifacts will be available in *dcs-artifacts* directory, next to the directory to which the repository is cloned. diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/basics/first_bot.md b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/basics/first_bot.md index 46429c2cb..d232238d1 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/basics/first_bot.md +++ b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/basics/first_bot.md @@ -1,226 +1,226 @@ --- uid: basics_first_bot title: Your First Bot --- # Your First Bot >[!NOTE] > This article assumes the following: > * You have [created a bot account](xref:basics_bot_account "Creating a Bot Account") and have a bot token. > * You have [Visual Studio 2019](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/) installed on your computer. ## Create a Project Open up Visual Studio and click on `Create a new project` towards the bottom right. ![Visual Studio Start Screen](/images/basics_first_bot_01.png)
Select `Console App (.NET Core)` then click on the `Next` button. ![New Project Screen](/images/basics_first_bot_02.png)
Next, you'll give your project a name. For this example, we'll name it `MyFirstBot`.
If you'd like, you can also change the directory that your project will be created in. Enter your desired project name, then click on the `Create` button. ![Name Project Screen](/images/basics_first_bot_03.png)
VoilĂ ! Your project has been created! ![Visual Studio IDE](/images/basics_first_bot_04.png) ## Install Package Now that you have a project created, you'll want to get DisCatSharp installed. Locate the *solution explorer* on the right side, then right click on `Dependencies` and select `Manage NuGet Packages` from the context menu. ![Dependencies Context Menu](/images/basics_first_bot_05.png)
You'll then be greeted by the NuGet package manager. Select the `Browse` tab towards the top left, then type `DisCatSharp` into the search text box with the Pre-release checkbox checked **ON**. ![NuGet Package Search](/images/basics_first_bot_06.png)
The first results should be the six DisCatSharp packages. ![Search Results](/images/basics_first_bot_07.png) Package|Description :---: |:---: `DisCatSharp`|Main package; Discord API client. `DisCatSharp.CommandsNext`|Add-on which provides a command framework. `DisCatSharp.Common`|Common tools & converters `DisCatSharp.Interactivity`|Add-on which allows for interactive commands. `DisCatSharp.Lavalink`|Client implementation for [Lavalink](xref:audio_lavalink_setup). Useful for music bots. `DisCatSharp.SlashCommands`|Add-on which makes dealing with slash commands easyer. `DisCatSharp.VoiceNext`|Add-on which enables connectivity to Discord voice channels. `DisCatSharp.VoiceNext.Natives`|Voice next natives.
We'll only need the `DisCatSharp` package for the basic bot we'll be writing in this article.
Select it from the list then click the `Install` button to the right (after verifing that you will be installing the **latest 4.0 version**). -![Install DSharpPlus](/images/basics_first_bot_08.png) +![Install DisCatSharp](/images/basics_first_bot_08.png) You're now ready to write some code! ## First Lines of Code DisCatSharp implements [Task-based Asynchronous Pattern](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/asynchronous-programming-patterns/consuming-the-task-based-asynchronous-pattern). Because of this, the majority of DisCatSharp methods must be executed in a method marked as `async` so they can be properly `await`ed. Due to the way the compiler generates the underlying [IL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Intermediate_Language) code, marking our `Main` method as `async` has the potential to cause problems. As a result, we must pass the program execution to an `async` method. Head back to your *Program.cs* tab and empty the `Main` method by deleting line 9. ![Code Editor](/images/basics_first_bot_09.png) Now, create a new `static` method named `MainAsync` beneath your `Main` method. Have it return type `Task` and mark it as `async`. After that, add `MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();` to your `Main` method. ```cs static void Main(string[] args) { MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } static async Task MainAsync() { } ``` If you typed this in by hand, Intellisense should have generated the required `using` directive for you.
However, if you copy-pasted the snippet above, VS will complain about being unable to find the `Task` type. Hover over `Task` with your mouse and click on `Show potential fixes` from the tooltip. ![Error Tooltip](/images/basics_first_bot_10.png) Then apply the recommended solution. ![Solution Menu](/images/basics_first_bot_11.png)
We'll now create a new `DiscordClient` instance in our brand new asynchronous method. Create a new variable in `MainAsync` and assign it a new `DiscordClient` instance, then pass an instance of `DiscordConfiguration` to its constructor. Create an object initializer for `DiscordConfiguration` and populate the `Token` property with your bot token then set the `TokenType` property to `TokenType.Bot`. Next add the `Intents` Property and Populated it with the @DisCatSharp.DiscordIntents.AllUnprivileged value. These Intents are required for certain Events to be fired. Please visit this [article](xref:beyond_basics_intents) for more information. ```cs var discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration() { Token = "My First Token", TokenType = TokenType.Bot, Intents = DiscordIntents.AllUnprivileged }); ``` >[!WARNING] > We hard-code the token in the above snippet to keep things simple and easy to understand. > > Hard-coding your token is *not* a smart idea, especially if you plan on distributing your source code. > Instead you should store your token in an external medium, such as a configuration file or environment variable, and read that into your program to be used with DisCatSharp. Follow that up with `await discord.ConnectAsync();` to connect and login to Discord, and `await Task.Delay(-1);` at the end of the method to prevent the console window from closing prematurely. ```cs var discord = new DiscordClient(); await discord.ConnectAsync(); await Task.Delay(-1); ``` As before, Intellisense will have auto generated the needed `using` directive for you if you typed this in by hand.
If you've copied the snippet, be sure to apply the recommended suggestion to insert the required directive. If you hit `F5` on your keyboard to compile and run your program, you'll be greeted by a happy little console with a single log message from DisCatSharp. Woo hoo! ![Program Console](/images/basics_first_bot_12.png) ## Spicing Up Your Bot Right now our bot doesn't do a whole lot. Let's bring it to life by having it respond to a message! Hook the `MessageCreated` event fired by `DiscordClient` with a [lambda](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/lambda-expressions).
Mark it as `async` and give it two parameters: `s` and `e`. ```cs discord.MessageCreated += async (s, e) => { }; ``` Then, add an `if` statement into the body of your event lambda that will check if `e.Message.Content` starts with your desired trigger word and respond with a message using `e.Message.RespondAsync` if it does. For this example, we'll have the bot to respond with *pong!* for each message that starts with *ping*. ```cs discord.MessageCreated += async (s, e) => { if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("ping")) await e.Message.RespondAsync("pong!"); }; ``` ## The Finished Product Your entire program should now look like this: ```cs using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp; namespace MyFirstBot { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { MainAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } static async Task MainAsync() { var discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration() { Token = "My First Token", TokenType = TokenType.Bot }); discord.MessageCreated += async (s, e) => { if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("ping")) await e.Message.RespondAsync("pong!"); }; await discord.ConnectAsync(); await Task.Delay(-1); } } } ``` Hit `F5` to run your bot, then send *ping* in any channel your bot account has access to.
Your bot should respond with *pong!* for each *ping* you send. Congrats, your bot now does something! ![Bot Response](/images/basics_first_bot_13.png) ## Further Reading Now that you have a basic bot up and running, you should take a look at the following: * [Events](xref:beyond_basics_events) * [CommandsNext](xref:commands_intro) diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/misc/reporting_issues.md b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/misc/reporting_issues.md index a95dd7152..9dfbf43c9 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/misc/reporting_issues.md +++ b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/misc/reporting_issues.md @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ --- uid: misc_reporting_issues title: Reporting Issues --- # I broke something, and I need it fixed! -We always try to fix bugs, and make sure that when we release the next version of DSharpPlus-NextGen, everything is polished and +We always try to fix bugs, and make sure that when we release the next version of DisCatSharp, everything is polished and working. However, DisCatSharp is a large codebase, and we can't always catch all the bugs, or notice all the regressions that happen while we fix bugs or implement new issues. ## Issue tracker If you find a bug, come up with a new idea, or just want to report something, you can open an ticket on our support [server](https://discord.gg/discatsharp). [Issue Tracker](https://aitsys.dev/project/view/1/ "DisCatSharp issues"). When reporting an issue, make sure to include as much detail as possible. If at all possible, please include: * Steps to reproduce the issue * What were you trying to achieve * Expected/actual result * Stack traces, exception types, messages * Attempted solutions ## Contributing Lastly, while we understand that not everyone is an expert programmer, we would appreciate it if you could fix any issues you find and submit a Pull Request on GitHub. This would reduce the amount of work we would have to do. When contributing, ensure your code matches the style of the rest of the library, and that you test the changes you make, and catch any possible regressions. diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs index ad961fef8..d19faa882 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs @@ -1,930 +1,930 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.Enums; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.EventHandling; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using System.Threading; using System.Globalization; namespace DisCatSharp.Interactivity { /// - /// Extension class for DSharpPlus.Interactivity + /// Extension class for DisCatSharp.Interactivity /// public class InteractivityExtension : BaseExtension { #pragma warning disable IDE1006 // Naming Styles /// /// Gets the config. /// internal InteractivityConfiguration Config { get; } private EventWaiter MessageCreatedWaiter; private EventWaiter MessageReactionAddWaiter; private EventWaiter TypingStartWaiter; private EventWaiter ComponentInteractionWaiter; private ComponentEventWaiter ComponentEventWaiter; private ReactionCollector ReactionCollector; private Poller Poller; private Paginator Paginator; private ComponentPaginator _compPaginator; #pragma warning restore IDE1006 // Naming Styles /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The configuration. internal InteractivityExtension(InteractivityConfiguration cfg) { this.Config = new InteractivityConfiguration(cfg); } /// /// Setups the Interactivity Extension. /// /// Discord client. protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { this.Client = client; this.MessageCreatedWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.MessageReactionAddWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.ComponentInteractionWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.TypingStartWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this.Poller = new Poller(this.Client); this.ReactionCollector = new ReactionCollector(this.Client); this.Paginator = new Paginator(this.Client); this._compPaginator = new(this.Client, this.Config); this.ComponentEventWaiter = new(this.Client, this.Config); } /// /// Makes a poll and returns poll results. /// /// Message to create poll on. /// Emojis to use for this poll. /// What to do when the poll ends. /// override timeout period. /// public async Task> DoPollAsync(DiscordMessage m, IEnumerable emojis, PollBehaviour? behaviour = default, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); if (!emojis.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You need to provide at least one emoji for a poll!"); foreach (var em in emojis) await m.CreateReactionAsync(em).ConfigureAwait(false); var res = await this.Poller.DoPollAsync(new PollRequest(m, timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout, emojis)).ConfigureAwait(false); var pollbehaviour = behaviour ?? this.Config.PollBehaviour; var thismember = await m.Channel.Guild.GetMemberAsync(this.Client.CurrentUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); if (pollbehaviour == PollBehaviour.DeleteEmojis && m.Channel.PermissionsFor(thismember).HasPermission(Permissions.ManageMessages)) await m.DeleteAllReactionsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return new ReadOnlyCollection(res.ToList()); } /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// Override the timeout period in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, buttons, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!buttons.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You must specify at least one button to listen for."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Provided Message does not contain any button components."); var res = await this.ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && buttons.Any(b => b.CustomId == c.Id), token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new(res is null, res); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var ids = message.Components.SelectMany(m => m.Components).Select(c => c.CustomId); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && ids.Contains(c.Id), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, user, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.User == user, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().Any(c => c.CustomId == id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain button with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// Override the timeout specified in public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// A token to cancel interactivity with at any time. Pass to wait indefinitely. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// A token that can be used to cancel interactivity. Pass to wait indefinitely. /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// This is here for backwards-compatibility and will internally create a cancellation token. /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().All(c => c.CustomId != id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select component with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, user, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().All(c => c.CustomId != id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this .ComponentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new(message, (c) => c.Id == id && c.User == user, token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a specific message. /// /// Predicate to match. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForMessageAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasMessageIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No message intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.MessageCreatedWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(x => predicate(x.Message), timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns?.Message); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// /// Predicate to match. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.MessageReactionAddWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Predicate to match. /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// predicate to match. /// User that made the reaction. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id, timeoutoverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Channel the user is typing in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for any user to start typing. /// /// Channel to type in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForTypingAsync(DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this.TypingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Collects reactions on a specific message. /// /// Message to collect reactions on. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectReactionsAsync(DiscordMessage m, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var collection = await this.ReactionCollector.CollectAsync(new ReactionCollectRequest(m, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return collection; } /// /// Waits for specific event args to be received. Make sure the appropriate are registered, if needed. /// /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(res == null, res); } /// /// Collects the event arguments. /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.CollectMatchesAsync(new CollectRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return res; } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new(bts); if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) { bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); bts.Left.Disable(); } var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); var message = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var req = new ButtonPaginationRequest(message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages.ToArray(), token == default ? this.GetCancellationToken() : token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// Override timeout period. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, buttons, behaviour, deletion, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutoverride)); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// The token. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, default, behaviour, deletion, token); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// The timeoutoverride. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, timeoutoverride, behaviour, deletion); /// /// Sends a paginated message. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Channel to send paginated message in. /// User to give control. /// Pages. /// Pagination emojis. /// Pagination behaviour (when hitting max and min indices). /// Deletion behaviour. /// Override timeout period. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationEmojis emojis, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, PaginationDeletion? deletion = default, TimeSpan? timeoutoverride = null) { var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed); var m = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var timeout = timeoutoverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.PaginationDeletion; var ems = emojis ?? this.Config.PaginationEmojis; var prequest = new PaginationRequest(m, user, bhv, del, ems, timeout, pages.ToArray()); await this.Paginator.DoPaginationAsync(prequest).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message in response to an interaction. /// /// Pass the interaction directly. Interactivity will ACK it. /// /// /// The interaction to create a response to. /// Whether the response should be ephemeral. /// The user to listen for button presses from. /// The pages to paginate. /// Optional: custom buttons /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedResponseAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, bool ephemeral, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons = null, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new(bts); if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) { bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); bts.Left.Disable(); } var builder = new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .AddEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AsEphemeral(ephemeral) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, builder).ConfigureAwait(false); var message = await interaction.GetOriginalResponseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var req = new InteractionPaginationRequest(interaction, message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages, token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Waits for a custom pagination request to finish. /// This does NOT handle removing emojis after finishing for you. /// /// /// public async Task WaitForCustomPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this.Paginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for custom button-based pagination request to finish. ///
/// This does not invoke . ///
/// The request to wait for. public async Task WaitForCustomComponentPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message content. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInContent(string input, SplitType splittype = SplitType.Character) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splittype) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += subsplit[i]; if (i >= 15 && i % 15 == 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (split.All(x => x != s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page($"Page {page}:\n{s}")); page++; } return result; } /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message embeds. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// Base embed for output embeds. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInEmbed(string input, SplitType splittype = SplitType.Character, DiscordEmbedBuilder embedbase = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var embed = embedbase ?? new DiscordEmbedBuilder(); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splittype) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += $"{subsplit[i]}\n"; if (i % 15 == 0 && i != 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (!split.Any(x => x == s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page("", new DiscordEmbedBuilder(embed).WithDescription(s).WithFooter($"Page {page}/{split.Count}"))); page++; } return result; } /// /// Splits the string. /// /// The string. /// The chunk size. private List SplitString(string str, int chunkSize) { var res = new List(); var len = str.Length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var size = Math.Min(len - i, chunkSize); res.Add(str.Substring(i, size)); i += size; } return res; } /// /// Gets the cancellation token. /// /// The timeout. private CancellationToken GetCancellationToken(TimeSpan? timeout = null) => new CancellationTokenSource(timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout).Token; /// /// Handles an invalid interaction. /// /// The interaction. private async Task HandleInvalidInteraction(DiscordInteraction interaction) { var at = this.Config.ResponseBehavior switch { InteractionResponseBehavior.Ack => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate), InteractionResponseBehavior.Respond => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new() { Content = this.Config.ResponseMessage, IsEphemeral = true}), InteractionResponseBehavior.Ignore => Task.CompletedTask, _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unknown enum value.") }; await at; } } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkRestClient.cs b/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkRestClient.cs index 5a6a013a7..98e9d1add 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkRestClient.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkRestClient.cs @@ -1,423 +1,424 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Lavalink.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Net; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace DisCatSharp.Lavalink { /// /// Represents a class for Lavalink REST calls. /// public sealed class LavalinkRestClient { /// /// Gets the REST connection endpoint for this client. /// public ConnectionEndpoint RestEndpoint { get; private set; } private HttpClient _http; private readonly ILogger _logger; - private readonly Lazy _dsharpplusVersionString = new(() => + private readonly Lazy _dcsVersionString = new(() => { var a = typeof(DiscordClient).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; var iv = a.GetCustomAttribute(); if (iv != null) return iv.InformationalVersion; var v = a.GetName().Version; var vs = v.ToString(3); if (v.Revision > 0) vs = $"{vs}, CI build {v.Revision}"; return vs; }); /// /// Creates a new Lavalink REST client. /// /// The REST server endpoint to connect to. /// The password for the remote server. public LavalinkRestClient(ConnectionEndpoint restEndpoint, string password) { this.RestEndpoint = restEndpoint; this.ConfigureHttpHandling(password); } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The config. /// The client. internal LavalinkRestClient(LavalinkConfiguration config, BaseDiscordClient client) { this.RestEndpoint = config.RestEndpoint; this._logger = client.Logger; this.ConfigureHttpHandling(config.Password, client); } /// /// Gets the version of the Lavalink server. /// /// public Task GetVersionAsync() { var versionUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.VERSION}"); return this.InternalGetVersionAsync(versionUri); } #region Track_Loading /// /// Searches for specified terms. /// /// What to search for. /// What platform will search for. /// A collection of tracks matching the criteria. public Task GetTracksAsync(string searchQuery, LavalinkSearchType type = LavalinkSearchType.Youtube) { var prefix = type switch { LavalinkSearchType.Youtube => "ytsearch:", LavalinkSearchType.SoundCloud => "scsearch:", LavalinkSearchType.Plain => "", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null) }; var str = WebUtility.UrlEncode(prefix + searchQuery); var tracksUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.LOAD_TRACKS}?identifier={str}"); return this.InternalResolveTracksAsync(tracksUri); } /// /// Loads tracks from specified URL. /// /// URL to load tracks from. /// A collection of tracks from the URL. public Task GetTracksAsync(Uri uri) { var str = WebUtility.UrlEncode(uri.ToString()); var tracksUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.LOAD_TRACKS}?identifier={str}"); return this.InternalResolveTracksAsync(tracksUri); } /// /// Loads tracks from a local file. /// /// File to load tracks from. /// A collection of tracks from the file. public Task GetTracksAsync(FileInfo file) { var str = WebUtility.UrlEncode(file.FullName); var tracksUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.LOAD_TRACKS}?identifier={str}"); return this.InternalResolveTracksAsync(tracksUri); } /// /// Decodes a base64 track string into a Lavalink track object. /// /// The base64 track string. /// public Task DecodeTrackAsync(string trackString) { var str = WebUtility.UrlEncode(trackString); var decodeTrackUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.DECODE_TRACK}?track={str}"); return this.InternalDecodeTrackAsync(decodeTrackUri); } /// /// Decodes an array of base64 track strings into Lavalink track objects. /// /// The array of base64 track strings. /// public Task> DecodeTracksAsync(string[] trackStrings) { var decodeTracksUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.DECODE_TRACKS}"); return this.InternalDecodeTracksAsync(decodeTracksUri, trackStrings); } /// /// Decodes a list of base64 track strings into Lavalink track objects. /// /// The list of base64 track strings. /// public Task> DecodeTracksAsync(List trackStrings) { var decodeTracksUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.DECODE_TRACKS}"); return this.InternalDecodeTracksAsync(decodeTracksUri, trackStrings.ToArray()); } #endregion #region Route_Planner /// /// Retrieves statistics from the route planner. /// /// The status () details. public Task GetRoutePlannerStatusAsync() { var routeStatusUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.ROUTE_PLANNER}{Endpoints.STATUS}"); return this.InternalGetRoutePlannerStatusAsync(routeStatusUri); } /// /// Unmarks a failed route planner IP Address. /// /// The IP address name to unmark. /// public Task FreeAddressAsync(string address) { var routeFreeAddressUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.ROUTE_PLANNER}{Endpoints.FREE_ADDRESS}"); return this.InternalFreeAddressAsync(routeFreeAddressUri, address); } /// /// Unmarks all failed route planner IP Addresses. /// /// public Task FreeAllAddressesAsync() { var routeFreeAllAddressesUri = new Uri($"{this.RestEndpoint.ToHttpString()}{Endpoints.ROUTE_PLANNER}{Endpoints.FREE_ALL}"); return this.InternalFreeAllAddressesAsync(routeFreeAllAddressesUri); } #endregion /// /// get version async. /// /// The uri. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalGetVersionAsync(Uri uri) { using var req = await this._http.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false); using var res = await req.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); using var sr = new StreamReader(res, Utilities.UTF8); var json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return json; } #region Internal_Track_Loading /// /// resolve tracks async. /// /// The uri. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalResolveTracksAsync(Uri uri) { // this function returns a Lavalink 3-like dataset regardless of input data version var json = "[]"; using (var req = await this._http.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false)) using (var res = await req.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) using (var sr = new StreamReader(res, Utilities.UTF8)) json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var jdata = JToken.Parse(json); if (jdata is JArray jarr) { // Lavalink 2.x var tracks = new List(jarr.Count); foreach (var jt in jarr) { var track = jt["info"].ToObject(); track.TrackString = jt["track"].ToString(); tracks.Add(track); } return new LavalinkLoadResult { PlaylistInfo = default, LoadResultType = tracks.Count == 0 ? LavalinkLoadResultType.LoadFailed : LavalinkLoadResultType.TrackLoaded, Tracks = tracks }; } else if (jdata is JObject jo) { // Lavalink 3.x jarr = jo["tracks"] as JArray; var loadInfo = jo.ToObject(); var tracks = new List(jarr.Count); foreach (var jt in jarr) { var track = jt["info"].ToObject(); track.TrackString = jt["track"].ToString(); tracks.Add(track); } loadInfo.Tracks = new ReadOnlyCollection(tracks); return loadInfo; } else return null; } /// /// decode track async. /// /// The uri. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalDecodeTrackAsync(Uri uri) { using var req = await this._http.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false); using var res = await req.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); using var sr = new StreamReader(res, Utilities.UTF8); var json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!req.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var jsonError = JObject.Parse(json); this._logger?.LogError(LavalinkEvents.LavalinkDecodeError, "Unable to decode track strings: {0}", jsonError["message"]); return null; } var track = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); return track; } /// /// decode tracks async. /// /// The uri. /// The ids. /// A Task. internal async Task> InternalDecodeTracksAsync(Uri uri, string[] ids) { var jsonOut = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ids); var content = new StringContent(jsonOut, Utilities.UTF8, "application/json"); using var req = await this._http.PostAsync(uri, content).ConfigureAwait(false); using var res = await req.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); using var sr = new StreamReader(res, Utilities.UTF8); var jsonIn = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!req.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var jsonError = JObject.Parse(jsonIn); this._logger?.LogError(LavalinkEvents.LavalinkDecodeError, "Unable to decode track strings", jsonError["message"]); return null; } var jarr = JToken.Parse(jsonIn) as JArray; var decodedTracks = new LavalinkTrack[jarr.Count]; for (var i = 0; i < decodedTracks.Length; i++) { decodedTracks[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jarr[i]["info"].ToString()); decodedTracks[i].TrackString = jarr[i]["track"].ToString(); } var decodedTrackList = new ReadOnlyCollection(decodedTracks); return decodedTrackList; } #endregion #region Internal_Route_Planner /// /// get route planner status async. /// /// The uri. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalGetRoutePlannerStatusAsync(Uri uri) { using var req = await this._http.GetAsync(uri).ConfigureAwait(false); using var res = await req.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); using var sr = new StreamReader(res, Utilities.UTF8); var json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var status = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); return status; } /// /// free address async. /// /// The uri. /// The address. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalFreeAddressAsync(Uri uri, string address) { var payload = new StringContent(address, Utilities.UTF8, "application/json"); using var req = await this._http.PostAsync(uri, payload).ConfigureAwait(false); if (req.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) this._logger?.LogWarning(LavalinkEvents.LavalinkRestError, "Request to {0} returned an internal server error - your server route planner configuration is likely incorrect", uri); } /// /// free all addresses async. /// /// The uri. /// A Task. internal async Task InternalFreeAllAddressesAsync(Uri uri) { var httpReq = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, uri); using var req = await this._http.SendAsync(httpReq).ConfigureAwait(false); if (req.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) this._logger?.LogWarning(LavalinkEvents.LavalinkRestError, "Request to {0} returned an internal server error - your server route planner configuration is likely incorrect", uri); } #endregion /// /// Configures the http handling. /// /// The password. /// The client. private void ConfigureHttpHandling(string password, BaseDiscordClient client = null) { var httphandler = new HttpClientHandler { UseCookies = false, AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip, UseProxy = client != null && client.Configuration.Proxy != null }; if (httphandler.UseProxy) // because mono doesn't implement this properly httphandler.Proxy = client.Configuration.Proxy; this._http = new HttpClient(httphandler); - this._http.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", $"DisCatSharp.LavaLink/{this._dsharpplusVersionString}"); + this._http.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", $"DisCatSharp.LavaLink/{this._dcsVersionString}"); + this._http.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Client-Name", $"DisCatSharp"); this._http.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", password); } } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs index 17ef12fdd..0d8da0f32 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. namespace DisCatSharp { /// - /// Represents base for all DSharpPlus extensions. To implement your own extension, extend this class, and implement its abstract members. + /// Represents base for all DisCatSharp extensions. To implement your own extension, extend this class, and implement its abstract members. /// public abstract class BaseExtension { /// /// Gets the instance of this extension is attached to. /// public DiscordClient Client { get; protected set; } /// /// Initializes this extension for given instance. /// /// Discord client to initialize for. protected internal abstract void Setup(DiscordClient client); } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp/Clients/DiscordClient.Dispatch.cs b/DisCatSharp/Clients/DiscordClient.Dispatch.cs index df11ed7cf..7975296d3 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp/Clients/DiscordClient.Dispatch.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp/Clients/DiscordClient.Dispatch.cs @@ -1,3054 +1,3052 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Exceptions; using DisCatSharp.Net.Abstractions; using DisCatSharp.Net.Serialization; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace DisCatSharp { /// /// Represents a discord client. /// public sealed partial class DiscordClient { #region Private Fields private string _sessionId; private bool _guildDownloadCompleted = false; #endregion #region Dispatch Handler /// /// Handles the dispatch. /// /// The payload. internal async Task HandleDispatchAsync(GatewayPayload payload) { if (payload.Data is not JObject dat) { this.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.WebSocketReceive, "Invalid payload body (this message is probably safe to ignore); opcode: {0} event: {1}; payload: {2}", payload.OpCode, payload.EventName, payload.Data); return; } await this._payloadReceived.InvokeAsync(this, new(this.ServiceProvider) { EventName = payload.EventName, PayloadObject = dat }).ConfigureAwait(false); DiscordChannel chn; ulong gid; ulong cid; DiscordStageInstance stg = default; DiscordIntegration itg = default; DiscordThreadChannel trd = default; DiscordThreadChannelMember trdm = default; DiscordEvent gse = default; TransportUser usr = default; TransportMember mbr = default; TransportUser refUsr = default; TransportMember refMbr = default; JToken rawMbr = default; var rawRefMsg = dat["referenced_message"]; switch (payload.EventName.ToLowerInvariant()) { #region Gateway Status case "ready": var glds = (JArray)dat["guilds"]; await this.OnReadyEventAsync(dat.ToObject(), glds).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "resumed": await this.OnResumedAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Channel case "channel_create": chn = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnChannelCreateEventAsync(chn).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "channel_update": await this.OnChannelUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "channel_delete": chn = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnChannelDeleteEventAsync(chn.IsPrivate ? dat.ToObject() : chn).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "channel_pins_update": cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; var ts = (string)dat["last_pin_timestamp"]; await this.OnChannelPinsUpdateAsync((ulong?)dat["guild_id"], cid, ts != null ? DateTimeOffset.Parse(ts, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : default(DateTimeOffset?)).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Guild case "guild_create": await this.OnGuildCreateEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject(), (JArray)dat["members"], dat["presences"].ToDiscordObject>()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_update": await this.OnGuildUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject(), (JArray)dat["members"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_delete": await this.OnGuildDeleteEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_sync": gid = (ulong)dat["id"]; await this.OnGuildSyncEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], (bool)dat["large"], (JArray)dat["members"], dat["presences"].ToDiscordObject>()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_emojis_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; var ems = dat["emojis"].ToObject>(); await this.OnGuildEmojisUpdateEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], ems).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_stickers_update": var strs = dat["stickers"].ToDiscordObject>(); await this.OnStickersUpdatedAsync(strs, dat).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_integrations_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; // discord fires this event inconsistently if the current user leaves a guild. if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(gid)) return; await this.OnGuildIntegrationsUpdateEventAsync(this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; /* Ok soooo.. this isn't documented yet It seems to be part of the next version of membership screening (https://discord.com/channels/641574644578648068/689591708962652289/845836910991507486) - Previews: https://github.com/DSharpPlus/DSharpPlus/pull/890#issuecomment-846464105 - advaith said the following (https://discord.com/channels/641574644578648068/689591708962652289/845838160047112202): > iirc it happens when a user leaves a server where they havent completed screening yet We have to wait till it's documented, but the fields are: { "user_id": "snowflake_user", "guild_id": "snowflake_guild" } We could handle it rn, but due to the fact that it isn't documented, it's not an good idea. */ case "guild_join_request_delete": break; #endregion #region Guild Ban case "guild_ban_add": usr = dat["user"].ToObject(); gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildBanAddEventAsync(usr, this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_ban_remove": usr = dat["user"].ToObject(); gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildBanRemoveEventAsync(usr, this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Guild Event case "guild_scheduled_event_create": gse = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnGuildScheduledEventCreateEventAsync(gse).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_scheduled_event_update": gse = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnGuildScheduledEventUpdateEventAsync(gse).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_scheduled_event_delete": gse = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnGuildScheduledEventDeleteEventAsync(gse).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Guild Integration case "integration_create": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; itg = dat.ToObject(); // discord fires this event inconsistently if the current user leaves a guild. if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(gid)) return; await this.OnGuildIntegrationCreateEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], itg).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "integration_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; itg = dat.ToObject(); // discord fires this event inconsistently if the current user leaves a guild. if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(gid)) return; await this.OnGuildIntegrationUpdateEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], itg).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "integration_delete": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; // discord fires this event inconsistently if the current user leaves a guild. if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(gid)) return; await this.OnGuildIntegrationDeleteEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], (ulong)dat["id"], (ulong?)dat["application_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Guild Member case "guild_member_add": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildMemberAddEventAsync(dat.ToObject(), this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_member_remove": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; usr = dat["user"].ToObject(); if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(gid)) { // discord fires this event inconsistently if the current user leaves a guild. if (usr.Id != this.CurrentUser.Id) this.Logger.LogError(LoggerEvents.WebSocketReceive, "Could not find {0} in guild cache", gid); return; } await this.OnGuildMemberRemoveEventAsync(usr, this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_member_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildMemberUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject(), this._guilds[gid], dat["roles"].ToObject>(), (string)dat["nick"], (bool?)dat["pending"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_members_chunk": await this.OnGuildMembersChunkEventAsync(dat).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Guild Role case "guild_role_create": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildRoleCreateEventAsync(dat["role"].ToObject(), this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_role_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildRoleUpdateEventAsync(dat["role"].ToObject(), this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_role_delete": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnGuildRoleDeleteEventAsync((ulong)dat["role_id"], this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Invite case "invite_create": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; await this.OnInviteCreateEventAsync(cid, gid, dat.ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "invite_delete": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; await this.OnInviteDeleteEventAsync(cid, gid, dat).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Message case "message_ack": cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; var mid = (ulong)dat["message_id"]; await this.OnMessageAckEventAsync(this.InternalGetCachedChannel(cid), mid).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_create": rawMbr = dat["member"]; if (rawMbr != null) mbr = rawMbr.ToObject(); if (rawRefMsg != null && rawRefMsg.HasValues) { if (rawRefMsg.SelectToken("author") != null) { refUsr = rawRefMsg.SelectToken("author").ToObject(); } if (rawRefMsg.SelectToken("member") != null) { refMbr = rawRefMsg.SelectToken("member").ToObject(); } } await this.OnMessageCreateEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject(), dat["author"].ToObject(), mbr, refUsr, refMbr).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_update": rawMbr = dat["member"]; if (rawMbr != null) mbr = rawMbr.ToObject(); if (rawRefMsg != null && rawRefMsg.HasValues) { if (rawRefMsg.SelectToken("author") != null) { refUsr = rawRefMsg.SelectToken("author").ToObject(); } if (rawRefMsg.SelectToken("member") != null) { refMbr = rawRefMsg.SelectToken("member").ToObject(); } } await this.OnMessageUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToDiscordObject(), dat["author"]?.ToObject(), mbr, refUsr, refMbr).ConfigureAwait(false); break; // delete event does *not* include message object case "message_delete": await this.OnMessageDeleteEventAsync((ulong)dat["id"], (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_delete_bulk": await this.OnMessageBulkDeleteEventAsync(dat["ids"].ToObject(), (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Message Reaction case "message_reaction_add": rawMbr = dat["member"]; if (rawMbr != null) mbr = rawMbr.ToObject(); await this.OnMessageReactionAddAsync((ulong)dat["user_id"], (ulong)dat["message_id"], (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong?)dat["guild_id"], mbr, dat["emoji"].ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_reaction_remove": await this.OnMessageReactionRemoveAsync((ulong)dat["user_id"], (ulong)dat["message_id"], (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong?)dat["guild_id"], dat["emoji"].ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_reaction_remove_all": await this.OnMessageReactionRemoveAllAsync((ulong)dat["message_id"], (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "message_reaction_remove_emoji": await this.OnMessageReactionRemoveEmojiAsync((ulong)dat["message_id"], (ulong)dat["channel_id"], (ulong)dat["guild_id"], dat["emoji"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Stage Instance case "stage_instance_create": stg = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnStageInstanceCreateEventAsync(stg).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "stage_instance_update": stg = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnStageInstanceUpdateEventAsync(stg).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "stage_instance_delete": stg = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnStageInstanceDeleteEventAsync(stg).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Thread case "thread_create": trd = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnThreadCreateEventAsync(trd).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "thread_update": trd = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnThreadUpdateEventAsync(trd).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "thread_delete": trd = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnThreadDeleteEventAsync(trd).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "thread_list_sync": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; //get guild await this.OnThreadListSyncEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], dat["channel_ids"].ToObject>(), dat["threads"].ToObject>(), dat["members"].ToObject>()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "thread_member_update": trdm = dat.ToObject(); await this.OnThreadMemberUpdateEventAsync(trdm).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "thread_members_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnThreadMembersUpdateEventAsync(this._guilds[gid], (ulong)dat["id"], (JArray)dat["added_members"], (JArray)dat["removed_member_ids"], (int)dat["member_count"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Activities case "embedded_activity_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; await this.OnEmbeddedActivityUpdateAsync((JObject)dat["embedded_activity"], this._guilds[gid], cid, (JArray)dat["users"], (ulong)dat["embedded_activity"]["application_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region User/Presence Update case "presence_update": await this.OnPresenceUpdateEventAsync(dat, (JObject)dat["user"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "user_settings_update": await this.OnUserSettingsUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "user_update": await this.OnUserUpdateEventAsync(dat.ToObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Voice case "voice_state_update": await this.OnVoiceStateUpdateEventAsync(dat).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "voice_server_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnVoiceServerUpdateEventAsync((string)dat["endpoint"], (string)dat["token"], this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Interaction/Integration/Application case "interaction_create": rawMbr = dat["member"]; if (rawMbr != null) { mbr = dat["member"].ToObject(); usr = mbr.User; } else { usr = dat["user"].ToObject(); } cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; await this.OnInteractionCreateAsync((ulong?)dat["guild_id"], cid, usr, mbr, dat.ToDiscordObject()).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "application_command_create": await this.OnApplicationCommandCreateAsync(dat.ToObject(), (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "application_command_update": await this.OnApplicationCommandUpdateAsync(dat.ToObject(), (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "application_command_delete": await this.OnApplicationCommandDeleteAsync(dat.ToObject(), (ulong?)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "guild_application_command_counts_update": var counts = dat["application_command_counts"]; await this.OnGuildApplicationCommandCountsUpdateAsync((int)counts["1"], (int)counts["2"], (int)counts["3"], (ulong)dat["guild_id"]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "application_command_permissions_update": var aid = (ulong)dat["application_id"]; if (aid != this.CurrentApplication.Id) return; var pms = dat["permissions"].ToObject>(); gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; await this.OnApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdateAsync(pms, (ulong)dat["id"], gid, aid).ConfigureAwait(false); break; #endregion #region Misc case "gift_code_update": //Not supposed to be dispatched to bots break; case "typing_start": cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; rawMbr = dat["member"]; if (rawMbr != null) mbr = rawMbr.ToObject(); await this.OnTypingStartEventAsync((ulong)dat["user_id"], cid, this.InternalGetCachedChannel(cid), (ulong?)dat["guild_id"], Utilities.GetDateTimeOffset((long)dat["timestamp"]), mbr).ConfigureAwait(false); break; case "webhooks_update": gid = (ulong)dat["guild_id"]; cid = (ulong)dat["channel_id"]; await this.OnWebhooksUpdateAsync(this._guilds[gid].GetChannel(cid), this._guilds[gid]).ConfigureAwait(false); break; default: await this.OnUnknownEventAsync(payload).ConfigureAwait(false); this.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.WebSocketReceive, "Unknown event: {0}\npayload: {1}", payload.EventName, payload.Data); break; #endregion } } #endregion #region Events #region Gateway /// /// Handles the ready event. /// /// The ready. /// The raw guilds. internal async Task OnReadyEventAsync(ReadyPayload ready, JArray rawGuilds) { //ready.CurrentUser.Discord = this; var rusr = ready.CurrentUser; this.CurrentUser.Username = rusr.Username; this.CurrentUser.Discriminator = rusr.Discriminator; this.CurrentUser.AvatarHash = rusr.AvatarHash; this.CurrentUser.MfaEnabled = rusr.MfaEnabled; this.CurrentUser.Verified = rusr.Verified; this.CurrentUser.IsBot = rusr.IsBot; this.GatewayVersion = ready.GatewayVersion; this._sessionId = ready.SessionId; var raw_guild_index = rawGuilds.ToDictionary(xt => (ulong)xt["id"], xt => (JObject)xt); this._guilds.Clear(); foreach (var guild in ready.Guilds) { guild.Discord = this; if (guild._channels == null) guild._channels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); foreach (var xc in guild.Channels.Values) { xc.GuildId = guild.Id; xc.Discord = this; foreach (var xo in xc._permissionOverwrites) { xo.Discord = this; xo._channel_id = xc.Id; } } if (guild._roles == null) guild._roles = new ConcurrentDictionary(); foreach (var xr in guild.Roles.Values) { xr.Discord = this; xr._guild_id = guild.Id; } var raw_guild = raw_guild_index[guild.Id]; var raw_members = (JArray)raw_guild["members"]; if (guild._members != null) guild._members.Clear(); else guild._members = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (raw_members != null) { foreach (var xj in raw_members) { var xtm = xj.ToObject(); var xu = new DiscordUser(xtm.User) { Discord = this }; xu = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(xtm.User.Id, xu, (id, old) => { old.Username = xu.Username; old.Discriminator = xu.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = xu.AvatarHash; return old; }); guild._members[xtm.User.Id] = new DiscordMember(xtm) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; } } if (guild._emojis == null) guild._emojis = new ConcurrentDictionary(); foreach (var xe in guild.Emojis.Values) xe.Discord = this; if (guild._voiceStates == null) guild._voiceStates = new ConcurrentDictionary(); foreach (var xvs in guild.VoiceStates.Values) xvs.Discord = this; this._guilds[guild.Id] = guild; } await this._ready.InvokeAsync(this, new ReadyEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider)).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the resumed. /// internal Task OnResumedAsync() { this.Logger.LogInformation(LoggerEvents.SessionUpdate, "Session resumed"); return this._resumed.InvokeAsync(this, new ReadyEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider)); } #endregion #region Channel /// /// Handles the channel create event. /// /// The channel. internal async Task OnChannelCreateEventAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { channel.Discord = this; foreach (var xo in channel._permissionOverwrites) { xo.Discord = this; xo._channel_id = channel.Id; } this._guilds[channel.GuildId.Value]._channels[channel.Id] = channel; /*if (this.Configuration.AutoRefreshChannelCache) { await this.RefreshChannelsAsync(channel.Guild.Id); }*/ await this._channelCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new ChannelCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = channel.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the channel update event. /// /// The channel. internal async Task OnChannelUpdateEventAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { if (channel == null) return; channel.Discord = this; var gld = channel.Guild; var channel_new = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channel.Id); DiscordChannel channel_old = null; if (channel_new != null) { channel_old = new DiscordChannel { Bitrate = channel_new.Bitrate, Discord = this, GuildId = channel_new.GuildId, Id = channel_new.Id, //IsPrivate = channel_new.IsPrivate, LastMessageId = channel_new.LastMessageId, Name = channel_new.Name, _permissionOverwrites = new List(channel_new._permissionOverwrites), Position = channel_new.Position, Topic = channel_new.Topic, Type = channel_new.Type, UserLimit = channel_new.UserLimit, ParentId = channel_new.ParentId, IsNSFW = channel_new.IsNSFW, PerUserRateLimit = channel_new.PerUserRateLimit, RtcRegionId = channel_new.RtcRegionId, QualityMode = channel_new.QualityMode, DefaultAutoArchiveDuration = channel_new.DefaultAutoArchiveDuration }; channel_new.Bitrate = channel.Bitrate; channel_new.Name = channel.Name; channel_new.Position = channel.Position; channel_new.Topic = channel.Topic; channel_new.UserLimit = channel.UserLimit; channel_new.ParentId = channel.ParentId; channel_new.IsNSFW = channel.IsNSFW; channel_new.PerUserRateLimit = channel.PerUserRateLimit; channel_new.Type = channel.Type; channel_new.RtcRegionId = channel.RtcRegionId; channel_new.QualityMode = channel.QualityMode; channel_new.DefaultAutoArchiveDuration = channel.DefaultAutoArchiveDuration; channel_new._permissionOverwrites.Clear(); foreach (var po in channel._permissionOverwrites) { po.Discord = this; po._channel_id = channel.Id; } channel_new._permissionOverwrites.AddRange(channel._permissionOverwrites); if (this.Configuration.AutoRefreshChannelCache && gld != null) { await this.RefreshChannelsAsync(channel.Guild.Id); } } else if (gld != null) { gld._channels[channel.Id] = channel; if (this.Configuration.AutoRefreshChannelCache) { await this.RefreshChannelsAsync(channel.Guild.Id); } } await this._channelUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new ChannelUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ChannelAfter = channel_new, Guild = gld, ChannelBefore = channel_old }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the channel delete event. /// /// The channel. internal async Task OnChannelDeleteEventAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { if (channel == null) return; channel.Discord = this; //if (channel.IsPrivate) if (channel.Type == ChannelType.Group || channel.Type == ChannelType.Private) { var dmChannel = channel as DiscordDmChannel; await this._dmChannelDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new DmChannelDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = dmChannel }).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { var gld = channel.Guild; if (gld._channels.TryRemove(channel.Id, out var cachedChannel)) channel = cachedChannel; if(this.Configuration.AutoRefreshChannelCache) { await this.RefreshChannelsAsync(channel.Guild.Id); } await this._channelDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new ChannelDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = gld }).ConfigureAwait(false); } } /// /// Refreshes the channels. /// /// The guild id. internal async Task RefreshChannelsAsync(ulong guildId) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var channels = await this.ApiClient.GetGuildChannelsAsync(guildId); guild._channels.Clear(); foreach (var channel in channels.ToList()) { channel.Discord = this; foreach (var xo in channel._permissionOverwrites) { xo.Discord = this; xo._channel_id = channel.Id; } guild._channels[channel.Id] = channel; } } /// /// Handles the channel pins update. /// /// The guild id. /// The channel id. /// The last pin timestamp. internal async Task OnChannelPinsUpdateAsync(ulong? guildId, ulong channelId, DateTimeOffset? lastPinTimestamp) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); var ea = new ChannelPinsUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Channel = channel, LastPinTimestamp = lastPinTimestamp }; await this._channelPinsUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Guild /// /// Handles the guild create event. /// /// The guild. /// The raw members. /// The presences. internal async Task OnGuildCreateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, JArray rawMembers, IEnumerable presences) { if (presences != null) { foreach (var xp in presences) { xp.Discord = this; xp.GuildId = guild.Id; xp.Activity = new DiscordActivity(xp.RawActivity); if (xp.RawActivities != null) { xp._internalActivities = new DiscordActivity[xp.RawActivities.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < xp.RawActivities.Length; i++) xp._internalActivities[i] = new DiscordActivity(xp.RawActivities[i]); } this._presences[xp.InternalUser.Id] = xp; } } var exists = this._guilds.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out var foundGuild); guild.Discord = this; guild.IsUnavailable = false; var eventGuild = guild; if (exists) guild = foundGuild; if (guild._channels == null) guild._channels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if(guild._threads == null) guild._threads = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._roles == null) guild._roles = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._threads == null) guild._threads = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._stickers == null) guild._stickers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._emojis == null) guild._emojis = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._voiceStates == null) guild._voiceStates = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._members == null) guild._members = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._scheduledEvents == null) guild._scheduledEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary(); this.UpdateCachedGuild(eventGuild, rawMembers); guild.JoinedAt = eventGuild.JoinedAt; guild.IsLarge = eventGuild.IsLarge; guild.MemberCount = Math.Max(eventGuild.MemberCount, guild._members.Count); guild.IsUnavailable = eventGuild.IsUnavailable; guild.PremiumSubscriptionCount = eventGuild.PremiumSubscriptionCount; guild.PremiumTier = eventGuild.PremiumTier; guild.BannerHash = eventGuild.BannerHash; guild.VanityUrlCode = eventGuild.VanityUrlCode; guild.Description = eventGuild.Description; guild.IsNSFW = eventGuild.IsNSFW; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._voiceStates) guild._voiceStates[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._channels) guild._channels[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._roles) guild._roles[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._emojis) guild._emojis[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._threads) guild._threads[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._stickers) guild._stickers[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._stageInstances) guild._stageInstances[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in eventGuild._scheduledEvents) guild._scheduledEvents[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var xc in guild._channels.Values) { xc.GuildId = guild.Id; xc.Discord = this; foreach (var xo in xc._permissionOverwrites) { xo.Discord = this; xo._channel_id = xc.Id; } } foreach(var xt in guild._threads.Values) { xt.GuildId = guild.Id; xt.Discord = this; } foreach (var xe in guild._emojis.Values) xe.Discord = this; foreach (var xs in guild._stickers.Values) xs.Discord = this; foreach (var xvs in guild._voiceStates.Values) xvs.Discord = this; foreach (var xsi in guild._stageInstances.Values) { xsi.Discord = this; xsi.GuildId = guild.Id; } foreach (var xr in guild._roles.Values) { xr.Discord = this; xr._guild_id = guild.Id; } foreach (var xse in guild._scheduledEvents.Values) { xse.Discord = this; xse.GuildId = guild.Id; } var old = Volatile.Read(ref this._guildDownloadCompleted); var dcompl = this._guilds.Values.All(xg => !xg.IsUnavailable); Volatile.Write(ref this._guildDownloadCompleted, dcompl); if (exists) await this._guildAvailable.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); else await this._guildCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); if (dcompl && !old) await this._guildDownloadCompletedEv.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildDownloadCompletedEventArgs(this.Guilds, this.ServiceProvider)).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild update event. /// /// The guild. /// The raw members. internal async Task OnGuildUpdateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, JArray rawMembers) { DiscordGuild oldGuild; if (!this._guilds.ContainsKey(guild.Id)) { this._guilds[guild.Id] = guild; oldGuild = null; } else { var gld = this._guilds[guild.Id]; oldGuild = new DiscordGuild { Discord = gld.Discord, Name = gld.Name, AfkChannelId = gld.AfkChannelId, AfkTimeout = gld.AfkTimeout, ApplicationId = gld.ApplicationId, DefaultMessageNotifications = gld.DefaultMessageNotifications, ExplicitContentFilter = gld.ExplicitContentFilter, RawFeatures = gld.RawFeatures, IconHash = gld.IconHash, Id = gld.Id, IsLarge = gld.IsLarge, IsSynced = gld.IsSynced, IsUnavailable = gld.IsUnavailable, JoinedAt = gld.JoinedAt, MemberCount = gld.MemberCount, MaxMembers = gld.MaxMembers, MaxPresences = gld.MaxPresences, ApproximateMemberCount = gld.ApproximateMemberCount, ApproximatePresenceCount = gld.ApproximatePresenceCount, MaxVideoChannelUsers = gld.MaxVideoChannelUsers, DiscoverySplashHash = gld.DiscoverySplashHash, PreferredLocale = gld.PreferredLocale, MfaLevel = gld.MfaLevel, OwnerId = gld.OwnerId, SplashHash = gld.SplashHash, SystemChannelId = gld.SystemChannelId, SystemChannelFlags = gld.SystemChannelFlags, Description = gld.Description, WidgetEnabled = gld.WidgetEnabled, WidgetChannelId = gld.WidgetChannelId, VerificationLevel = gld.VerificationLevel, RulesChannelId = gld.RulesChannelId, PublicUpdatesChannelId = gld.PublicUpdatesChannelId, VoiceRegionId = gld.VoiceRegionId, IsNSFW = gld.IsNSFW, PremiumProgressBarEnabled = gld.PremiumProgressBarEnabled, PremiumSubscriptionCount = gld.PremiumSubscriptionCount, PremiumTier = gld.PremiumTier, _channels = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _threads = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _emojis = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _stickers = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _members = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _roles = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _stageInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _voiceStates = new ConcurrentDictionary(), _scheduledEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary() }; foreach (var kvp in gld._channels) oldGuild._channels[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._threads) oldGuild._threads[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._emojis) oldGuild._emojis[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._stickers) oldGuild._stickers[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._roles) oldGuild._roles[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._voiceStates) oldGuild._voiceStates[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._members) oldGuild._members[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._stageInstances) oldGuild._stageInstances[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvp in gld._scheduledEvents) oldGuild._scheduledEvents[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } guild.Discord = this; guild.IsUnavailable = false; var eventGuild = guild; guild = this._guilds[eventGuild.Id]; if (guild._channels == null) guild._channels = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._threads == null) guild._threads = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._roles == null) guild._roles = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._emojis == null) guild._emojis = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._stickers == null) guild._stickers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._voiceStates == null) guild._voiceStates = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._stageInstances == null) guild._stageInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._members == null) guild._members = new ConcurrentDictionary(); if (guild._scheduledEvents == null) guild._scheduledEvents = new ConcurrentDictionary(); this.UpdateCachedGuild(eventGuild, rawMembers); foreach (var xc in guild._channels.Values) { xc.GuildId = guild.Id; xc.Discord = this; foreach (var xo in xc._permissionOverwrites) { xo.Discord = this; xo._channel_id = xc.Id; } } foreach (var xc in guild._threads.Values) { xc.GuildId = guild.Id; xc.Discord = this; } foreach (var xe in guild._emojis.Values) xe.Discord = this; foreach (var xs in guild._stickers.Values) xs.Discord = this; foreach (var xvs in guild._voiceStates.Values) xvs.Discord = this; foreach (var xr in guild._roles.Values) { xr.Discord = this; xr._guild_id = guild.Id; } foreach (var xsi in guild._stageInstances.Values) { xsi.Discord = this; xsi.GuildId = guild.Id; } foreach (var xse in guild._scheduledEvents.Values) { xse.Discord = this; xse.GuildId = guild.Id; } await this._guildUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { GuildBefore = oldGuild, GuildAfter = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild delete event. /// /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildDeleteEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild) { if (guild.IsUnavailable) { if (!this._guilds.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out var gld)) return; gld.IsUnavailable = true; await this._guildUnavailable.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Unavailable = true }).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { if (!this._guilds.TryRemove(guild.Id, out var gld)) return; await this._guildDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = gld }).ConfigureAwait(false); } } /// /// Handles the guild sync event. /// /// The guild. /// If true, is large. /// The raw members. /// The presences. internal async Task OnGuildSyncEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, bool isLarge, JArray rawMembers, IEnumerable presences) { presences = presences.Select(xp => { xp.Discord = this; xp.Activity = new DiscordActivity(xp.RawActivity); return xp; }); foreach (var xp in presences) this._presences[xp.InternalUser.Id] = xp; guild.IsSynced = true; guild.IsLarge = isLarge; this.UpdateCachedGuild(guild, rawMembers); await this._guildAvailable.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild emojis update event. /// /// The guild. /// The new emojis. internal async Task OnGuildEmojisUpdateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, IEnumerable newEmojis) { var oldEmojis = new ConcurrentDictionary(guild._emojis); guild._emojis.Clear(); foreach (var emoji in newEmojis) { emoji.Discord = this; guild._emojis[emoji.Id] = emoji; } var ea = new GuildEmojisUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, EmojisAfter = guild.Emojis, EmojisBefore = new ReadOnlyConcurrentDictionary(oldEmojis) }; await this._guildEmojisUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the stickers updated. /// /// The new stickers. /// The raw. internal async Task OnStickersUpdatedAsync(IEnumerable newStickers, JObject raw) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild((ulong)raw["guild_id"]); var oldStickers = new ConcurrentDictionary(guild._stickers); guild._stickers.Clear(); foreach (var nst in newStickers) { if (nst.User is not null) { nst.User.Discord = this; this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(nst.User.Id, nst.User, (old, @new) => @new); } nst.Discord = this; guild._stickers[nst.Id] = nst; } var sea = new GuildStickersUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, StickersBefore = oldStickers, StickersAfter = guild.Stickers }; await this._guildStickersUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, sea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild integrations update event. /// /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildIntegrationsUpdateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild) { var ea = new GuildIntegrationsUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild }; await this._guildIntegrationsUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Guild Ban /// /// Handles the guild ban add event. /// /// The user. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildBanAddEventAsync(TransportUser user, DiscordGuild guild) { var usr = new DiscordUser(user) { Discord = this }; usr = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(user.Id, usr, (id, old) => { old.Username = usr.Username; old.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; return old; }); if (!guild.Members.TryGetValue(user.Id, out var mbr)) mbr = new DiscordMember(usr) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; var ea = new GuildBanAddEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Member = mbr }; await this._guildBanAdded.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild ban remove event. /// /// The user. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildBanRemoveEventAsync(TransportUser user, DiscordGuild guild) { var usr = new DiscordUser(user) { Discord = this }; usr = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(user.Id, usr, (id, old) => { old.Username = usr.Username; old.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; return old; }); if (!guild.Members.TryGetValue(user.Id, out var mbr)) mbr = new DiscordMember(usr) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; var ea = new GuildBanRemoveEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Member = mbr }; await this._guildBanRemoved.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Guild Event /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The created event. internal async Task OnGuildScheduledEventCreateEventAsync(DiscordEvent scheduled_event) { scheduled_event.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(scheduled_event.GuildId); guild._scheduledEvents[scheduled_event.Id] = scheduled_event; await this._guildScheduledEventCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildScheduledEventCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ScheduledEvent = scheduled_event, Guild = scheduled_event.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The updated event. internal async Task OnGuildScheduledEventUpdateEventAsync(DiscordEvent scheduled_event) { scheduled_event.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(scheduled_event.GuildId); guild._scheduledEvents[scheduled_event.Id] = scheduled_event; await this._guildScheduledEventUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildScheduledEventUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ScheduledEvent = scheduled_event, Guild = scheduled_event.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The deleted event. internal async Task OnGuildScheduledEventDeleteEventAsync(DiscordEvent scheduled_event) { scheduled_event.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(scheduled_event.GuildId); guild._scheduledEvents[scheduled_event.Id] = scheduled_event; await this._guildScheduledEventDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildScheduledEventDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ScheduledEvent = scheduled_event, Guild = scheduled_event.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Guild Integration /// /// Handles the guild integration create event. /// /// The guild. /// The integration. internal async Task OnGuildIntegrationCreateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, DiscordIntegration integration) { integration.Discord = this; await this._guildIntegrationCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildIntegrationCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Integration = integration, Guild = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild integration update event. /// /// The guild. /// The integration. internal async Task OnGuildIntegrationUpdateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, DiscordIntegration integration) { integration.Discord = this; await this._guildIntegrationUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildIntegrationUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Integration = integration, Guild = guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild integration delete event. /// /// The guild. /// The integration_id. /// The application_id. internal async Task OnGuildIntegrationDeleteEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, ulong integration_id, ulong? application_id) => await this._guildIntegrationDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildIntegrationDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, IntegrationId = integration_id, ApplicationId = application_id }).ConfigureAwait(false); #endregion #region Guild Member /// /// Handles the guild member add event. /// /// The member. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildMemberAddEventAsync(TransportMember member, DiscordGuild guild) { var usr = new DiscordUser(member.User) { Discord = this }; usr = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(member.User.Id, usr, (id, old) => { old.Username = usr.Username; old.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; return old; }); var mbr = new DiscordMember(member) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; guild._members[mbr.Id] = mbr; guild.MemberCount++; var ea = new GuildMemberAddEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Member = mbr }; await this._guildMemberAdded.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild member remove event. /// /// The user. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildMemberRemoveEventAsync(TransportUser user, DiscordGuild guild) { var usr = new DiscordUser(user); if (!guild._members.TryRemove(user.Id, out var mbr)) mbr = new DiscordMember(usr) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; guild.MemberCount--; _ = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(user.Id, usr, (old, @new) => @new); var ea = new GuildMemberRemoveEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Member = mbr }; await this._guildMemberRemoved.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild member update event. /// /// The member. /// The guild. /// The roles. /// The nick. /// If true, pending. internal async Task OnGuildMemberUpdateEventAsync(TransportMember member, DiscordGuild guild, IEnumerable roles, string nick, bool? pending) { var usr = new DiscordUser(member.User) { Discord = this }; usr = this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(usr.Id, usr, (id, old) => { old.Username = usr.Username; old.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; return old; }); if (!guild.Members.TryGetValue(member.User.Id, out var mbr)) mbr = new DiscordMember(usr) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; var nick_old = mbr.Nickname; var pending_old = mbr.IsPending; var roles_old = new ReadOnlyCollection(new List(mbr.Roles)); var cdu_old = mbr.CommunicationDisabledUntil; mbr._avatarHash = member.AvatarHash; mbr.GuildAvatarHash = member.GuildAvatarHash; mbr.Nickname = nick; mbr.IsPending = pending; mbr.CommunicationDisabledUntil = member.CommunicationDisabledUntil; mbr._role_ids.Clear(); mbr._role_ids.AddRange(roles); var ea = new GuildMemberUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Member = mbr, NicknameAfter = mbr.Nickname, RolesAfter = new ReadOnlyCollection(new List(mbr.Roles)), PendingAfter = mbr.IsPending, TimeoutAfter = mbr.CommunicationDisabledUntil, NicknameBefore = nick_old, RolesBefore = roles_old, PendingBefore = pending_old, TimeoutBefore = cdu_old }; await this._guildMemberUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild members chunk event. /// /// The dat. internal async Task OnGuildMembersChunkEventAsync(JObject dat) { var guild = this.Guilds[(ulong)dat["guild_id"]]; var chunkIndex = (int)dat["chunk_index"]; var chunkCount = (int)dat["chunk_count"]; var nonce = (string)dat["nonce"]; var mbrs = new HashSet(); var pres = new HashSet(); var members = dat["members"].ToObject(); var memCount = members.Count(); for (var i = 0; i < memCount; i++) { var mbr = new DiscordMember(members[i]) { Discord = this, _guild_id = guild.Id }; if (!this.UserCache.ContainsKey(mbr.Id)) this.UserCache[mbr.Id] = new DiscordUser(members[i].User) { Discord = this }; guild._members[mbr.Id] = mbr; mbrs.Add(mbr); } guild.MemberCount = guild._members.Count; var ea = new GuildMembersChunkEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Members = new ReadOnlySet(mbrs), ChunkIndex = chunkIndex, ChunkCount = chunkCount, Nonce = nonce, }; if (dat["presences"] != null) { var presences = dat["presences"].ToObject(); var presCount = presences.Count(); for (var i = 0; i < presCount; i++) { var xp = presences[i]; xp.Discord = this; xp.Activity = new DiscordActivity(xp.RawActivity); if (xp.RawActivities != null) { xp._internalActivities = new DiscordActivity[xp.RawActivities.Length]; for (var j = 0; j < xp.RawActivities.Length; j++) xp._internalActivities[j] = new DiscordActivity(xp.RawActivities[j]); } pres.Add(xp); } ea.Presences = new ReadOnlySet(pres); } if (dat["not_found"] != null) { var nf = dat["not_found"].ToObject>(); ea.NotFound = new ReadOnlySet(nf); } await this._guildMembersChunked.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Guild Role /// /// Handles the guild role create event. /// /// The role. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildRoleCreateEventAsync(DiscordRole role, DiscordGuild guild) { role.Discord = this; role._guild_id = guild.Id; guild._roles[role.Id] = role; var ea = new GuildRoleCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Role = role }; await this._guildRoleCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild role update event. /// /// The role. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildRoleUpdateEventAsync(DiscordRole role, DiscordGuild guild) { var newRole = guild.GetRole(role.Id); var oldRole = new DiscordRole { _guild_id = guild.Id, _color = newRole._color, Discord = this, IsHoisted = newRole.IsHoisted, Id = newRole.Id, IsManaged = newRole.IsManaged, IsMentionable = newRole.IsMentionable, Name = newRole.Name, Permissions = newRole.Permissions, Position = newRole.Position }; newRole._guild_id = guild.Id; newRole._color = role._color; newRole.IsHoisted = role.IsHoisted; newRole.IsManaged = role.IsManaged; newRole.IsMentionable = role.IsMentionable; newRole.Name = role.Name; newRole.Permissions = role.Permissions; newRole.Position = role.Position; var ea = new GuildRoleUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, RoleAfter = newRole, RoleBefore = oldRole }; await this._guildRoleUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild role delete event. /// /// The role id. /// The guild. internal async Task OnGuildRoleDeleteEventAsync(ulong roleId, DiscordGuild guild) { if (!guild._roles.TryRemove(roleId, out var role)) this.Logger.LogWarning($"Attempted to delete a nonexistent role ({roleId}) from guild ({guild})."); var ea = new GuildRoleDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Role = role }; await this._guildRoleDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Invite /// /// Handles the invite create event. /// /// The channel id. /// The guild id. /// The invite. internal async Task OnInviteCreateEventAsync(ulong channelId, ulong guildId, DiscordInvite invite) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId); invite.Discord = this; if(invite.Inviter is not null) { invite.Inviter.Discord = this; this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(invite.Inviter.Id, invite.Inviter, (old, @new) => @new); } guild._invites[invite.Code] = invite; var ea = new InviteCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = guild, Invite = invite }; await this._inviteCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the invite delete event. /// /// The channel id. /// The guild id. /// The dat. internal async Task OnInviteDeleteEventAsync(ulong channelId, ulong guildId, JToken dat) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId); if (!guild._invites.TryRemove(dat["code"].ToString(), out var invite)) { invite = dat.ToObject(); invite.Discord = this; } invite.IsRevoked = true; var ea = new InviteDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = guild, Invite = invite }; await this._inviteDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Message /// /// Handles the message ack event. /// /// The chn. /// The message id. internal async Task OnMessageAckEventAsync(DiscordChannel chn, ulong messageId) { if (this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == chn.Id, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = chn.Id, Discord = this, }; } await this._messageAcknowledged.InvokeAsync(this, new MessageAcknowledgeEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = msg }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message create event. /// /// The message. /// The author. /// The member. /// The reference author. /// The reference member. internal async Task OnMessageCreateEventAsync(DiscordMessage message, TransportUser author, TransportMember member, TransportUser referenceAuthor, TransportMember referenceMember) { message.Discord = this; this.PopulateMessageReactionsAndCache(message, author, member); message.PopulateMentions(); if (message.Channel == null && message.ChannelId == default) this.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.WebSocketReceive, "Channel which the last message belongs to is not in cache - cache state might be invalid!"); if (message.ReferencedMessage != null) { message.ReferencedMessage.Discord = this; this.PopulateMessageReactionsAndCache(message.ReferencedMessage, referenceAuthor, referenceMember); message.ReferencedMessage.PopulateMentions(); } foreach (var sticker in message.Stickers) sticker.Discord = this; var ea = new MessageCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = message, MentionedUsers = new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedUsers), MentionedRoles = message._mentionedRoles != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedRoles) : null, MentionedChannels = message._mentionedChannels != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedChannels) : null }; await this._messageCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message update event. /// /// The message. /// The author. /// The member. /// The reference author. /// The reference member. internal async Task OnMessageUpdateEventAsync(DiscordMessage message, TransportUser author, TransportMember member, TransportUser referenceAuthor, TransportMember referenceMember) { DiscordGuild guild; message.Discord = this; var event_message = message; DiscordMessage oldmsg = null; if (this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == event_message.Id && xm.ChannelId == event_message.ChannelId, out message)) { message = event_message; this.PopulateMessageReactionsAndCache(message, author, member); guild = message.Channel?.Guild; if (message.ReferencedMessage != null) { message.ReferencedMessage.Discord = this; this.PopulateMessageReactionsAndCache(message.ReferencedMessage, referenceAuthor, referenceMember); message.ReferencedMessage.PopulateMentions(); } } else { oldmsg = new DiscordMessage(message); guild = message.Channel?.Guild; message.EditedTimestampRaw = event_message.EditedTimestampRaw; if (event_message.Content != null) message.Content = event_message.Content; message._embeds.Clear(); message._embeds.AddRange(event_message._embeds); message.Pinned = event_message.Pinned; message.IsTTS = event_message.IsTTS; } message.PopulateMentions(); var ea = new MessageUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = message, MessageBefore = oldmsg, MentionedUsers = new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedUsers), MentionedRoles = message._mentionedRoles != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedRoles) : null, MentionedChannels = message._mentionedChannels != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(message._mentionedChannels) : null }; await this._messageUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message delete event. /// /// The message id. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. internal async Task OnMessageDeleteEventAsync(ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong? guildId) { var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this, }; } if (this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize > 0) this.MessageCache?.Remove(xm => xm.Id == msg.Id && xm.ChannelId == channelId); var ea = new MessageDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Message = msg, Guild = guild }; await this._messageDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message bulk delete event. /// /// The message ids. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. internal async Task OnMessageBulkDeleteEventAsync(ulong[] messageIds, ulong channelId, ulong? guildId) { var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); var msgs = new List(messageIds.Length); foreach (var messageId in messageIds) { if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this, }; } if (this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize > 0) this.MessageCache?.Remove(xm => xm.Id == msg.Id && xm.ChannelId == channelId); msgs.Add(msg); } var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var ea = new MessageBulkDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Messages = new ReadOnlyCollection(msgs), Guild = guild }; await this._messagesBulkDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Message Reaction /// /// Handles the message reaction add. /// /// The user id. /// The message id. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. /// The mbr. /// The emoji. internal async Task OnMessageReactionAddAsync(ulong userId, ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong? guildId, TransportMember mbr, DiscordEmoji emoji) { var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); emoji.Discord = this; var usr = this.UpdateUser(new DiscordUser { Id = userId, Discord = this }, guildId, guild, mbr); if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this, _reactions = new List() }; } var react = msg._reactions.FirstOrDefault(xr => xr.Emoji == emoji); if (react == null) { msg._reactions.Add(react = new DiscordReaction { Count = 1, Emoji = emoji, IsMe = this.CurrentUser.Id == userId }); } else { react.Count++; react.IsMe |= this.CurrentUser.Id == userId; } var ea = new MessageReactionAddEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = msg, User = usr, Guild = guild, Emoji = emoji }; await this._messageReactionAdded.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message reaction remove. /// /// The user id. /// The message id. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. /// The emoji. internal async Task OnMessageReactionRemoveAsync(ulong userId, ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong? guildId, DiscordEmoji emoji) { var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); emoji.Discord = this; if (!this.UserCache.TryGetValue(userId, out var usr)) usr = new DiscordUser { Id = userId, Discord = this }; if (channel?.Guild != null) usr = channel.Guild.Members.TryGetValue(userId, out var member) ? member : new DiscordMember(usr) { Discord = this, _guild_id = channel.GuildId.Value }; if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this }; } var react = msg._reactions?.FirstOrDefault(xr => xr.Emoji == emoji); if (react != null) { react.Count--; react.IsMe &= this.CurrentUser.Id != userId; if (msg._reactions != null && react.Count <= 0) // shit happens for (var i = 0; i < msg._reactions.Count; i++) if (msg._reactions[i].Emoji == emoji) { msg._reactions.RemoveAt(i); break; } } var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var ea = new MessageReactionRemoveEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = msg, User = usr, Guild = guild, Emoji = emoji }; await this._messageReactionRemoved.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message reaction remove all. /// /// The message id. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. internal async Task OnMessageReactionRemoveAllAsync(ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong? guildId) { var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this }; } msg._reactions?.Clear(); var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var ea = new MessageReactionsClearEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = msg }; await this._messageReactionsCleared.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the message reaction remove emoji. /// /// The message id. /// The channel id. /// The guild id. /// The dat. internal async Task OnMessageReactionRemoveEmojiAsync(ulong messageId, ulong channelId, ulong guildId, JToken dat) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channelId) ?? this.InternalGetCachedThread(channelId); if (channel == null || this.Configuration.MessageCacheSize == 0 || this.MessageCache == null || !this.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == messageId && xm.ChannelId == channelId, out var msg)) { msg = new DiscordMessage { Id = messageId, ChannelId = channelId, Discord = this }; } var partialEmoji = dat.ToObject(); if (!guild._emojis.TryGetValue(partialEmoji.Id, out var emoji)) { emoji = partialEmoji; emoji.Discord = this; } msg._reactions?.RemoveAll(r => r.Emoji.Equals(emoji)); var ea = new MessageReactionRemoveEmojiEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = guild, Message = msg, Emoji = emoji }; await this._messageReactionRemovedEmoji.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Stage Instance /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The created stage instance. internal async Task OnStageInstanceCreateEventAsync(DiscordStageInstance stage) { stage.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(stage.GuildId); guild._stageInstances[stage.Id] = stage; await this._stageInstanceCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new StageInstanceCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { StageInstance = stage, Guild = stage.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The updated stage instance. internal async Task OnStageInstanceUpdateEventAsync(DiscordStageInstance stage) { stage.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(stage.GuildId); guild._stageInstances[stage.Id] = stage; await this._stageInstanceUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new StageInstanceUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { StageInstance = stage, Guild = stage.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The deleted stage instance. internal async Task OnStageInstanceDeleteEventAsync(DiscordStageInstance stage) { stage.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(stage.GuildId); guild._stageInstances[stage.Id] = stage; await this._stageInstanceDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new StageInstanceDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { StageInstance = stage, Guild = stage.Guild }).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Thread /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The created thread. internal async Task OnThreadCreateEventAsync(DiscordThreadChannel thread) { thread.Discord = this; this.InternalGetCachedGuild(thread.GuildId)._threads.AddOrUpdate(thread.Id, thread, (oldThread, newThread) => newThread); await this._threadCreated.InvokeAsync(this, new ThreadCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Thread = thread, Guild = thread.Guild, Parent = thread.Parent }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The updated thread. internal async Task OnThreadUpdateEventAsync(DiscordThreadChannel thread) { if (thread == null) return; thread.Discord = this; var guild = thread.Guild; var threadNew = this.InternalGetCachedThread(thread.Id); DiscordThreadChannel threadOld = null; ThreadUpdateEventArgs updateEvent; if (threadNew != null) { threadOld = new DiscordThreadChannel { Discord = this, Type = threadNew.Type, ThreadMetadata = thread.ThreadMetadata, _threadMembers = threadNew._threadMembers, ParentId = thread.ParentId, OwnerId = thread.OwnerId, Name = thread.Name, LastMessageId = threadNew.LastMessageId, MessageCount = thread.MessageCount, MemberCount = thread.MemberCount, GuildId = thread.GuildId, LastPinTimestampRaw = threadNew.LastPinTimestampRaw, PerUserRateLimit = threadNew.PerUserRateLimit, CurrentMember = threadNew.CurrentMember }; threadNew.ThreadMetadata = thread.ThreadMetadata; threadNew.ParentId = thread.ParentId; threadNew.OwnerId = thread.OwnerId; threadNew.Name = thread.Name; threadNew.LastMessageId = thread.LastMessageId.HasValue ? thread.LastMessageId : threadOld.LastMessageId; threadNew.MessageCount = thread.MessageCount; threadNew.MemberCount = thread.MemberCount; threadNew.GuildId = thread.GuildId; updateEvent = new ThreadUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ThreadAfter = thread, ThreadBefore = threadOld, Guild = thread.Guild, Parent = thread.Parent }; } else { updateEvent = new ThreadUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ThreadAfter = thread, Guild = thread.Guild, Parent = thread.Parent }; guild._threads[thread.Id] = thread; } await this._threadUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, updateEvent).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The deleted thread. internal async Task OnThreadDeleteEventAsync(DiscordThreadChannel thread) { if (thread == null) return; thread.Discord = this; var gld = thread.Guild; if (gld._threads.TryRemove(thread.Id, out var cachedThread)) thread = cachedThread; await this._threadDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, new ThreadDeleteEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Thread = thread, Guild = thread.Guild, Parent = thread.Parent, Type = thread.Type }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The synced guild. /// The synced channel ids. /// The synced threads. /// The synced members. internal async Task OnThreadListSyncEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, IReadOnlyList channel_ids, IReadOnlyList threads, IReadOnlyList members) { guild.Discord = this; var channels = channel_ids.Select(x => guild.GetChannel(x.Value)); //getting channel objects foreach (var chan in channels) { chan.Discord = this; } await this._threadListSynced.InvokeAsync(this, new ThreadListSyncEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Channels = channels.ToList().AsReadOnly(), Threads = threads, Members = members.ToList().AsReadOnly() }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The updated member. internal async Task OnThreadMemberUpdateEventAsync(DiscordThreadChannelMember member) { member.Discord = this; var thread = this.InternalGetCachedThread(member.Id); thread.CurrentMember = member; thread.Guild._threads.AddOrUpdate(member.Id, thread, (oldThread, newThread) => newThread); await this._threadMemberUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, new ThreadMemberUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { ThreadMember = member, Thread = thread }).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The target guild. /// The thread id of the target thread this update belongs to. /// The added members. /// The ids of the removed members. /// The new member count. internal async Task OnThreadMembersUpdateEventAsync(DiscordGuild guild, ulong thread_id, JArray added_members, JArray removed_members, int member_count) { var thread = this.InternalGetCachedThread(thread_id); thread.Discord = this; guild.Discord = this; List addedMembers = null; List removed_member_ids = null; if (added_members != null) { foreach (var xj in added_members) { var xtm = xj.ToDiscordObject(); xtm.Discord = this; xtm._guild_id = guild.Id; xtm.Member = guild._members.TryGetValue(xtm.Id, out var member) ? member : new DiscordMember { Id = xtm.Id, _guild_id = guild.Id, Discord = this }; addedMembers.Add(xtm); if (xtm.Id == this.CurrentUser.Id) thread.CurrentMember = xtm; } } var removedMembers = new List(); if (removed_members != null) { foreach (var removedId in removed_members) { removedMembers.Add(guild._members.TryGetValue((ulong)removedId, out var member) ? member : new DiscordMember { Id = (ulong)removedId, _guild_id = guild.Id, Discord = this }); } } if (removed_member_ids.Contains(this.CurrentUser.Id)) //indicates the bot was removed from the thread thread.CurrentMember = null; thread.MemberCount = member_count; var threadMembersUpdateArg = new ThreadMembersUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Thread = thread, AddedMembers = addedMembers, RemovedMembers = removedMembers, MemberCount = member_count }; await this._threadMembersUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, threadMembersUpdateArg).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Activities /// /// Dispatches the event. /// /// The transport activity. /// The guild. /// The channel id. /// The users in the activity. /// The application id. /// A Task. internal async Task OnEmbeddedActivityUpdateAsync(JObject tr_activity, DiscordGuild guild, ulong channel_id, JArray j_users, ulong app_id) { /*try { var users = j_users?.ToObject>(); DiscordActivity old = null; var uid = $"{guild.Id}_{channel_id}_{app_id}"; /* if (this._embeddedActivities.TryGetValue(uid, out var activity)) { old = new DiscordActivity(activity); DiscordJson.PopulateObject(tr_activity, activity); } else { activity = tr_activity.ToObject(); this._embeddedActivities[uid] = activity; }*/ /* var activity_users = new List(); var channel = this.InternalGetCachedChannel(channel_id) ?? await this.ApiClient.GetChannelAsync(channel_id); if (users != null) { foreach (var user in users) { var activity_user = guild._members.TryGetValue(user, out var member) ? member : new DiscordMember { Id = user, _guild_id = guild.Id, Discord = this }; activity_users.Add(activity_user); } } else activity_users = null; var ea = new EmbeddedActivityUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Users = activity_users, Channel = channel }; await this._embeddedActivityUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Logger.LogError(ex, ex.Message); }*/ await Task.Delay(20); } #endregion #region User/Presence Update /// /// Handles the presence update event. /// /// The raw presence. /// The raw user. internal async Task OnPresenceUpdateEventAsync(JObject rawPresence, JObject rawUser) { var uid = (ulong)rawUser["id"]; DiscordPresence old = null; if (this._presences.TryGetValue(uid, out var presence)) { old = new DiscordPresence(presence); DiscordJson.PopulateObject(rawPresence, presence); } else { presence = rawPresence.ToObject(); presence.Discord = this; presence.Activity = new DiscordActivity(presence.RawActivity); this._presences[presence.InternalUser.Id] = presence; } // reuse arrays / avoid linq (this is a hot zone) if (presence.Activities == null || rawPresence["activities"] == null) { presence._internalActivities = Array.Empty(); } else { if (presence._internalActivities.Length != presence.RawActivities.Length) presence._internalActivities = new DiscordActivity[presence.RawActivities.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < presence._internalActivities.Length; i++) presence._internalActivities[i] = new DiscordActivity(presence.RawActivities[i]); if (presence._internalActivities.Length > 0) { presence.RawActivity = presence.RawActivities[0]; if (presence.Activity != null) presence.Activity.UpdateWith(presence.RawActivity); else presence.Activity = new DiscordActivity(presence.RawActivity); } } if (this.UserCache.TryGetValue(uid, out var usr)) { if (old != null) { old.InternalUser.Username = usr.Username; old.InternalUser.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; old.InternalUser.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; } if (rawUser["username"] is object) usr.Username = (string)rawUser["username"]; if (rawUser["discriminator"] is object) usr.Discriminator = (string)rawUser["discriminator"]; if (rawUser["avatar"] is object) usr.AvatarHash = (string)rawUser["avatar"]; presence.InternalUser.Username = usr.Username; presence.InternalUser.Discriminator = usr.Discriminator; presence.InternalUser.AvatarHash = usr.AvatarHash; } var usrafter = usr ?? new DiscordUser(presence.InternalUser); var ea = new PresenceUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Status = presence.Status, Activity = presence.Activity, User = usr, PresenceBefore = old, PresenceAfter = presence, UserBefore = old != null ? new DiscordUser(old.InternalUser) : usrafter, UserAfter = usrafter }; await this._presenceUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the user settings update event. /// /// The user. internal async Task OnUserSettingsUpdateEventAsync(TransportUser user) { var usr = new DiscordUser(user) { Discord = this }; var ea = new UserSettingsUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { User = usr }; await this._userSettingsUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the user update event. /// /// The user. internal async Task OnUserUpdateEventAsync(TransportUser user) { var usr_old = new DiscordUser { AvatarHash = this.CurrentUser.AvatarHash, Discord = this, Discriminator = this.CurrentUser.Discriminator, Email = this.CurrentUser.Email, Id = this.CurrentUser.Id, IsBot = this.CurrentUser.IsBot, MfaEnabled = this.CurrentUser.MfaEnabled, Username = this.CurrentUser.Username, Verified = this.CurrentUser.Verified }; this.CurrentUser.AvatarHash = user.AvatarHash; this.CurrentUser.Discriminator = user.Discriminator; this.CurrentUser.Email = user.Email; this.CurrentUser.Id = user.Id; this.CurrentUser.IsBot = user.IsBot; this.CurrentUser.MfaEnabled = user.MfaEnabled; this.CurrentUser.Username = user.Username; this.CurrentUser.Verified = user.Verified; var ea = new UserUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { UserAfter = this.CurrentUser, UserBefore = usr_old }; await this._userUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Voice /// /// Handles the voice state update event. /// /// The raw. internal async Task OnVoiceStateUpdateEventAsync(JObject raw) { var gid = (ulong)raw["guild_id"]; var uid = (ulong)raw["user_id"]; var gld = this._guilds[gid]; var vstateNew = raw.ToObject(); vstateNew.Discord = this; gld._voiceStates.TryRemove(uid, out var vstateOld); if (vstateNew.Channel != null) { gld._voiceStates[vstateNew.UserId] = vstateNew; } if (gld._members.TryGetValue(uid, out var mbr)) { mbr.IsMuted = vstateNew.IsServerMuted; mbr.IsDeafened = vstateNew.IsServerDeafened; } else { var transportMbr = vstateNew.TransportMember; this.UpdateUser(new DiscordUser(transportMbr.User) { Discord = this }, gid, gld, transportMbr); } var ea = new VoiceStateUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = vstateNew.Guild, Channel = vstateNew.Channel, User = vstateNew.User, SessionId = vstateNew.SessionId, Before = vstateOld, After = vstateNew }; await this._voiceStateUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the voice server update event. /// /// The endpoint. /// The token. /// The guild. internal async Task OnVoiceServerUpdateEventAsync(string endpoint, string token, DiscordGuild guild) { var ea = new VoiceServerUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Endpoint = endpoint, VoiceToken = token, Guild = guild }; await this._voiceServerUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Commands /// /// Handles the application command create. /// /// The cmd. /// The guild_id. internal async Task OnApplicationCommandCreateAsync(DiscordApplicationCommand cmd, ulong? guild_id) { cmd.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guild_id); if (guild == null && guild_id.HasValue) { guild = new DiscordGuild { Id = guild_id.Value, Discord = this }; } var ea = new ApplicationCommandEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Command = cmd }; await this._applicationCommandCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the application command update. /// /// The cmd. /// The guild_id. internal async Task OnApplicationCommandUpdateAsync(DiscordApplicationCommand cmd, ulong? guild_id) { cmd.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guild_id); if (guild == null && guild_id.HasValue) { guild = new DiscordGuild { Id = guild_id.Value, Discord = this }; } var ea = new ApplicationCommandEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Command = cmd }; await this._applicationCommandUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the application command delete. /// /// The cmd. /// The guild_id. internal async Task OnApplicationCommandDeleteAsync(DiscordApplicationCommand cmd, ulong? guild_id) { cmd.Discord = this; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guild_id); if (guild == null && guild_id.HasValue) { guild = new DiscordGuild { Id = guild_id.Value, Discord = this }; } var ea = new ApplicationCommandEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Guild = guild, Command = cmd }; await this._applicationCommandDeleted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the guild application command counts update. /// /// The count. /// The count. /// The count. /// The guild_id. /// Count of application commands. internal async Task OnGuildApplicationCommandCountsUpdateAsync(int sc, int ucmc, int mcmc, ulong guild_id) { var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guild_id); if (guild == null) { guild = new DiscordGuild { Id = guild_id, Discord = this }; } var ea = new GuildApplicationCommandCountEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { SlashCommands = sc, UserContextMenuCommands = ucmc, MessageContextMenuCommands = mcmc, Guild = guild }; await this._guildApplicationCommandCountUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the application command permissions update. /// /// The new permissions. /// The command id. /// The guild id. /// The application id. internal async Task OnApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdateAsync(IEnumerable perms, ulong c_id, ulong guild_id, ulong a_id) { if (a_id != this.CurrentApplication.Id) return; var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guild_id); DiscordApplicationCommand cmd; try { cmd = await this.GetGuildApplicationCommandAsync(guild_id, c_id); } catch(NotFoundException) { cmd = await this.GetGlobalApplicationCommandAsync(c_id); } if (guild == null) { guild = new DiscordGuild { Id = guild_id, Discord = this }; } var ea = new ApplicationCommandPermissionsUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Permissions = perms.ToList(), Command = cmd, ApplicationId = a_id, Guild = guild }; await this._applicationCommandPermissionsUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #region Interaction /// /// Handles the interaction create. /// /// The guild id. /// The channel id. /// The user. /// The member. /// The interaction. internal async Task OnInteractionCreateAsync(ulong? guildId, ulong channelId, TransportUser user, TransportMember member, DiscordInteraction interaction) { var usr = new DiscordUser(user) { Discord = this }; interaction.ChannelId = channelId; interaction.GuildId = guildId; interaction.Discord = this; interaction.Data.Discord = this; if (member != null) { usr = new DiscordMember(member) { _guild_id = guildId.Value, Discord = this }; this.UpdateUser(usr, guildId, interaction.Guild, member); } else { this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(usr.Id, usr, (old, @new) => @new); } interaction.User = usr; var resolved = interaction.Data.Resolved; if (resolved != null) { if (resolved.Users != null) { foreach (var c in resolved.Users) { c.Value.Discord = this; this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(c.Value.Id, c.Value, (old, @new) => @new); } } if (resolved.Members != null) { foreach (var c in resolved.Members) { c.Value.Discord = this; c.Value.Id = c.Key; c.Value._guild_id = guildId.Value; c.Value.User.Discord = this; this.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(c.Value.User.Id, c.Value.User, (old, @new) => @new); } } if (resolved.Channels != null) { foreach (var c in resolved.Channels) { c.Value.Discord = this; if (guildId.HasValue) c.Value.GuildId = guildId.Value; } } if (resolved.Roles != null) { foreach (var c in resolved.Roles) { c.Value.Discord = this; if (guildId.HasValue) c.Value._guild_id = guildId.Value; } } if (resolved.Messages != null) { foreach (var m in resolved.Messages) { m.Value.Discord = this; if (guildId.HasValue) m.Value.GuildId = guildId.Value; } } } if (interaction.Type is InteractionType.Component) { interaction.Message.Discord = this; interaction.Message.ChannelId = interaction.ChannelId; var cea = new ComponentInteractionCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Message = interaction.Message, Interaction = interaction }; await this._componentInteractionCreated.InvokeAsync(this, cea).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { if (interaction.Data.Target.HasValue) // Context-Menu. // { var targetId = interaction.Data.Target.Value; DiscordUser targetUser = null; DiscordMember targetMember = null; DiscordMessage targetMessage = null; interaction.Data.Resolved.Messages?.TryGetValue(targetId, out targetMessage); interaction.Data.Resolved.Members?.TryGetValue(targetId, out targetMember); interaction.Data.Resolved.Users?.TryGetValue(targetId, out targetUser); var ctea = new ContextMenuInteractionCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Interaction = interaction, TargetUser = targetMember ?? targetUser, TargetMessage = targetMessage, Type = interaction.Data.Type, }; await this._contextMenuInteractionCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ctea).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { var ea = new InteractionCreateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Interaction = interaction }; await this._interactionCreated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } } } #endregion #region Misc /// /// Handles the typing start event. /// /// The user id. /// The channel id. /// The channel. /// The guild id. /// The started. /// The mbr. internal async Task OnTypingStartEventAsync(ulong userId, ulong channelId, DiscordChannel channel, ulong? guildId, DateTimeOffset started, TransportMember mbr) { if (channel == null) { channel = new DiscordChannel { Discord = this, Id = channelId, GuildId = guildId ?? default, }; } var guild = this.InternalGetCachedGuild(guildId); var usr = this.UpdateUser(new DiscordUser { Id = userId, Discord = this }, guildId, guild, mbr); var ea = new TypingStartEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, User = usr, Guild = guild, StartedAt = started }; await this._typingStarted.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the webhooks update. /// /// The channel. /// The guild. internal async Task OnWebhooksUpdateAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordGuild guild) { var ea = new WebhooksUpdateEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { Channel = channel, Guild = guild }; await this._webhooksUpdated.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Handles the unknown event. /// /// The payload. internal async Task OnUnknownEventAsync(GatewayPayload payload) { var ea = new UnknownEventArgs(this.ServiceProvider) { EventName = payload.EventName, Json = (payload.Data as JObject)?.ToString() }; await this._unknownEvent.InvokeAsync(this, ea).ConfigureAwait(false); } #endregion #endregion } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp/Entities/DiscordUri.cs b/DisCatSharp/Entities/DiscordUri.cs index 06c8c5b5a..cf5149299 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp/Entities/DiscordUri.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp/Entities/DiscordUri.cs @@ -1,162 +1,162 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project. // // Copyright (c) 2021 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace DisCatSharp.Net { /// /// An URI in a Discord embed doesn't necessarily conform to the RFC 3986. If it uses the attachment:// /// protocol, it mustn't contain a trailing slash to be interpreted correctly as an embed attachment reference by /// Discord. /// [JsonConverter(typeof(DiscordUriJsonConverter))] public class DiscordUri { private readonly object _value; /// /// The type of this URI. /// public DiscordUriType Type { get; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The value. internal DiscordUri(Uri value) { this._value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); this.Type = DiscordUriType.Standard; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The value. internal DiscordUri(string value) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); if (IsStandard(value)) { this._value = new Uri(value); this.Type = DiscordUriType.Standard; } else { this._value = value; this.Type = DiscordUriType.NonStandard; } } // can be changed in future /// /// If the uri is a standard uri /// /// Uri string [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private static bool IsStandard(string value) => !value.StartsWith("attachment://"); /// /// Returns a string representation of this DiscordUri. /// /// This DiscordUri, as a string. public override string ToString() => this._value.ToString(); /// /// Converts this DiscordUri into a canonical representation of a if it can be represented as /// such, throwing an exception otherwise. /// /// A canonical representation of this DiscordUri. /// If is not , as /// that would mean creating an invalid Uri, which would result in loss of data. public Uri ToUri() => this.Type == DiscordUriType.Standard ? this._value as Uri : throw new UriFormatException( $@"DiscordUri ""{this._value}"" would be invalid as a regular URI, please the {nameof(this.Type)} property first."); /// /// Represents a uri json converter. /// internal sealed class DiscordUriJsonConverter : JsonConverter { /// /// Writes the json. /// /// The writer. /// The value. /// The serializer. public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) => writer.WriteValue((value as DiscordUri)._value); /// /// Reads the json. /// /// The reader. /// The object type. /// The existing value. /// The serializer. public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { var val = reader.Value; return val == null ? null : val is not string s - ? throw new JsonReaderException("DiscordUri value invalid format! This is a bug in DSharpPlus. " + + ? throw new JsonReaderException("DiscordUri value invalid format! This is a bug in DisCatSharp. " + $"Include the type in your bug report: [[{reader.TokenType}]]") : IsStandard(s) ? new DiscordUri(new Uri(s)) : new DiscordUri(s); } /// /// Whether it can be converted. /// /// The object type. /// A bool. public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) => objectType == typeof(DiscordUri); } } /// /// Represents a uri type. /// public enum DiscordUriType : byte { /// /// Represents a URI that conforms to RFC 3986, meaning it's stored internally as a and will /// contain a trailing slash after the domain name. /// Standard, /// /// Represents a URI that does not conform to RFC 3986, meaning it's stored internally as a plain string and /// should be treated as one. /// NonStandard } } diff --git a/rebuild-docs.ps1 b/rebuild-docs.ps1 index 75e3e6033..6e742d859 100644 --- a/rebuild-docs.ps1 +++ b/rebuild-docs.ps1 @@ -1,492 +1,492 @@ #!/usr/bin/env pwsh # Rebuild-docs # -# Rebuilds the documentation for DSharpPlus NextGen project, and places artifacts in specified directory. +# Rebuilds the documentation for DisCatSharp project, and places artifacts in specified directory. # # Author: Emzi0767 # Version: 2017-09-11 14:20 # # Arguments: # .\rebuild-docs.ps1 # # Run as: # .\rebuild-docs.ps1 .\path\to\docfx\project .\path\to\output project-docs param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $DocsPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $OutputPath, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $PackageName ) # Backup the environment $current_path = $Env:PATH $current_location = Get-Location # Tool paths $docfx_path = Join-Path "$current_location" "docfx" $sevenzip_path = Join-Path "$current_location" "7zip" # Restores the environment function Restore-Environment() { Write-Host "Restoring environment variables" $Env:PATH = $current_path Set-Location -path "$current_location" if (Test-Path "$docfx_path") { Remove-Item -recurse -force "$docfx_path" } if (Test-Path "$sevenzip_path") { Remove-Item -recurse -force "$sevenzip_path" } } # Downloads and installs latest version of DocFX function Install-DocFX([string] $target_dir_path) { Write-Host "Installing DocFX" # Check if the target directory exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$target_dir_path") { Write-Host "Target directory exists, deleting" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$target_dir_path" } # Create target directory $target_dir = New-Item -type directory "$target_dir_path" $target_fn = "docfx.zip" # Form target path $target_dir = $target_dir.FullName $target_path = Join-Path "$target_dir" "$target_fn" # Download release info from Chocolatey API try { Write-Host "Getting latest DocFX release" $release_json = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/package-versions/docfx" | ConvertFrom-JSON $release_json = $release_json | % { [System.Version]::Parse($_) } | Sort-Object -Descending } catch { Return 1 } # Set TLS version to 1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Download the release # Since GH releases are unreliable, we have to try up to 3 times $tries = 0 $fail = $true while ($tries -lt 3) { # Prepare the assets $release = $release_json[$tries] # Pick the next available release $release_version = $release.ToString() # Convert to string #$release_version = "2.58.5" $release_asset = "https://github.com/dotnet/docfx/releases/download/v$release_version/docfx.zip" # increment try counter $tries = $tries + 1 try { Write-Host "Downloading DocFX $release_version to $target_path" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "$release_asset" -outfile "$target_path" # No failure, carry on Write-Host "DocFX version $release_version downloaded successfully" $fail = $false Break } catch { Write-Host "Downloading DocFX version $release_version failed, trying next ($tries / 3)" #Return 1 } } # Check if we succedded in downloading if ($fail) { Return 1 } # Switch directory Set-Location -Path "$target_dir" # Extract the release try { Write-Host "Extracting DocFX" Expand-Archive -path "$target_path" -destinationpath "$target_dir" } catch { Return 1 } # Remove the downloaded zip Write-Host "Removing temporary files" Remove-Item "$target_path" # Add DocFX to PATH Write-Host "Adding DocFX to PATH" if ($Env:OS -eq $null) { $Env:DOCFX_PATH = "$target_dir" } else { $Env:PATH = "$target_dir;$current_path" } Set-Location -path "$current_location" Return 0 } # Downloads and installs latest version of 7-zip CLI function Install-7zip([string] $target_dir_path) { # First, download 7-zip 9.20 CLI to extract latest CLI # http://www.7-zip.org/a/7za920.zip Write-Host "Installing 7-zip" # Check if the target directory exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$target_dir_path") { Write-Host "Target directory exists, deleting" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$target_dir_path" } # Create target directory $target_dir = New-Item -type directory "$target_dir_path" $target_fn = "7za920.zip" # Form target path $target_dir = $target_dir.FullName $target_path = Join-Path "$target_dir" "v920" $target_dir_920 = New-Item -type directory "$target_path" $target_dir_920 = $target_dir_920.FullName $target_path = Join-Path "$target_dir_920" "$target_fn" # Download the 9.20 CLI try { Write-Host "Downloading 7-zip 9.20 CLI to $target_path" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://www.7-zip.org/a/7za920.zip" -outfile "$target_path" Set-Location -Path "$target_dir_920" } catch { Return 1 } # Extract the 9.20 CLI try { Write-Host "Extracting 7-zip latest CLI" Expand-Archive -path "$target_path" -destinationpath "$target_dir_920" } catch { Return 1 } # Temporarily add the 9.20 CLI to PATH Write-Host "Adding 7-zip 9.20 CLI to PATH" $old_path = $Env:PATH $Env:PATH = "$target_dir_920;$old_path" # Next, download latest CLI # http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z1604-extra.7z # Form target path $target_version = "19.00" $target_fn = "7z1900-extra.7z" $target_path = Join-Path "$target_dir" "$target_fn" # Download the latest CLI try { Write-Host "Downloading 7-zip $target_version CLI to $target_path" Invoke-WebRequest -uri "http://www.7-zip.org/a/$target_fn" -outfile "$target_path" Set-Location -Path "$target_dir" } catch { Return 1 } # Extract the latest CLI Write-Host "Extracting 7-zip $target_version CLI" & 7za x "$target_path" | Out-Host if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Return $LastExitCode } # Remove the 9.20 CLI from PATH Write-Host "Removing 7-zip 9.20 CLI from PATH" $Env:PATH = "$old_path" # Remove temporary files and 9.20 CLI Write-Host "Removing temporary files" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$target_dir_920" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$target_path" # Add the latest CLI to PATH Write-Host "Adding 7-zip $target_version CLI to PATH" $target_dir = Join-Path "$target_dir" "x64" $Env:PATH = "$target_dir;$old_path" Set-Location -path "$current_location" Return 0 } # Builds the documentation using available DocFX function Build-Docs([string] $target_dir_path) { # Check if documentation source path exists if (-not (Test-Path "$target_dir_path")) { #Write-Host "Specified path does not exist" Return 65536 } # Check if documentation source path is a directory $target_path = Get-Item "$target_dir_path" if (-not ($target_path -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])) { #Write-Host "Specified path is not a directory" Return 65536 } # Form target path $target_path = $target_path.FullName # Form component paths $docs_site = Join-Path "$target_path" "_site" $docs_api = Join-Path "$target_path" "api" $docs_obj = Join-Path "$target_path" "obj" # Check if API documentation source path exists if (-not (Test-Path "$docs_api")) { #Write-Host "API build target directory does not exist" Return 32768 } # Check if API documentation source path is a directory $docs_api_dir = Get-Item "$docs_api" if (-not ($docs_api_dir -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo])) { #Write-Host "API build target directory is not a directory" Return 32768 } # Purge old API documentation Write-Host "Purging old API documentation" Set-Location -path "$docs_api" Remove-Item "*.yml" Set-Location -path "$current_location" # Check if old built site exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$docs_site") { Write-Host "Purging old products" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$docs_site" } # Create target directory for the built site $docs_site = New-Item -type directory "$docs_site" $docs_site = $docs_site.FullName # Check if old object cache exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$docs_obj") { Write-Host "Purging object cache" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$docs_obj" } # Create target directory for the object cache $docs_obj = New-Item -type directory "$docs_obj" $docs_obj = $docs_obj.FullName # Enter the documentation directory Set-Location -path "$target_path" # Check OS # Null means non-Windows if ($Env:OS -eq $null) { # Generate new API documentation & mono "$Env:DOCFX_PATH/docfx.exe" docfx.json | Out-Host # Check if successful if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # Build new documentation site & mono "$Env:DOCFX_PATH/docfx.exe" build docfx.json | Out-Host } } else { # Generate new API documentation & docfx docfx.json | Out-Host # Check if successful if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # Build new documentation site & docfx build docfx.json | Out-Host } } # Exit back Set-Location -path "$current_location" # Check if building was a success if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { Return 0 } else { Return $LastExitCode } } # Packages the build site to a .tar.xz archive function Package-Docs([string] $target_dir_path, [string] $output_dir_path, [string] $pack_name) { # Form target path $target_path = Get-Item "$target_dir_path" $target_path = $target_path.FullName $target_path = Join-Path "$target_path" "_site" # Form output path $output_path_dir = Get-Item "$output_dir_path" $output_path_dir = $output_path_dir.FullName $output_path = Join-Path "$output_path_dir" "$pack_name" # Enter target path Set-Location -path "$target_path" # Check if target .tar exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$output_path.tar") { Write-Host "$output_path.tar exists, deleting" Remove-Item "$output_path.tar" } # Package .tar archive Write-Host "Packaging docs to $output_path.tar" & 7za -r a "$output_path.tar" * | Out-Host # Check if prepackaging was a success if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Return $LastExitCode } # Go to package's location Set-Location -path "$output_path_dir" # Check if target .tar.xz exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$output_path.tar.xz") { Write-Host "$output_path.tar.xz exists, deleting" Remove-Item "$output_path.tar.xz" } # Package .tar.xz Write-Host "Packaging docs to $output_path.tar.xz" & 7za -sdel -mx9 a "$pack_name.tar.xz" "$pack_name.tar" | Out-Host # Exit back Set-Location -path "$current_location" # Check if packaging was a success if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { Return 0 } else { Return $LastExitCode } } # Install DocFX $result = Install-DocFX "$docfx_path" if ($result -ne 0) { Write-Host "Installing DocFX failed" Restore-Environment $host.SetShouldExit(1) Exit 1 } # Install 7-zip, if Windows if ($Env:OS -ne $null) { $result = Install-7zip "$sevenzip_path" if ($result -ne 0) { Write-Host "Installing 7-zip failed" Restore-Environment $host.SetShouldExit(1) Exit 1 } } # Build and package docs # At this point nothing should fail as everything is already set up $result = Build-Docs "$DocsPath" if ($result -eq 0) { $result = Package-Docs "$DocsPath" "$OutputPath" "$PackageName" if ($result -ne 0) { Write-Host "Packaging API documentation failed" } } else { Write-Host "Building API documentation failed" } # Restore the environment Restore-Environment # All was well, exit with success if ($result -eq 0) { Write-Host "All operations completed" Exit 0 } else { $host.SetShouldExit($result) Exit $result } diff --git a/rebuild-lib.ps1 b/rebuild-lib.ps1 index 451061710..2043b3ef2 100644 --- a/rebuild-lib.ps1 +++ b/rebuild-lib.ps1 @@ -1,175 +1,175 @@ #!/usr/bin/env pwsh # Rebuild-lib # -# Rebuilds the entire DSharpPlus NextGen project, and places artifacts in specified directory. +# Rebuilds the entire DisCatSharp project, and places artifacts in specified directory. # # Author: Emzi0767 # Version: 2018-08-30 14:41 # # Arguments: # .\rebuild-lib.ps1 [version suffix] [build number] # # Run as: # .\rebuild-lib.ps1 .\path\to\artifact\location Debug/Release version-suffix build-number # # or # .\rebuild-lib.ps1 .\path\to\artifact\location Debug/Release param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ArtifactLocation, [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Configuration, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $VersionSuffix, [parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int] $BuildNumber = -1 ) # Check if configuration is valid if ($Configuration -ne "Debug" -and $Configuration -ne "Release") { Write-Host "Invalid configuration specified. Must be Release or Debug." Exit 1 } # Restores the environment function Restore-Environment() { Write-Host "Restoring environment" Remove-Item ./NuGet.config } # Prepares the environment function Prepare-Environment([string] $target_dir_path) { # Prepare the environment Copy-Item ./.nuget/NuGet.config ./ # Check if the target directory exists # If it does, remove it if (Test-Path "$target_dir_path") { Write-Host "Target directory exists, deleting" Remove-Item -recurse -force "$target_dir_path" } # Create target directory $dir = New-Item -type directory "$target_dir_path" } # Builds everything function Build-All([string] $target_dir_path, [string] $version_suffix, [string] $build_number, [string] $bcfg) { # Form target path $dir = Get-Item "$target_dir_path" $target_dir = $dir.FullName Write-Host "Will place packages in $target_dir" # Clean previous build results Write-Host "Cleaning previous build" & dotnet clean -v minimal -c "$bcfg" | Out-Host if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Cleanup failed" Return $LastExitCode } # Restore nuget packages Write-Host "Restoring NuGet packages" & dotnet restore -v minimal | Out-Host if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Restoring packages failed" Return $LastExitCode } # Create build number string if (-not $build_number) { $build_number_string = "" } else { $build_number_string = [int]::Parse($build_number).ToString("00000") } # Build in specified configuration Write-Host "Building everything" if (-not $version_suffix) { & dotnet build -v minimal -c "$bcfg" | Out-Host } elseif (-not $build_number_string) { & dotnet build -v minimal -c "$bcfg" --version-suffix "$version_suffix" | Out-Host } else { & dotnet build -v minimal -c "$bcfg" --version-suffix "$version_suffix" -p:BuildNumber="$build_number_string" | Out-Host } if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Build failed" Return $LastExitCode } # Package for NuGet Write-Host "Creating NuGet packages" if (-not $version_suffix) { & dotnet pack -v minimal -c "$bcfg" --no-build -o "$target_dir" --include-symbols | Out-Host } elseif (-not $build_number_string) { & dotnet pack -v minimal -c "$bcfg" --version-suffix "$version_suffix" --no-build -o "$target_dir" --include-symbols | Out-Host } else { & dotnet pack -v minimal -c "$bcfg" --version-suffix "$version_suffix" -p:BuildNumber="$build_number_string" --no-build -o "$target_dir" --include-symbols | Out-Host } if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Host "Packaging failed" Return $LastExitCode } Return 0 } # Check if building a pre-production package if ($VersionSuffix -and $BuildNumber -ge 0) { Write-Host "Building pre-production package with version suffix of `"$VersionSuffix-$($BuildNumber.ToString("00000"))`"" } elseif ($VersionSuffix -and (-not $BuildNumber -or $BuildNumber -lt 0)) { Write-Host "Building pre-production package with version suffix of `"$VersionSuffix`"" Remove-Variable BuildNumber $BuildNumber = $null } # Prepare environment Prepare-Environment "$ArtifactLocation" # Build everything $BuildResult = Build-All "$ArtifactLocation" "$VersionSuffix" "$BuildNumber" "$Configuration" # Restore environment Restore-Environment # Check if there were any errors if ($BuildResult -ne 0) { Write-Host "Build failed with code $BuildResult" $host.SetShouldExit($BuildResult) Exit $BuildResult } else { Exit 0 }