diff --git a/appveyor.yml b/appveyor.yml index 7d22f0691..c1c3cc25e 100644 --- a/appveyor.yml +++ b/appveyor.yml @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ - branches: only: - main - version: 10.0.0-nightly-{build} + version: 10.0.1-nightly-{build} pull_requests: do_not_increment_build_number: true skip_tags: true max_jobs: 1 image: Visual Studio 2022 clone_depth: 1 build_script: - ps: |- # Version number $BUILD_NUMBER = [int]$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER $BUILD_SUFFIX = "nightly" # Branch $BRANCH = "$Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH" $Env:DOCFX_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME = "$BRANCH" # Output directory $Env:ARTIFACT_DIR = ".\artifacts" $dir = New-Item -type directory $env:ARTIFACT_DIR $dir = $dir.FullName # Verbosity Write-Host "Build: $BUILD_NUMBER / Branch: $BRANCH" Write-Host "Artifacts will be placed in: $dir" # Check if this is a PR if (-not $Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) { Write-Host "Commencing complete build" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } else { Write-Host "Building from PR ($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } artifacts: - path: artifacts\*.snupkg - path: artifacts\*.nupkg - path: artifacts\dcs-docs.tar.xz deploy: - provider: NuGet server: api_key: secure: eml4lPttwjBZg7WdwX3tbx34ZDNssgb2zwthatNbolRY0PnaCIswbuPClf9IWrw7 skip_symbols: false - provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: oMF8sv9mhVjO7pBctQOwlmfd5aHQ4hvMoVCz77bgO9+1zBQSelPHxk0bCVfXNCCp prerelease: true force_update: true - provider: NuGet server: https://nuget.pkg.github.com/Aiko-IT-Systems/index.json username: lulalaby api_key: secure: SBGo8KrGJ7t5wwMNHKD0WSzrQ+PLJbqXE3FtDH2yGkSrQewO+kzmwp/xGk5a84He skip_symbols: true on_success: - ps: Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/appveyor-discord-webhook/master/send.ps1 -o send.ps1 - ps: ./send.ps1 success $env:WEBHOOK_URL on_failure: - ps: Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/appveyor-discord-webhook/master/send.ps1 -o send.ps1 - ps: ./send.ps1 failure $env:WEBHOOK_URL # Releases - branches: only: - /release/ - version: 9.9.0 + version: 10.0.0 pull_requests: do_not_increment_build_number: true skip_tags: true max_jobs: 1 image: Visual Studio 2022 clone_depth: 1 build_script: - ps: |- # Version number $BUILD_NUMBER = [int]$Env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER # Branch $BRANCH = "$Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH" $Env:DOCFX_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME = "$BRANCH" # Output directory $Env:ARTIFACT_DIR = ".\artifacts" $dir = New-Item -type directory $env:ARTIFACT_DIR $dir = $dir.FullName # Verbosity Write-Host "Build: $BUILD_NUMBER / Branch: $BRANCH" Write-Host "Artifacts will be placed in: $dir" # Check if this is a PR if (-not $Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) { Write-Host "Commencing complete build" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } else { Write-Host "Building from PR ($Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)" & .\rebuild-all.ps1 -ArtifactLocation "$dir" -Configuration "Release" -VersionSuffix "$BUILD_SUFFIX" -BuildNumber $BUILD_NUMBER & Remove-Item "$dir\*.symbols.nupkg" } artifacts: - path: artifacts\*.snupkg - path: artifacts\*.nupkg - path: artifacts\dcs-docs.tar.xz deploy: - provider: NuGet server: api_key: secure: eml4lPttwjBZg7WdwX3tbx34ZDNssgb2zwthatNbolRY0PnaCIswbuPClf9IWrw7 skip_symbols: false - provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: oMF8sv9mhVjO7pBctQOwlmfd5aHQ4hvMoVCz77bgO9+1zBQSelPHxk0bCVfXNCCp prerelease: false force_update: true - provider: NuGet server: https://nuget.pkg.github.com/Aiko-IT-Systems/index.json username: lulalaby api_key: secure: SBGo8KrGJ7t5wwMNHKD0WSzrQ+PLJbqXE3FtDH2yGkSrQewO+kzmwp/xGk5a84He skip_symbols: true on_success: - ps: Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/appveyor-discord-webhook/master/send.ps1 -o send.ps1 - ps: ./send.ps1 success $env:WEBHOOK_URL on_failure: - ps: Invoke-RestMethod https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DiscordHooks/appveyor-discord-webhook/master/send.ps1 -o send.ps1 - ps: ./send.ps1 failure $env:WEBHOOK_URL