diff --git a/DisCatSharp/Entities/Guild/DiscordGuild.AuditLog.cs b/DisCatSharp/Entities/Guild/DiscordGuild.AuditLog.cs index 7bb0f7f97..c11eb385a 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp/Entities/Guild/DiscordGuild.AuditLog.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp/Entities/Guild/DiscordGuild.AuditLog.cs @@ -1,1364 +1,1367 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2023 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using DisCatSharp.Exceptions; using DisCatSharp.Net; using DisCatSharp.Net.Abstractions; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; namespace DisCatSharp.Entities; public partial class DiscordGuild { // TODO: Rework audit logs! /// /// Gets audit log entries for this guild. /// /// Maximum number of entries to fetch. /// Filter by member responsible. /// Filter by action type. /// A collection of requested audit log entries. /// Thrown when the client does not have the permission. /// Thrown when Discord is unable to process the request. public async Task> GetAuditLogsAsync(int? limit = null, DiscordMember byMember = null, AuditLogActionType? actionType = null) { var alrs = new List(); int ac = 1, tc = 0, rmn = 100; var last = 0ul; while (ac > 0) { rmn = limit != null ? limit.Value - tc : 100; rmn = Math.Min(100, rmn); if (rmn <= 0) break; var alr = await this.Discord.ApiClient.GetAuditLogsAsync(this.Id, rmn, null, last == 0 ? null : last, byMember?.Id, (int?)actionType).ConfigureAwait(false); ac = alr.Entries.Count; tc += ac; if (ac > 0) { last = alr.Entries[alr.Entries.Count - 1].Id; alrs.Add(alr); } } var auditLogResult = await this.ProcessAuditLog(alrs); return auditLogResult; } /// /// Proceesses audit log objects. /// /// A list of raw audit log objects. /// The processed audit log list as readonly. internal async Task> ProcessAuditLog(List auditLogApiResult) { List amr = new(); if (auditLogApiResult.Any(ar => ar.Users != null && ar.Users.Any())) amr = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.Users) .GroupBy(xu => xu.Id) .Select(xgu => xgu.First()).ToList(); if (amr.Any()) foreach (var xau in amr) { if (this.Discord.UserCache.ContainsKey(xau.Id)) continue; var xtu = new TransportUser { Id = xau.Id, Username = xau.Username, Discriminator = xau.Discriminator, AvatarHash = xau.AvatarHash }; var xu = new DiscordUser(xtu) { Discord = this.Discord }; xu = this.Discord.UserCache.AddOrUpdate(xu.Id, xu, (id, old) => { old.Username = xu.Username; old.Discriminator = xu.Discriminator; old.AvatarHash = xu.AvatarHash; old.GlobalName = xu.GlobalName; return old; }); } List atgse = new(); if (auditLogApiResult.Any(ar => ar.ScheduledEvents != null && ar.ScheduledEvents.Any())) atgse = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.ScheduledEvents) .GroupBy(xse => xse.Id) .Select(xgse => xgse.First()).ToList(); List ath = new(); if (auditLogApiResult.Any(ar => ar.Threads != null && ar.Threads.Any())) ath = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.Threads) .GroupBy(xt => xt.Id) .Select(xgt => xgt.First()).ToList(); List aig = new(); if (auditLogApiResult.Any(ar => ar.Integrations != null && ar.Integrations.Any())) aig = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.Integrations) .GroupBy(xi => xi.Id) .Select(xgi => xgi.First()).ToList(); List ahr = new(); if (auditLogApiResult.Any(ar => ar.Webhooks != null && ar.Webhooks.Any())) ahr = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.Webhooks) .GroupBy(xh => xh.Id) .Select(xgh => xgh.First()).ToList(); List ams = new(); Dictionary amd = new(); if (amr.Any()) ams = amr.Select(xau => this.MembersInternal != null && this.MembersInternal.TryGetValue(xau.Id, out var member) ? member : new DiscordMember { Discord = this.Discord, Id = xau.Id, GuildId = this.Id }).ToList(); if (ams.Any()) amd = ams.ToDictionary(xm => xm.Id, xm => xm); #pragma warning disable CS0219 Dictionary dtc = null; Dictionary di = null; Dictionary dse = null; #pragma warning restore Dictionary ahd = null; if (ahr.Any()) { var whr = await this.GetWebhooksAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var whs = whr.ToDictionary(xh => xh.Id, xh => xh); var amh = ahr.Select(xah => whs.TryGetValue(xah.Id, out var webhook) ? webhook : new DiscordWebhook { Discord = this.Discord, Name = xah.Name, Id = xah.Id, AvatarHash = xah.AvatarHash, ChannelId = xah.ChannelId, GuildId = xah.GuildId, Token = xah.Token }); ahd = amh.ToDictionary(xh => xh.Id, xh => xh); } var acs = auditLogApiResult.SelectMany(xa => xa.Entries).OrderByDescending(xa => xa.Id); var entries = new List(); foreach (var xac in acs) { DiscordAuditLogEntry entry = null; ulong t1, t2; int t3, t4; long t5, t6; bool p1, p2; switch (xac.ActionType) { case AuditLogActionType.Invalid: break; case AuditLogActionType.GuildUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogGuildEntry { Target = this }; var entrygld = entry as DiscordAuditLogGuildEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { PropertyChange GetChannelChange() { ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); return new PropertyChange { Before = this.GetChannel(t1) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }, After = this.GetChannel(t2) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } }; } switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entrygld.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "owner_id": entrygld.OwnerChange = new PropertyChange { Before = this.MembersInternal != null && this.MembersInternal.TryGetValue(xc.OldValueUlong, out var oldMember) ? oldMember : await this.GetMemberAsync(xc.OldValueUlong).ConfigureAwait(false), After = this.MembersInternal != null && this.MembersInternal.TryGetValue(xc.NewValueUlong, out var newMember) ? newMember : await this.GetMemberAsync(xc.NewValueUlong).ConfigureAwait(false) }; break; case "icon_hash": entrygld.IconChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString != null ? $"{DiscordDomain.GetDomain(CoreDomain.DiscordCdn).Url}{Endpoints.ICONS}/{this.Id}/{xc.OldValueString}.webp" : null, After = xc.OldValueString != null ? $"{DiscordDomain.GetDomain(CoreDomain.DiscordCdn).Url}{Endpoints.ICONS}/{this.Id}/{xc.NewValueString}.webp" : null }; break; case "verification_level": entrygld.VerificationLevelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (VerificationLevel)(long)xc.OldValue, After = (VerificationLevel)(long)xc.NewValue }; break; case "afk_channel_id": entrygld.AfkChannelChange = GetChannelChange(); break; case "system_channel_flags": entrygld.SystemChannelFlagsChange = new PropertyChange() { Before = (SystemChannelFlags)(long)xc.OldValue, After = (SystemChannelFlags)(long)xc.NewValue }; break; case "widget_channel_id": entrygld.WidgetChannelChange = GetChannelChange(); break; case "rules_channel_id": entrygld.RulesChannelChange = GetChannelChange(); break; case "public_updates_channel_id": entrygld.PublicUpdatesChannelChange = GetChannelChange(); break; case "splash_hash": entrygld.SplashChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString != null ? $"{DiscordDomain.GetDomain(CoreDomain.DiscordCdn).Url}{Endpoints.SPLASHES}/{this.Id}/{xc.OldValueString}.webp?size=2048" : null, After = xc.NewValueString != null ? $"{DiscordDomain.GetDomain(CoreDomain.DiscordCdn).Url}{Endpoints.SPLASHES}/{this.Id}/{xc.NewValueString}.webp?size=2048" : null }; break; case "default_message_notifications": entrygld.NotificationSettingsChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (DefaultMessageNotifications)(long)xc.OldValue, After = (DefaultMessageNotifications)(long)xc.NewValue }; break; case "system_channel_id": entrygld.SystemChannelChange = GetChannelChange(); break; case "explicit_content_filter": entrygld.ExplicitContentFilterChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (ExplicitContentFilter)(long)xc.OldValue, After = (ExplicitContentFilter)(long)xc.NewValue }; break; case "mfa_level": entrygld.MfaLevelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (MfaLevel)(long)xc.OldValue, After = (MfaLevel)(long)xc.NewValue }; break; case "region": entrygld.RegionChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "vanity_url_code": entrygld.VanityUrlCodeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "premium_progress_bar_enabled": entrygld.PremiumProgressBarChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool)xc.OldValue, After = (bool)xc.NewValue }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in guild update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.ChannelCreate: case AuditLogActionType.ChannelDelete: case AuditLogActionType.ChannelUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogChannelEntry { Target = this.GetChannel(xac.TargetId.Value) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } }; var entrychn = entry as DiscordAuditLogChannelEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entrychn.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "type": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entrychn.TypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ChannelType?)t1 : null, After = p2 ? (ChannelType?)t2 : null }; break; case "flags": entrychn.ChannelFlagsChange = new PropertyChange() { Before = (ChannelFlags)(long)(xc.OldValue ?? 0L), After = (ChannelFlags)(long)(xc.NewValue ?? 0L) }; break; case "permission_overwrites": var olds = xc.OldValues?.OfType() ?.Select(xjo => xjo.ToObject()) ?.Select(xo => { xo.Discord = this.Discord; return xo; }); var news = xc.NewValues?.OfType() ?.Select(xjo => xjo.ToObject()) ?.Select(xo => { xo.Discord = this.Discord; return xo; }); entrychn.OverwriteChange = new PropertyChange> { Before = olds != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(new List(olds)) : null, After = news != null ? new ReadOnlyCollection(new List(news)) : null }; break; case "topic": entrychn.TopicChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "nsfw": entrychn.NsfwChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "rtc_region": entrychn.RtcRegionIdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "bitrate": entrychn.BitrateChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)(long?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)(long?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "user_limit": entrychn.UserLimitChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)(long?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)(long?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "rate_limit_per_user": entrychn.PerUserRateLimitChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)(long?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)(long?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "default_auto_archive_duration": entrychn.DefaultAutoArchiveDurationChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (ThreadAutoArchiveDuration?)(long?)xc.OldValue, After = (ThreadAutoArchiveDuration?)(long?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "available_tags": var old_tags = xc.OldValues?.OfType() ?.Select(xjo => xjo.ToObject()) ?.Select(xo => { xo.Discord = this.Discord; return xo; }); var new_tags = xc.NewValues?.OfType() ?.Select(xjo => xjo.ToObject()) ?.Select(xo => { xo.Discord = this.Discord; return xo; }); entrychn.AvailableTagsChange = new PropertyChange> { Before = old_tags != null ? new List(new List(old_tags)) : null, After = new_tags != null ? new List(new List(new_tags)) : null }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in channel update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.OverwriteCreate: case AuditLogActionType.OverwriteDelete: case AuditLogActionType.OverwriteUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogOverwriteEntry { Target = this.GetChannel(xac.TargetId.Value)?.PermissionOverwrites.FirstOrDefault(xo => xo.Id == xac.Options.Id), Channel = this.GetChannel(xac.TargetId.Value) }; var entryovr = entry as DiscordAuditLogOverwriteEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "deny": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entryovr.DenyChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (Permissions?)t1 : null, After = p2 ? (Permissions?)t2 : null }; break; case "allow": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entryovr.AllowChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (Permissions?)t1 : null, After = p2 ? (Permissions?)t2 : null }; break; case "type": entryovr.TypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (OverwriteType)(long)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (OverwriteType)(long)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "id": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entryovr.TargetIdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t1 : null, After = p2 ? t2 : null }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in overwrite update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.Kick: entry = new DiscordAuditLogKickEntry { Target = amd.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var kickMember) ? kickMember : new DiscordMember { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } }; break; case AuditLogActionType.Prune: entry = new DiscordAuditLogPruneEntry { Days = xac.Options.DeleteMemberDays, Toll = xac.Options.MembersRemoved }; break; case AuditLogActionType.Ban: case AuditLogActionType.Unban: entry = new DiscordAuditLogBanEntry { Target = amd.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var unbanMember) ? unbanMember : new DiscordMember { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } }; break; case AuditLogActionType.MemberUpdate: case AuditLogActionType.MemberRoleUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogMemberUpdateEntry { Target = amd.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var roleUpdMember) ? roleUpdMember : new DiscordMember { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } }; var entrymbu = entry as DiscordAuditLogMemberUpdateEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "nick": entrymbu.NicknameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "deaf": entrymbu.DeafenChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "mute": entrymbu.MuteChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "communication_disabled_until": entrymbu.CommunicationDisabledUntilChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (DateTime?)xc.OldValue, After = (DateTime?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "$add": entrymbu.AddedRoles = new ReadOnlyCollection(xc.NewValues.Select(xo => (ulong)xo["id"]).Select(this.GetRole).ToList()); break; case "$remove": entrymbu.RemovedRoles = new ReadOnlyCollection(xc.NewValues.Select(xo => (ulong)xo["id"]).Select(this.GetRole).ToList()); break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in member update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.RoleCreate: case AuditLogActionType.RoleDelete: case AuditLogActionType.RoleUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogRoleUpdateEntry { Target = this.GetRole(xac.TargetId.Value) ?? new DiscordRole { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entryrol = entry as DiscordAuditLogRoleUpdateEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entryrol.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "color": p1 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t3); p2 = int.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t4); entryrol.ColorChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t3 : null, After = p2 ? t4 : null }; break; case "permissions": entryrol.PermissionChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (Permissions?)long.Parse((string)xc.OldValue) : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (Permissions?)long.Parse((string)xc.NewValue) : null }; break; case "position": entryrol.PositionChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (int?)(long)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (int?)(long)xc.NewValue : null, }; break; case "mentionable": entryrol.MentionableChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (bool?)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (bool?)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "hoist": entryrol.HoistChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "icon_hash": entryrol.IconHashChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in role update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.InviteCreate: case AuditLogActionType.InviteDelete: case AuditLogActionType.InviteUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogInviteEntry(); var inv = new DiscordInvite { Discord = this.Discord, Guild = new DiscordInviteGuild { Discord = this.Discord, Id = this.Id, Name = this.Name, SplashHash = this.SplashHash } }; var entryinv = entry as DiscordAuditLogInviteEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "max_age": p1 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t3); p2 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t4); entryinv.MaxAgeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t3 : null, After = p2 ? t4 : null }; break; case "code": inv.Code = xc.OldValueString ?? xc.NewValueString; entryinv.CodeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "temporary": entryinv.TemporaryChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (bool?)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (bool?)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "inviter_id": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entryinv.InviterChange = new PropertyChange { Before = amd.TryGetValue(t1, out var propBeforeMember) ? propBeforeMember : new DiscordMember { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }, After = amd.TryGetValue(t2, out var propAfterMember) ? propAfterMember : new DiscordMember { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }, }; break; case "channel_id": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entryinv.ChannelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? this.GetChannel(t1) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } : null, After = p2 ? this.GetChannel(t2) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } : null }; var ch = entryinv.ChannelChange.Before ?? entryinv.ChannelChange.After; var cht = ch?.Type; inv.Channel = new DiscordInviteChannel { Discord = this.Discord, Id = p1 ? t1 : t2, Name = ch?.Name, Type = cht != null ? cht.Value : ChannelType.Unknown }; break; case "uses": p1 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t3); p2 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t4); entryinv.UsesChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t3 : null, After = p2 ? t4 : null }; break; case "max_uses": p1 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t3); p2 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t4); entryinv.MaxUsesChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t3 : null, After = p2 ? t4 : null }; break; // TODO: Add changes for target application default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in invite update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } entryinv.Target = inv; break; case AuditLogActionType.WebhookCreate: case AuditLogActionType.WebhookDelete: case AuditLogActionType.WebhookUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogWebhookEntry { Target = ahd.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var webhook) ? webhook : new DiscordWebhook { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entrywhk = entry as DiscordAuditLogWebhookEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "application_id": // ??? p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entrywhk.IdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t1 : null, After = p2 ? t2 : null }; break; case "name": entrywhk.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "channel_id": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entrywhk.ChannelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? this.GetChannel(t1) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } : null, After = p2 ? this.GetChannel(t2) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = t1, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id } : null }; break; case "type": // ??? p1 = int.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t3); p2 = int.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t4); entrywhk.TypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? t3 : null, After = p2 ? t4 : null }; break; case "avatar_hash": entrywhk.AvatarHashChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in webhook update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.EmojiCreate: case AuditLogActionType.EmojiDelete: case AuditLogActionType.EmojiUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogEmojiEntry { Target = this.EmojisInternal.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var target) ? target : new DiscordEmoji { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entryemo = entry as DiscordAuditLogEmojiEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entryemo.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in emote update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceCreate: case AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceDelete: case AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogStageEntry { Target = this.StageInstancesInternal.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var stage) ? stage : new DiscordStageInstance { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entrysta = entry as DiscordAuditLogStageEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "topic": entrysta.TopicChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "privacy_level": #pragma warning disable CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete entrysta.PrivacyLevelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5) ? (StagePrivacyLevel?)t5 : null, After = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6) ? (StagePrivacyLevel?)t6 : null, }; #pragma warning restore CS0612 // Type or member is obsolete break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in stage instance update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.StickerCreate: case AuditLogActionType.StickerDelete: case AuditLogActionType.StickerUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogStickerEntry { Target = this.StickersInternal.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var sticker) ? sticker : new DiscordSticker { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entrysti = entry as DiscordAuditLogStickerEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entrysti.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "description": entrysti.DescriptionChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "tags": entrysti.TagsChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "guild_id": entrysti.GuildIdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValueString, out var ogid) ? ogid : null, After = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValueString, out var ngid) ? ngid : null }; break; case "available": entrysti.AvailabilityChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue, }; break; case "asset": entrysti.AssetChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "id": entrysti.IdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValueString, out var oid) ? oid : null, After = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValueString, out var nid) ? nid : null }; break; case "type": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entrysti.TypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (StickerType?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (StickerType?)t6 : null }; break; case "format_type": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entrysti.FormatChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (StickerFormat?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (StickerFormat?)t6 : null }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in sticker update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.MessageDelete: case AuditLogActionType.MessageBulkDelete: { entry = new DiscordAuditLogMessageEntry(); var entrymsg = entry as DiscordAuditLogMessageEntry; if (xac.Options != null) { entrymsg.Channel = this.GetChannel(xac.Options.ChannelId) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = xac.Options.ChannelId, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }; entrymsg.MessageCount = xac.Options.Count; } if (entrymsg.Channel != null) { entrymsg.Target = this.Discord is DiscordClient dc && dc.MessageCache != null && dc.MessageCache.TryGet(xm => xm.Id == xac.TargetId.Value && xm.ChannelId == entrymsg.Channel.Id, out var msg) ? msg : new DiscordMessage { Discord = this.Discord, Id = xac.TargetId.Value }; } break; } case AuditLogActionType.MessagePin: case AuditLogActionType.MessageUnpin: { entry = new DiscordAuditLogMessagePinEntry(); var entrypin = entry as DiscordAuditLogMessagePinEntry; if (this.Discord is not DiscordClient dc) { break; } if (xac.Options != null) { DiscordMessage message = default; dc.MessageCache?.TryGet(x => x.Id == xac.Options.MessageId && x.ChannelId == xac.Options.ChannelId, out message); entrypin.Channel = this.GetChannel(xac.Options.ChannelId) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = xac.Options.ChannelId, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }; entrypin.Message = message ?? new DiscordMessage { Id = xac.Options.MessageId, Discord = this.Discord }; } if (xac.TargetId.HasValue) { dc.UserCache.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var user); entrypin.Target = user ?? new DiscordUser { Id = user.Id, Discord = this.Discord }; } break; } case AuditLogActionType.BotAdd: { entry = new DiscordAuditLogBotAddEntry(); if (!(this.Discord is DiscordClient dc && xac.TargetId.HasValue)) { break; } dc.UserCache.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var bot); (entry as DiscordAuditLogBotAddEntry).TargetBot = bot ?? new DiscordUser { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord }; break; } case AuditLogActionType.MemberMove: entry = new DiscordAuditLogMemberMoveEntry(); if (xac.Options == null) { break; } var moveentry = entry as DiscordAuditLogMemberMoveEntry; moveentry.UserCount = xac.Options.Count; moveentry.Channel = this.GetChannel(xac.Options.ChannelId) ?? new DiscordChannel { Id = xac.Options.ChannelId, Discord = this.Discord, GuildId = this.Id }; break; case AuditLogActionType.MemberDisconnect: entry = new DiscordAuditLogMemberDisconnectEntry { UserCount = xac.Options?.Count ?? 0 }; break; case AuditLogActionType.IntegrationCreate: case AuditLogActionType.IntegrationDelete: case AuditLogActionType.IntegrationUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogIntegrationEntry(); var integentry = entry as DiscordAuditLogIntegrationEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "type": integentry.Type = new PropertyChange() { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "enable_emoticons": integentry.EnableEmoticons = new PropertyChange { Before = (bool?)xc.OldValue, After = (bool?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "expire_behavior": integentry.ExpireBehavior = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)xc.NewValue }; break; case "expire_grace_period": integentry.ExpireBehavior = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)xc.NewValue }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in integration update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.ThreadCreate: case AuditLogActionType.ThreadDelete: case AuditLogActionType.ThreadUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogThreadEntry { Target = this.ThreadsInternal.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var thread) ? thread : new DiscordThreadChannel { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entrythr = entry as DiscordAuditLogThreadEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": entrythr.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "type": p1 = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t1); p2 = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t2); entrythr.TypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ChannelType?)t1 : null, After = p2 ? (ChannelType?)t2 : null }; break; case "archived": entrythr.ArchivedChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (bool?)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (bool?)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "locked": entrythr.LockedChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (bool?)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (bool?)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "invitable": entrythr.InvitableChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValue != null ? (bool?)xc.OldValue : null, After = xc.NewValue != null ? (bool?)xc.NewValue : null }; break; case "auto_archive_duration": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entrythr.AutoArchiveDurationChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ThreadAutoArchiveDuration?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (ThreadAutoArchiveDuration?)t6 : null }; break; case "rate_limit_per_user": entrythr.PerUserRateLimitChange = new PropertyChange { Before = (int?)(long?)xc.OldValue, After = (int?)(long?)xc.NewValue }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in thread update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; case AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventCreate: case AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventDelete: case AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventUpdate: entry = new DiscordAuditLogGuildScheduledEventEntry { Target = this.ScheduledEventsInternal.TryGetValue(xac.TargetId.Value, out var scheduledEvent) ? scheduledEvent : new DiscordScheduledEvent { Id = xac.TargetId.Value, Discord = this.Discord } }; var entryse = entry as DiscordAuditLogGuildScheduledEventEntry; foreach (var xc in xac.Changes) { switch (xc.Key.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "channel_id": entryse.ChannelIdChange = new PropertyChange { Before = ulong.TryParse(xc.OldValueString, out var ogid) ? ogid : null, After = ulong.TryParse(xc.NewValueString, out var ngid) ? ngid : null }; break; case "name": entryse.NameChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "description": entryse.DescriptionChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "location": entryse.LocationChange = new PropertyChange { Before = xc.OldValueString, After = xc.NewValueString }; break; case "privacy_level": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entryse.PrivacyLevelChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel?)t6 : null }; break; case "entity_type": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entryse.EntityTypeChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ScheduledEventEntityType?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (ScheduledEventEntityType?)t6 : null }; break; case "status": p1 = long.TryParse(xc.OldValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t5); p2 = long.TryParse(xc.NewValue as string, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out t6); entryse.StatusChange = new PropertyChange { Before = p1 ? (ScheduledEventStatus?)t5 : null, After = p2 ? (ScheduledEventStatus?)t6 : null }; break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown key in scheduled event update: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", xc.Key); break; } } break; // TODO: Handle ApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate case AuditLogActionType.ApplicationCommandPermissionUpdate: break; // TODO: Implement auto mod audit log case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleCreate: case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleUpdate: case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleDelete: break; case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationBlockMessage: break; - case AuditLogActionType.AUtoModerationFlagMessage: + case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationFlagMessage: + break; + + case AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationTimeOutUser: break; default: this.Discord.Logger.LogWarning(LoggerEvents.AuditLog, "Unknown audit log action type: {0} - this should be reported to library developers", (int)xac.ActionType); break; } if (entry == null) continue; entry.ActionCategory = xac.ActionType switch { AuditLogActionType.ChannelCreate or AuditLogActionType.EmojiCreate or AuditLogActionType.InviteCreate or AuditLogActionType.OverwriteCreate or AuditLogActionType.RoleCreate or AuditLogActionType.WebhookCreate or AuditLogActionType.IntegrationCreate or AuditLogActionType.StickerCreate or AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceCreate or AuditLogActionType.ThreadCreate or AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventCreate or AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleCreate => AuditLogActionCategory.Create, AuditLogActionType.ChannelDelete or AuditLogActionType.EmojiDelete or AuditLogActionType.InviteDelete or AuditLogActionType.MessageDelete or AuditLogActionType.MessageBulkDelete or AuditLogActionType.OverwriteDelete or AuditLogActionType.RoleDelete or AuditLogActionType.WebhookDelete or AuditLogActionType.IntegrationDelete or AuditLogActionType.StickerDelete or AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceDelete or AuditLogActionType.ThreadDelete or AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventDelete or AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleDelete => AuditLogActionCategory.Delete, AuditLogActionType.ChannelUpdate or AuditLogActionType.EmojiUpdate or AuditLogActionType.InviteUpdate or AuditLogActionType.MemberRoleUpdate or AuditLogActionType.MemberUpdate or AuditLogActionType.OverwriteUpdate or AuditLogActionType.RoleUpdate or AuditLogActionType.WebhookUpdate or AuditLogActionType.IntegrationUpdate or AuditLogActionType.StickerUpdate or AuditLogActionType.StageInstanceUpdate or AuditLogActionType.ThreadUpdate or AuditLogActionType.GuildScheduledEventUpdate or AuditLogActionType.AutoModerationRuleUpdate => AuditLogActionCategory.Update, _ => AuditLogActionCategory.Other, }; entry.Discord = this.Discord; entry.ActionType = xac.ActionType; entry.Id = xac.Id; entry.Reason = xac.Reason; entry.UserResponsible = amd.Any() && amd.TryGetValue(xac.UserId, out var resp) ? resp : this.MembersInternal[xac.UserId]; entries.Add(entry); } return new ReadOnlyCollection(entries); } }