diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/toc.yml b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/toc.yml index 7377f24d2..b21903d10 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/toc.yml +++ b/DisCatSharp.Docs/articles/toc.yml @@ -1,103 +1,105 @@ - name: Preamble href: preamble.md - name: Important Changes items: + - name: Version 9.8.5 + href: important_changes/9_8_5.md - name: Version 9.8.4 href: important_changes/9_8_4.md - name: Version 9.8.3 href: important_changes/9_8_3.md - name: Version 9.8.2 href: important_changes/9_8_2.md - name: The Basics items: - name: Creating a Bot Account href: basics/bot_account.md - name: Writing Your First Bot href: basics/first_bot.md - name: Bot as Hosted Service href: basics/web_app.md - name: Project Templates href: basics/templates.md - name: Beyond Basics items: - name: Events href: beyond_basics/events.md - name: Logging href: beyond_basics/logging/default.md items: - name: The Default Logger href: beyond_basics/logging/default.md - name: Third Party Loggers href: beyond_basics/logging/third_party.md - name: Intents href: beyond_basics/intents.md - name: Sharding href: beyond_basics/sharding.md - name: Message Builder href: beyond_basics/messagebuilder.md - name: Components items: - name: Buttons href: beyond_basics/components/buttons.md - name: Select Menu href: beyond_basics/components/select_menus.md - name: Workarounds href: beyond_basics/workarounds.md - name: Application Commands items: - name: Introduction href: application_commands/intro.md - name: Options href: application_commands/options.md - name: Events href: application_commands/events.md - name: Translations items: - name: Using Translations href: application_commands/translations/using.md - name: Translation Reference href: application_commands/translations/reference.md - name: Commands items: - name: Introduction href: commands/intro.md - name: Command Attributes href: commands/command_attributes.md - name: Dependency Injection href: commands/dependency_injection.md - name: Customization items: - name: Help Formatter href: commands/help_formatter.md - name: Argument Converters href: commands/argument_converters.md - name: Command Handler href: commands/command_handler.md - name: Audio items: - name: Lavalink items: - name: Setup href: audio/lavalink/setup.md - name: Configuration href: audio/lavalink/configuration.md - name: Music Commands href: audio/lavalink/music_commands.md - name: VoiceNext items: - name: Prerequisites href: audio/voicenext/prerequisites.md - name: Transmitting href: audio/voicenext/transmit.md - name: Receiving href: audio/voicenext/receive.md - name: Interactivity href: interactivity.md - name: Hosting href: hosting.md - name: Miscellaneous items: - name: Nightly Builds href: misc/nightly_builds.md - name: Reporting Issues href: misc/reporting_issues.md diff --git a/Version.targets b/Version.targets index 3ddf076fb..56a3b6be4 100644 --- a/Version.targets +++ b/Version.targets @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ - 9.8.5 + 9.8.6 $(VersionPrefix)-$(VersionSuffix)-$(BuildNumber) $(VersionPrefix).$(BuildNumber) $(VersionPrefix).$(BuildNumber) $(VersionPrefix)-$(VersionSuffix) $(VersionPrefix).0 $(VersionPrefix).0 $(VersionPrefix) $(VersionPrefix).0 $(VersionPrefix).0 diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml index 381ac4b6d..15d06cb6a 100644 --- a/appveyor.yml +++ b/appveyor.yml @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ - branches: only: - main version: 9.8.6-nightly-{build} pull_requests: do_not_increment_build_number: true skip_tags: true max_jobs: 1 image: Visual Studio 2022 clone_depth: 1 build_script: - ps: |- # Version number $BUILD_NUMBER = [int]$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER $BUILD_SUFFIX = "nightly" # Branch $BRANCH = "$Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH" $Env:DOCFX_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME = "$BRANCH" # Output directory $Env:ARTIFACT_DIR = ".\artifacts" $dir = New-Item -type directory $env:ARTIFACT_DIR $dir = $dir.FullName # Verbosity Write-Host "Build: $BUILD_NUMBER / Branch: $BRANCH" Write-Host "Artifacts will be placed in: $dir" # Check if this is a PR if (-not $Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) { Write-Host "Commencing complete build" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } else { Write-Host "Building from PR ($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } artifacts: - 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ps: |- # Version number $BUILD_NUMBER = [int]$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER # Branch $BRANCH = "$Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH" $Env:DOCFX_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME = "$BRANCH" # Output directory $Env:ARTIFACT_DIR = ".\artifacts" $dir = New-Item -type directory $env:ARTIFACT_DIR $dir = $dir.FullName # Verbosity Write-Host "Build: $BUILD_NUMBER / Branch: $BRANCH" Write-Host "Artifacts will be placed in: $dir" # Check if this is a PR if (-not $Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) { Write-Host "Commencing complete build" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } else { Write-Host "Building from PR ($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } artifacts: - path: artifacts\*.snupkg - path: artifacts\*.nupkg - path: artifacts\dcs-docs.tar.xz deploy: - 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