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name: Get SSH Agent uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.AITSYS_SSH }} - name: Publish on server continue-on-error: true run: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T root@ -f 'cd /var/www/dcs.aitsys.dev/docs && git pull -f && service apache2 restart' publish-backup: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Publish documentation on backup server needs: documentation steps: - name: Get SSH Agent uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.7.0 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.AITSYS_SSH }} - name: Publish on server continue-on-error: true run: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T root@ -f 'cd /var/www/dcsdocs && git pull -f && service apache2 restart' diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Docs/docfx.json b/DisCatSharp.Docs/docfx.json index 2a0ade058..ee20d3e36 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Docs/docfx.json +++ b/DisCatSharp.Docs/docfx.json @@ -1,300 +1,301 @@ { "metadata":[ { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Interactivity/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Interactivity", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Common/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Common", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Hosting/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Hosting", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Configuration/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Configuration", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.CommandsNext/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.CommandsNext", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Hosting.DependencyInjection/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Hosting.DependencyInjection", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Lavalink/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Lavalink", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.VoiceNext/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.VoiceNext", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Attributes/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Attributes", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false }, { "src":[ { "src":"../DisCatSharp.Experimental/", "files":[ "**.csproj" ], "exclude":[ "**/obj/**", "**/bin/**" ] } ], "dest":"api/DisCatSharp.Experimental", "filter":"filter_config.yml", "disableDefaultFilter":false } ], "build":{ "xrefService":[ "https://xref.docs.microsoft.com/query?uid={uid}" ], "content":[ { "files":[ "api/**/**.yml", "api/**/**.md", "api/**.yml", "api/**.md" ], "exclude":[ "libdev/**" ] }, { "files":[ "**.md", "toc.yml", "faq/**.yml", "faq/**.md", "articles/**.yml", "articles/**.md", "changelogs/**.yml", "changelogs/**.md", "natives/**.yml", "natives/**.md", "vs/**.yml", "vs/**.md" ], "exclude":[ "**/bin/**", "**/obj/**", "_site/**", "dcs/**" ] } ], "resource":[ { "files":[ "images/**", "natives/**.zip", "./.htaccess" ], "exclude":[ "**/bin/**", "**/obj/**", "_site/**", "images/_**" ] } ], "overwrite":[], "dest":"_site", "globalMetadata":{ "_appTitle": "DisCatSharp Docs", "_appName": "DisCatSharp", "_appFooter": "Made with ♥ by AITSYS", "_copyrightFooter": "© Aiko IT Systems. 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