diff --git a/DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands/ApplicationCommandsExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands/ApplicationCommandsExtension.cs index 52a94cbe6..cb54f7f4a 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands/ApplicationCommandsExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands/ApplicationCommandsExtension.cs @@ -1,1871 +1,1864 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands.Attributes; using DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Common; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Exceptions; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace DisCatSharp.ApplicationCommands; /// /// A class that handles slash commands for a client. /// public sealed class ApplicationCommandsExtension : BaseExtension { /// /// A list of methods for top level commands. /// private static List s_commandMethods { get; set; } = new(); /// /// List of groups. /// private static List s_groupCommands { get; set; } = new(); /// /// List of groups with subgroups. /// private static List s_subGroupCommands { get; set; } = new(); /// /// List of context menus. /// private static List s_contextMenuCommands { get; set; } = new(); /// /// List of global commands on discords backend. /// internal static List GlobalDiscordCommands { get; set; } /// /// List of guild commands on discords backend. /// internal static Dictionary> GuildDiscordCommands { get; set; } /// /// Singleton modules. /// private static List s_singletonModules { get; set; } = new(); /// /// List of modules to register. /// private readonly List> _updateList = new(); /// /// Configuration for Discord. /// internal static ApplicationCommandsConfiguration Configuration; /// /// Set to true if anything fails when registering. /// private static bool s_errored { get; set; } /// /// Gets a list of registered commands. The key is the guild id (null if global). /// public IReadOnlyList>> RegisteredCommands => s_registeredCommands; private static readonly List>> s_registeredCommands = new(); /// /// Gets a list of registered global commands. /// public IReadOnlyList GlobalCommands => GlobalCommandsInternal; internal static readonly List GlobalCommandsInternal = new(); /// /// Gets a list of registered guild commands mapped by guild id. /// public IReadOnlyDictionary> GuildCommands => GuildCommandsInternal; internal static readonly Dictionary> GuildCommandsInternal = new(); /// /// Gets the registration count. /// private static int s_registrationCount { get; set; } /// /// Gets the expected count. /// private static int s_expectedCount { get; set; } /// /// Gets the guild ids where the applications.commands scope is missing. /// private IReadOnlyList _missingScopeGuildIds; /// /// Gets whether debug is enabled. /// internal static bool DebugEnabled { get; set; } internal static LogLevel ApplicationCommandsLogLevel => DebugEnabled ? LogLevel.Debug : LogLevel.Trace; /// /// Gets whether check through all guilds is enabled. /// internal static bool CheckAllGuilds { get; set; } /// /// Gets whether the registration check should be manually overridden. /// internal static bool ManOr { get; set; } /// /// Gets whether interactions should be automatically deffered. /// internal static bool AutoDeferEnabled { get; set; } /// /// Whether this module finished the startup. /// internal bool StartupFinished { get; set; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The configuration. internal ApplicationCommandsExtension(ApplicationCommandsConfiguration configuration = null) { Configuration = configuration; DebugEnabled = configuration?.DebugStartup ?? false; CheckAllGuilds = configuration?.CheckAllGuilds ?? false; ManOr = configuration?.ManualOverride ?? false; AutoDeferEnabled = configuration?.AutoDefer ?? false; } /// /// Runs setup. /// DO NOT RUN THIS MANUALLY. DO NOT DO ANYTHING WITH THIS. /// /// The client to setup on. protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { if (this.Client != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("What did I tell you?"); this.Client = client; this._slashError = new AsyncEvent("SLASHCOMMAND_ERRORED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._slashExecuted = new AsyncEvent("SLASHCOMMAND_EXECUTED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._contextMenuErrored = new AsyncEvent("CONTEXTMENU_ERRORED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._contextMenuExecuted = new AsyncEvent("CONTEXTMENU_EXECUTED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._applicationCommandsModuleReady = new AsyncEvent("APPLICATION_COMMANDS_MODULE_READY", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._applicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished = new AsyncEvent("APPLICATION_COMMANDS_MODULE_STARTUP_FINISHED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._globalApplicationCommandsRegistered = new AsyncEvent("GLOBAL_COMMANDS_REGISTERED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this._guildApplicationCommandsRegistered = new AsyncEvent("GUILD_COMMANDS_REGISTERED", TimeSpan.Zero, null); this.StartupFinished = false; this.Client.GuildDownloadCompleted += async (c, e) => await this.UpdateAsync(); this.Client.InteractionCreated += this.CatchInteractionsOnStartup; this.Client.ContextMenuInteractionCreated += this.CatchContextMenuInteractionsOnStartup; } private async Task CatchInteractionsOnStartup(DiscordClient sender, InteractionCreateEventArgs e) { if (!this.StartupFinished) await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AsEphemeral(true).WithContent("Attention: This application is still starting up. Application commands are unavailable for now.")); else await Task.Delay(1); } private async Task CatchContextMenuInteractionsOnStartup(DiscordClient sender, ContextMenuInteractionCreateEventArgs e) { if (!this.StartupFinished) await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AsEphemeral(true).WithContent("Attention: This application is still starting up. Context menu commands are unavailable for now.")); else await Task.Delay(1); } private void FinishedRegistration() { this.Client.InteractionCreated -= this.CatchInteractionsOnStartup; this.Client.ContextMenuInteractionCreated -= this.CatchContextMenuInteractionsOnStartup; this.StartupFinished = true; this.Client.InteractionCreated += this.InteractionHandler; this.Client.ContextMenuInteractionCreated += this.ContextMenuHandler; } /// /// Cleans the module for a new start of the bot. /// DO NOT USE IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES. /// public void CleanModule() { this._updateList.Clear(); s_singletonModules.Clear(); s_errored = false; s_expectedCount = 0; s_registrationCount = 0; s_commandMethods.Clear(); s_groupCommands.Clear(); s_contextMenuCommands.Clear(); s_subGroupCommands.Clear(); s_singletonModules.Clear(); s_registeredCommands.Clear(); GlobalCommandsInternal.Clear(); GuildCommandsInternal.Clear(); } /// /// Cleans all guild application commands. /// You normally don't need to execute it. /// public async Task CleanGuildCommandsAsync() { foreach (var guild in this.Client.Guilds.Values) await this.Client.BulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(guild.Id, Array.Empty()); } /// /// Cleans the global application commands. /// You normally don't need to execute it. /// public async Task CleanGlobalCommandsAsync() => await this.Client.BulkOverwriteGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(Array.Empty()); /// /// Registers a command class with optional translation setup for a guild. /// /// The command class to register. /// The guild id to register it on. /// A callback to setup translations with. public void RegisterGuildCommands(ulong guildId, Action translationSetup = null) where T : ApplicationCommandsModule => this._updateList.Add(new KeyValuePair(guildId, new ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(typeof(T), translationSetup))); /// /// Registers a command class with optional translation setup for a guild. /// /// The of the command class to register. /// The guild id to register it on. /// A callback to setup translations with. public void RegisterGuildCommands(Type type, ulong guildId, Action translationSetup = null) { if (!typeof(ApplicationCommandsModule).IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ArgumentException("Command classes have to inherit from ApplicationCommandsModule", nameof(type)); this._updateList.Add(new KeyValuePair(guildId, new ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(type, translationSetup))); } /// /// Registers a command class with optional translation setup globally. /// /// The command class to register. /// A callback to setup translations with. public void RegisterGlobalCommands(Action translationSetup = null) where T : ApplicationCommandsModule => this._updateList.Add(new KeyValuePair(null, new ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(typeof(T), translationSetup))); /// /// Registers a command class with optional translation setup globally. /// /// The of the command class to register. /// A callback to setup translations with. public void RegisterGlobalCommands(Type type, Action translationSetup = null) { if (!typeof(ApplicationCommandsModule).IsAssignableFrom(type)) throw new ArgumentException("Command classes have to inherit from ApplicationCommandsModule", nameof(type)); this._updateList.Add(new KeyValuePair(null, new ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(type, translationSetup))); } /// /// Fired when the application commands module is ready. /// public event AsyncEventHandler ApplicationCommandsModuleReady { add => this._applicationCommandsModuleReady.Register(value); remove => this._applicationCommandsModuleReady.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _applicationCommandsModuleReady; /// /// Fired when the application commands modules startup is finished. /// public event AsyncEventHandler ApplicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished { add => this._applicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished.Register(value); remove => this._applicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _applicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished; /// /// Fired when guild commands are registered on a guild. /// public event AsyncEventHandler GuildApplicationCommandsRegistered { add => this._guildApplicationCommandsRegistered.Register(value); remove => this._guildApplicationCommandsRegistered.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _guildApplicationCommandsRegistered; /// /// Fired when the global commands are registered. /// public event AsyncEventHandler GlobalApplicationCommandsRegistered { add => this._globalApplicationCommandsRegistered.Register(value); remove => this._globalApplicationCommandsRegistered.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _globalApplicationCommandsRegistered; /// /// Used for RegisterCommands and the event. /// internal async Task UpdateAsync() { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Request to register commands on shard {shard}", this.Client.ShardId); GlobalDiscordCommands = new(); GuildDiscordCommands = new(); this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Expected Count: {count}", s_expectedCount); this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Shard {shard} has {guilds} guilds.", this.Client.ShardId, this.Client.Guilds?.Count); List failedGuilds = new(); List globalCommands = null; globalCommands = (await this.Client.GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(Configuration?.EnableLocalization ?? false)).ToList() ?? null; var updateList = this._updateList; var guilds = CheckAllGuilds ? this.Client.Guilds?.Keys.ToList() : updateList.Where(x => x.Key != null)?.Select(x => x.Key.Value).Distinct().ToList(); var wrongShards = guilds.Where(x => !this.Client.Guilds.ContainsKey(x)).ToList(); if (wrongShards.Any()) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Some guilds are not on the same shard as the client. Removing them from the update list."); foreach (var guild in wrongShards) { updateList.RemoveAll(x => x.Key == guild); guilds.Remove(guild); } } var commandsPending = updateList.Select(x => x.Key).Distinct().ToList(); s_expectedCount = commandsPending.Count(); foreach (var guild in guilds) { List commands = null; var unauthorized = false; try { commands = (await this.Client.GetGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(guild, Configuration?.EnableLocalization ?? false)).ToList() ?? null; } catch (UnauthorizedException) { unauthorized = true; } finally { if (!unauthorized && commands != null && commands.Any()) GuildDiscordCommands.Add(guild, commands.ToList()); else if (unauthorized) failedGuilds.Add(guild); } } //Default should be to add the help and slash commands can be added without setting any configuration //so this should still add the default help if (Configuration is null || (Configuration is not null && Configuration.EnableDefaultHelp)) { updateList.Add(new KeyValuePair (null, new ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(typeof(DefaultHelpModule)))); commandsPending = updateList.Select(x => x.Key).Distinct().ToList(); } if (globalCommands != null && globalCommands.Any()) GlobalDiscordCommands.AddRange(globalCommands); foreach (var key in commandsPending) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, key.HasValue ? $"Registering commands in guild {key.Value}" : "Registering global commands."); if (key.HasValue) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Found guild {guild} in shard {shard}!", key.Value, this.Client.ShardId); this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Registering"); } await this.RegisterCommands(updateList.Where(x => x.Key == key).Select(x => x.Value).ToList(), key); } this._missingScopeGuildIds = failedGuilds; await this._applicationCommandsModuleReady.InvokeAsync(this, new ApplicationCommandsModuleReadyEventArgs(Configuration?.ServiceProvider) { GuildsWithoutScope = failedGuilds }); this.Client.GuildDownloadCompleted -= async (c, e) => await this.UpdateAsync(); } /// /// Method for registering commands for a target from modules. /// /// The types. /// The optional guild id. private async Task RegisterCommands(List types, ulong? guildId) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Registering commands on shard {shard}", this.Client.ShardId); //Initialize empty lists to be added to the global ones at the end var commandMethods = new List(); var groupCommands = new List(); var subGroupCommands = new List(); var contextMenuCommands = new List(); var updateList = new List(); var commandTypeSources = new List>(); //Iterates over all the modules foreach (var config in types) { var type = config.Type; try { var module = type.GetTypeInfo(); var classes = new List(); var ctx = new ApplicationCommandsTranslationContext(type, module.FullName); config.Translations?.Invoke(ctx); //Add module to classes list if it's a group if (module.GetCustomAttribute() != null) { classes.Add(module); } else { //Otherwise add the nested groups classes = module.DeclaredNestedTypes.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttribute() != null).ToList(); } List groupTranslations = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctx.Translations)) { groupTranslations = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ctx.Translations); } var slashGroupsTuple = await NestedCommandWorker.ParseSlashGroupsAsync(type, classes, guildId, groupTranslations); if (slashGroupsTuple.applicationCommands != null && slashGroupsTuple.applicationCommands.Any()) updateList.AddRange(slashGroupsTuple.applicationCommands); if (slashGroupsTuple.commandTypeSources != null && slashGroupsTuple.commandTypeSources.Any()) commandTypeSources.AddRange(slashGroupsTuple.commandTypeSources); if (slashGroupsTuple.singletonModules != null && slashGroupsTuple.singletonModules.Any()) s_singletonModules.AddRange(slashGroupsTuple.singletonModules); if (slashGroupsTuple.groupCommands != null && slashGroupsTuple.groupCommands.Any()) groupCommands.AddRange(slashGroupsTuple.groupCommands); if (slashGroupsTuple.subGroupCommands != null && slashGroupsTuple.subGroupCommands.Any()) subGroupCommands.AddRange(slashGroupsTuple.subGroupCommands); //Handles methods and context menus, only if the module isn't a group itself if (module.GetCustomAttribute() == null) { List commandTranslations = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctx.Translations)) { commandTranslations = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(ctx.Translations); } //Slash commands var methods = module.DeclaredMethods.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttribute() != null); var slashCommands = await CommandWorker.ParseBasicSlashCommandsAsync(type, methods, guildId, commandTranslations); if (slashCommands.applicationCommands != null && slashCommands.applicationCommands.Any()) updateList.AddRange(slashCommands.applicationCommands); if (slashCommands.commandTypeSources != null && slashCommands.commandTypeSources.Any()) commandTypeSources.AddRange(slashCommands.commandTypeSources); if (slashCommands.commandMethods != null && slashCommands.commandMethods.Any()) commandMethods.AddRange(slashCommands.commandMethods); //Context Menus var contextMethods = module.DeclaredMethods.Where(x => x.GetCustomAttribute() != null); var contextCommands = await CommandWorker.ParseContextMenuCommands(type, contextMethods, commandTranslations); if (contextCommands.applicationCommands != null && contextCommands.applicationCommands.Any()) updateList.AddRange(contextCommands.applicationCommands); if (contextCommands.commandTypeSources != null && contextCommands.commandTypeSources.Any()) commandTypeSources.AddRange(contextCommands.commandTypeSources); if (contextCommands.contextMenuCommands != null && contextCommands.contextMenuCommands.Any()) contextMenuCommands.AddRange(contextCommands.contextMenuCommands); //Accounts for lifespans if (module.GetCustomAttribute() != null && module.GetCustomAttribute().Lifespan == ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Singleton) s_singletonModules.Add(CreateInstance(module, Configuration?.ServiceProvider)); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is BadRequestException brex) { this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(brex, $"There was an error registering application commands: {brex.WebResponse.Response}"); } else { if (ex.InnerException is not null && ex.InnerException is BadRequestException brex1) this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(brex1, $"There was an error registering application commands: {brex1.WebResponse.Response}"); else this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(ex, $"There was an error parsing the application commands"); } s_errored = true; } } if (!s_errored) { try { List commands = new(); try { if (guildId == null) { if (updateList != null && updateList.Any()) { var regCommands = await RegistrationWorker.RegisterGlobalCommandsAsync(this.Client, updateList); var actualCommands = regCommands.Distinct().ToList(); commands.AddRange(actualCommands); GlobalCommandsInternal.AddRange(actualCommands); } else { foreach (var cmd in GlobalDiscordCommands) { try { await this.Client.DeleteGlobalApplicationCommandAsync(cmd.Id); } catch (NotFoundException) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, $"Could not delete global command {cmd.Id}. Please clean up manually"); } } } } else { if (updateList != null && updateList.Any()) { var regCommands = await RegistrationWorker.RegisterGuildCommandsAsync(this.Client, guildId.Value, updateList); var actualCommands = regCommands.Distinct().ToList(); commands.AddRange(actualCommands); GuildCommandsInternal.Add(guildId.Value, actualCommands); /* if (client.Guilds.TryGetValue(guildId.Value, out var guild)) { guild.InternalRegisteredApplicationCommands = new(); guild.InternalRegisteredApplicationCommands.AddRange(actualCommands); } */ } else { foreach (var cmd in GuildDiscordCommands.First(x => x.Key == guildId.Value).Value) { try { await this.Client.DeleteGuildApplicationCommandAsync(guildId.Value, cmd.Id); } catch (NotFoundException) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, $"Could not delete guild command {cmd.Id} in guild {guildId.Value}. Please clean up manually"); } } } } } catch (UnauthorizedException ex) { this.Client.Logger.LogError($"Could not register application commands for guild {guildId}.\nError: {ex.JsonMessage}"); return; } //Creates a guild command if a guild id is specified, otherwise global //Checks against the ids and adds them to the command method lists foreach (var command in commands) { if (commandMethods.GetFirstValueWhere(x => x.Name == command.Name, out var com)) com.CommandId = command.Id; else if (groupCommands.GetFirstValueWhere(x => x.Name == command.Name, out var groupCom)) groupCom.CommandId = command.Id; else if (subGroupCommands.GetFirstValueWhere(x => x.Name == command.Name, out var subCom)) subCom.CommandId = command.Id; else if (contextMenuCommands.GetFirstValueWhere(x => x.Name == command.Name, out var cmCom)) cmCom.CommandId = command.Id; } //Adds to the global lists finally s_commandMethods.AddRange(commandMethods); s_groupCommands.AddRange(groupCommands); s_subGroupCommands.AddRange(subGroupCommands); s_contextMenuCommands.AddRange(contextMenuCommands); s_registeredCommands.Add(new KeyValuePair>(guildId, commands.ToList())); foreach (var command in commandMethods) { var app = types.First(t => t.Type == command.Method.DeclaringType); } this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, $"Expected Count: {s_expectedCount}\nCurrent Count: {s_registrationCount}"); if (guildId.HasValue) { await this._guildApplicationCommandsRegistered.InvokeAsync(this, new GuildApplicationCommandsRegisteredEventArgs(Configuration?.ServiceProvider) { Handled = true, GuildId = guildId.Value, RegisteredCommands = GuildCommandsInternal.Any(c => c.Key == guildId.Value) ? GuildCommandsInternal.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Key == guildId.Value).Value : null }); } else { await this._globalApplicationCommandsRegistered.InvokeAsync(this, new GlobalApplicationCommandsRegisteredEventArgs(Configuration?.ServiceProvider) { Handled = true, RegisteredCommands = GlobalCommandsInternal }); } s_registrationCount++; this.CheckRegistrationStartup(ManOr); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is BadRequestException brex) { this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(brex, $"There was an error registering application commands: {brex.WebResponse.Response}"); } else { if (ex.InnerException is not null && ex.InnerException is BadRequestException brex1) this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(brex1, $"There was an error registering application commands: {brex1.WebResponse.Response}"); else this.Client.Logger.LogCritical(ex, $"There was an general error registering application commands"); } s_errored = true; } } } private async void CheckRegistrationStartup(bool man = false) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, $"Checking counts...\n\n" + $"Expected Count: {s_expectedCount}\n" + $"Current Count: {s_registrationCount}"); if ((s_registrationCount == s_expectedCount) || man) { await this._applicationCommandsModuleStartupFinished.InvokeAsync(this, new ApplicationCommandsModuleStartupFinishedEventArgs(Configuration?.ServiceProvider) { Handled = true, RegisteredGlobalCommands = GlobalCommandsInternal, RegisteredGuildCommands = GuildCommandsInternal, GuildsWithoutScope = this._missingScopeGuildIds }); this.FinishedRegistration(); } } /// /// Interaction handler. /// /// The client. /// The event args. private Task InteractionHandler(DiscordClient client, InteractionCreateEventArgs e) { this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Got interaction on shard {shard}", this.Client.ShardId); _ = Task.Run(async () => { if (e.Interaction.Type == InteractionType.ApplicationCommand) { //Creates the context var context = new InteractionContext { Interaction = e.Interaction, Channel = e.Interaction.Channel, Guild = e.Interaction.Guild, User = e.Interaction.User, Client = client, ApplicationCommandsExtension = this, CommandName = e.Interaction.Data.Name, InteractionId = e.Interaction.Id, Token = e.Interaction.Token, Services = Configuration?.ServiceProvider, ResolvedUserMentions = e.Interaction.Data.Resolved?.Users?.Values.ToList(), ResolvedRoleMentions = e.Interaction.Data.Resolved?.Roles?.Values.ToList(), ResolvedChannelMentions = e.Interaction.Data.Resolved?.Channels?.Values.ToList(), ResolvedAttachments = e.Interaction.Data.Resolved?.Attachments?.Values.ToList(), Type = ApplicationCommandType.ChatInput, Locale = e.Interaction.Locale, GuildLocale = e.Interaction.GuildLocale, AppPermissions = e.Interaction.AppPermissions }; try { if (s_errored) throw new InvalidOperationException("Slash commands failed to register properly on startup."); var methods = s_commandMethods.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); var groups = s_groupCommands.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); var subgroups = s_subGroupCommands.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); if (!methods.Any() && !groups.Any() && !subgroups.Any()) throw new InvalidOperationException("A slash command was executed, but no command was registered for it."); if (methods.Any()) { var method = methods.First().Method; this.Client.Logger.LogDebug("Executing {cmd}", method.Name); var args = await this.ResolveInteractionCommandParameters(e, context, method, e.Interaction.Data.Options); await this.RunCommandAsync(context, method, args); } else if (groups.Any()) { var command = e.Interaction.Data.Options.First(); var method = groups.First().Methods.First(x => x.Key == command.Name).Value; this.Client.Logger.LogDebug("Executing {cmd}", method.Name); var args = await this.ResolveInteractionCommandParameters(e, context, method, e.Interaction.Data.Options.First().Options); await this.RunCommandAsync(context, method, args); } else if (subgroups.Any()) { var command = e.Interaction.Data.Options.First(); var group = subgroups.First().SubCommands.First(x => x.Name == command.Name); var method = group.Methods.First(x => x.Key == command.Options.First().Name).Value; this.Client.Logger.LogDebug("Executing {cmd}", method.Name); var args = await this.ResolveInteractionCommandParameters(e, context, method, e.Interaction.Data.Options.First().Options.First().Options); await this.RunCommandAsync(context, method, args); } await this._slashExecuted.InvokeAsync(this, new SlashCommandExecutedEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = context }); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Client.Logger.LogError(ex.Message); this.Client.Logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); await this._slashError.InvokeAsync(this, new SlashCommandErrorEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = context, Exception = ex }); } } else if (e.Interaction.Type == InteractionType.AutoComplete) { if (s_errored) throw new InvalidOperationException("Slash commands failed to register properly on startup."); var methods = s_commandMethods.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); var groups = s_groupCommands.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); var subgroups = s_subGroupCommands.Where(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); if (!methods.Any() && !groups.Any() && !subgroups.Any()) throw new InvalidOperationException("An autocomplete interaction was created, but no command was registered for it."); try { if (methods.Any()) { var focusedOption = e.Interaction.Data.Options.First(o => o.Focused); var method = methods.First().Method; var option = method.GetParameters().Skip(1).First(p => p.GetCustomAttribute().Name == focusedOption.Name); var provider = option.GetCustomAttribute().ProviderType; var providerMethod = provider.GetMethod(nameof(IAutocompleteProvider.Provider)); var providerInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(provider); var context = new AutocompleteContext { Interaction = e.Interaction, Client = client, Services = Configuration?.ServiceProvider, ApplicationCommandsExtension = this, Guild = e.Interaction.Guild, Channel = e.Interaction.Channel, User = e.Interaction.User, Options = e.Interaction.Data.Options.ToList(), FocusedOption = focusedOption, Locale = e.Interaction.Locale, GuildLocale = e.Interaction.GuildLocale, AppPermissions = e.Interaction.AppPermissions }; var choices = await (Task>) providerMethod.Invoke(providerInstance, new[] { context }); await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.AutoCompleteResult, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddAutoCompleteChoices(choices)); } else if (groups.Any()) { var command = e.Interaction.Data.Options.First(); var group = groups.First().Methods.First(x => x.Key == command.Name).Value; var focusedOption = command.Options.First(o => o.Focused); var option = group.GetParameters().Skip(1).First(p => p.GetCustomAttribute().Name == focusedOption.Name); var provider = option.GetCustomAttribute().ProviderType; var providerMethod = provider.GetMethod(nameof(IAutocompleteProvider.Provider)); var providerInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(provider); var context = new AutocompleteContext { Client = client, Interaction = e.Interaction, Services = Configuration?.ServiceProvider, ApplicationCommandsExtension = this, Guild = e.Interaction.Guild, Channel = e.Interaction.Channel, User = e.Interaction.User, Options = command.Options.ToList(), FocusedOption = focusedOption, Locale = e.Interaction.Locale, GuildLocale = e.Interaction.GuildLocale, AppPermissions = e.Interaction.AppPermissions }; var choices = await (Task>) providerMethod.Invoke(providerInstance, new[] { context }); await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.AutoCompleteResult, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddAutoCompleteChoices(choices)); } else if (subgroups.Any()) { var command = e.Interaction.Data.Options.First(); var group = subgroups.First().SubCommands.First(x => x.Name == command.Name).Methods.First(x => x.Key == command.Options.First().Name).Value; var focusedOption = command.Options.First().Options.First(o => o.Focused); var option = group.GetParameters().Skip(1).First(p => p.GetCustomAttribute().Name == focusedOption.Name); var provider = option.GetCustomAttribute().ProviderType; var providerMethod = provider.GetMethod(nameof(IAutocompleteProvider.Provider)); var providerInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(provider); var context = new AutocompleteContext { Client = client, Interaction = e.Interaction, Services = Configuration?.ServiceProvider, ApplicationCommandsExtension = this, Guild = e.Interaction.Guild, Channel = e.Interaction.Channel, User = e.Interaction.User, Options = command.Options.First().Options.ToList(), FocusedOption = focusedOption, Locale = e.Interaction.Locale, GuildLocale = e.Interaction.GuildLocale, AppPermissions = e.Interaction.AppPermissions }; var choices = await (Task>) providerMethod.Invoke(providerInstance, new[] { context }); await e.Interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.AutoCompleteResult, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddAutoCompleteChoices(choices)); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Client.Logger.LogError(ex, "Error in autocomplete interaction"); } } }); return Task.CompletedTask; } /// /// Context menu handler. /// /// The client. /// The event args. private Task ContextMenuHandler(DiscordClient client, ContextMenuInteractionCreateEventArgs e) { _ = Task.Run(async () => { //Creates the context var context = new ContextMenuContext { Interaction = e.Interaction, Channel = e.Interaction.Channel, Client = client, Services = Configuration?.ServiceProvider, CommandName = e.Interaction.Data.Name, ApplicationCommandsExtension = this, Guild = e.Interaction.Guild, InteractionId = e.Interaction.Id, User = e.Interaction.User, Token = e.Interaction.Token, TargetUser = e.TargetUser, TargetMessage = e.TargetMessage, Type = e.Type, Locale = e.Interaction.Locale, GuildLocale = e.Interaction.GuildLocale, AppPermissions = e.Interaction.AppPermissions }; try { if (s_errored) throw new InvalidOperationException("Context menus failed to register properly on startup."); //Gets the method for the command var method = s_contextMenuCommands.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CommandId == e.Interaction.Data.Id); if (method == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("A context menu was executed, but no command was registered for it."); await this.RunCommandAsync(context, method.Method, new[] { context }); await this._contextMenuExecuted.InvokeAsync(this, new ContextMenuExecutedEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = context }); } catch (Exception ex) { await this._contextMenuErrored.InvokeAsync(this, new ContextMenuErrorEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = context, Exception = ex }); } }); return Task.CompletedTask; } /// /// Runs a command. /// /// The base context. /// The method info. /// The arguments. [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0066:Convert switch statement to expression", Justification = "")] internal async Task RunCommandAsync(BaseContext context, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable args) { object classInstance; this.Client.Logger.Log(ApplicationCommandsLogLevel, "Executing {cmd}", method.Name); //Accounts for lifespans var moduleLifespan = (method.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttribute() != null ? method.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttribute()?.Lifespan : ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Transient) ?? ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Transient; switch (moduleLifespan) { case ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Scoped: //Accounts for static methods and adds DI classInstance = method.IsStatic ? ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(Configuration?.ServiceProvider.CreateScope().ServiceProvider, method.DeclaringType) : CreateInstance(method.DeclaringType, Configuration?.ServiceProvider.CreateScope().ServiceProvider); break; case ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Transient: //Accounts for static methods and adds DI classInstance = method.IsStatic ? ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(Configuration?.ServiceProvider, method.DeclaringType) : CreateInstance(method.DeclaringType, Configuration?.ServiceProvider); break; //If singleton, gets it from the singleton list case ApplicationCommandModuleLifespan.Singleton: classInstance = s_singletonModules.First(x => ReferenceEquals(x.GetType(), method.DeclaringType)); break; default: throw new Exception($"An unknown {nameof(ApplicationCommandModuleLifespanAttribute)} scope was specified on command {context.CommandName}"); } ApplicationCommandsModule module = null; if (classInstance is ApplicationCommandsModule mod) module = mod; // Slash commands if (context is InteractionContext slashContext) { await this.RunPreexecutionChecksAsync(method, slashContext); var shouldExecute = await (module?.BeforeSlashExecutionAsync(slashContext) ?? Task.FromResult(true)); if (shouldExecute) { if (AutoDeferEnabled) await context.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource); await (Task)method.Invoke(classInstance, args.ToArray()); await (module?.AfterSlashExecutionAsync(slashContext) ?? Task.CompletedTask); } } // Context menus if (context is ContextMenuContext contextMenuContext) { await this.RunPreexecutionChecksAsync(method, contextMenuContext); var shouldExecute = await (module?.BeforeContextMenuExecutionAsync(contextMenuContext) ?? Task.FromResult(true)); if (shouldExecute) { if (AutoDeferEnabled) await context.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredChannelMessageWithSource); await (Task)method.Invoke(classInstance, args.ToArray()); await (module?.AfterContextMenuExecutionAsync(contextMenuContext) ?? Task.CompletedTask); } } } /// /// Property injection /// /// The type. /// The services. internal static object CreateInstance(Type t, IServiceProvider services) { var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); var constructors = ti.DeclaredConstructors .Where(xci => xci.IsPublic) .ToArray(); if (constructors.Length != 1) throw new ArgumentException("Specified type does not contain a public constructor or contains more than one public constructor."); var constructor = constructors[0]; var constructorArgs = constructor.GetParameters(); var args = new object[constructorArgs.Length]; if (constructorArgs.Length != 0 && services == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Dependency collection needs to be specified for parameterized constructors."); // inject via constructor if (constructorArgs.Length != 0) for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) args[i] = services.GetRequiredService(constructorArgs[i].ParameterType); var moduleInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(t, args); // inject into properties var props = t.GetRuntimeProperties().Where(xp => xp.CanWrite && xp.SetMethod != null && !xp.SetMethod.IsStatic && xp.SetMethod.IsPublic); foreach (var prop in props) { if (prop.GetCustomAttribute() != null) continue; var service = services.GetService(prop.PropertyType); if (service == null) continue; prop.SetValue(moduleInstance, service); } // inject into fields var fields = t.GetRuntimeFields().Where(xf => !xf.IsInitOnly && !xf.IsStatic && xf.IsPublic); foreach (var field in fields) { if (field.GetCustomAttribute() != null) continue; var service = services.GetService(field.FieldType); if (service == null) continue; field.SetValue(moduleInstance, service); } return moduleInstance; } /// /// Resolves the slash command parameters. /// /// The event arguments. /// The interaction context. /// The method info. /// The options. private async Task> ResolveInteractionCommandParameters(InteractionCreateEventArgs e, InteractionContext context, MethodInfo method, IEnumerable options) { var args = new List { context }; var parameters = method.GetParameters().Skip(1); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { //Accounts for optional arguments without values given if (parameter.IsOptional && (options == null || (!options?.Any(x => x.Name == parameter.GetCustomAttribute().Name.ToLower()) ?? true))) args.Add(parameter.DefaultValue); else { var option = options.Single(x => x.Name == parameter.GetCustomAttribute().Name.ToLower()); if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(string)) args.Add(option.Value.ToString()); else if (parameter.ParameterType.IsEnum) args.Add(Enum.Parse(parameter.ParameterType, (string)option.Value)); else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(long) || parameter.ParameterType == typeof(long?)) args.Add((long?)option.Value); else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(bool) || parameter.ParameterType == typeof(bool?)) args.Add((bool?)option.Value); else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(double) || parameter.ParameterType == typeof(double?)) args.Add((double?)option.Value); else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(int) || parameter.ParameterType == typeof(int?)) args.Add((int?)option.Value); else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(DiscordAttachment)) { //Checks through resolved if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Attachments != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Attachments.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var attachment)) args.Add(attachment); else args.Add(new DiscordAttachment() { Id = (ulong)option.Value, Discord = this.Client.ApiClient.Discord }); } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(DiscordUser)) { //Checks through resolved if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Members != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Members.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var member)) args.Add(member); else if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Users != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Users.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var user)) args.Add(user); else args.Add(await this.Client.GetUserAsync((ulong)option.Value)); } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(DiscordChannel)) { //Checks through resolved if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Channels != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Channels.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var channel)) args.Add(channel); else args.Add(e.Interaction.Guild.GetChannel((ulong)option.Value)); } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(DiscordRole)) { //Checks through resolved if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var role)) args.Add(role); else args.Add(e.Interaction.Guild.GetRole((ulong)option.Value)); } else if (parameter.ParameterType == typeof(SnowflakeObject)) { //Checks through resolved if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Roles.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var role)) args.Add(role); else if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Members != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Members.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var member)) args.Add(member); else if (e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Users != null && e.Interaction.Data.Resolved.Users.TryGetValue((ulong)option.Value, out var user)) args.Add(user); else throw new ArgumentException("Error resolving mentionable option."); } else throw new ArgumentException($"Error resolving interaction."); } } return args; } /// /// Runs the pre-execution checks. /// /// The method info. /// The base context. private async Task RunPreexecutionChecksAsync(MethodInfo method, BaseContext context) { if (context is InteractionContext ctx) { //Gets all attributes from parent classes as well and stuff var attributes = new List(); attributes.AddRange(method.GetCustomAttributes(true)); attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); if (method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType != null) { attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); if (method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.DeclaringType != null) { attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); } } var dict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var att in attributes) { //Runs the check and adds the result to a list var result = await att.ExecuteChecksAsync(ctx); dict.Add(att, result); } //Checks if any failed, and throws an exception if (dict.Any(x => x.Value == false)) throw new SlashExecutionChecksFailedException { FailedChecks = dict.Where(x => x.Value == false).Select(x => x.Key).ToList() }; } if (context is ContextMenuContext cMctx) { var attributes = new List(); attributes.AddRange(method.GetCustomAttributes(true)); attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); if (method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType != null) { attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); if (method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.DeclaringType != null) { attributes.AddRange(method.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes()); } } var dict = new Dictionary(); foreach (var att in attributes) { //Runs the check and adds the result to a list var result = await att.ExecuteChecksAsync(cMctx); dict.Add(att, result); } //Checks if any failed, and throws an exception if (dict.Any(x => x.Value == false)) throw new ContextMenuExecutionChecksFailedException { FailedChecks = dict.Where(x => x.Value == false).Select(x => x.Key).ToList() }; } } /// /// Gets the choice attributes from choice provider. /// /// The custom attributes. /// The optional guild id private static async Task> GetChoiceAttributesFromProvider(IEnumerable customAttributes, ulong? guildId = null) { var choices = new List(); foreach (var choiceProviderAttribute in customAttributes) { var method = choiceProviderAttribute.ProviderType.GetMethod(nameof(IChoiceProvider.Provider)); if (method == null) throw new ArgumentException("ChoiceProviders must inherit from IChoiceProvider."); else { var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(choiceProviderAttribute.ProviderType); // Abstract class offers more properties that can be set if (choiceProviderAttribute.ProviderType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(ChoiceProvider))) { choiceProviderAttribute.ProviderType.GetProperty(nameof(ChoiceProvider.GuildId)) ?.SetValue(instance, guildId); choiceProviderAttribute.ProviderType.GetProperty(nameof(ChoiceProvider.Services)) ?.SetValue(instance, Configuration.ServiceProvider); } //Gets the choices from the method var result = await (Task>)method.Invoke(instance, null); if (result.Any()) { choices.AddRange(result); } } } return choices; } /// /// Gets the choice attributes from enum parameter. /// /// The enum parameter. private static List GetChoiceAttributesFromEnumParameter(Type enumParam) { var choices = new List(); foreach (Enum enumValue in Enum.GetValues(enumParam)) { choices.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandOptionChoice(enumValue.GetName(), enumValue.ToString())); } return choices; } /// /// Gets the parameter type. /// /// The type. private static ApplicationCommandOptionType GetParameterType(Type type) { var parameterType = type == typeof(string) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.String : type == typeof(long) || type == typeof(long?) || type == typeof(int) || type == typeof(int?) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer : type == typeof(bool) || type == typeof(bool?) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean : type == typeof(double) || type == typeof(double?) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number : type == typeof(DiscordAttachment) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Attachment : type == typeof(DiscordChannel) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel : type == typeof(DiscordUser) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.User : type == typeof(DiscordRole) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Role : type == typeof(SnowflakeObject) ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.Mentionable : type.IsEnum ? ApplicationCommandOptionType.String : throw new ArgumentException("Cannot convert type! Argument types must be string, int, long, bool, double, DiscordChannel, DiscordUser, DiscordRole, SnowflakeObject, DiscordAttachment or an Enum."); return parameterType; } /// /// Gets the choice attributes from parameter. /// /// The choice attributes. private static List GetChoiceAttributesFromParameter(IEnumerable choiceAttributes) => !choiceAttributes.Any() ? null : choiceAttributes.Select(att => new DiscordApplicationCommandOptionChoice(att.Name, att.Value)).ToList(); /// /// Parses the parameters. /// /// The parameters. /// The optional guild id. internal static async Task> ParseParametersAsync(IEnumerable parameters, ulong? guildId) { var options = new List(); foreach (var parameter in parameters) { //Gets the attribute var optionAttribute = parameter.GetCustomAttribute(); if (optionAttribute == null) throw new ArgumentException("Arguments must have the Option attribute!"); var minimumValue = parameter.GetCustomAttribute()?.Value ?? null; var maximumValue = parameter.GetCustomAttribute()?.Value ?? null; var minimumLength = parameter.GetCustomAttribute()?.Value ?? null; var maximumLength = parameter.GetCustomAttribute()?.Value ?? null; var channelTypes = parameter.GetCustomAttribute()?.ChannelTypes ?? null; var autocompleteAttribute = parameter.GetCustomAttribute(); if (optionAttribute.Autocomplete && autocompleteAttribute == null) throw new ArgumentException("Autocomplete options must have the Autocomplete attribute!"); if (!optionAttribute.Autocomplete && autocompleteAttribute != null) throw new ArgumentException("Setting an autocomplete provider requires the option to have autocomplete set to true!"); //Sets the type var type = parameter.ParameterType; var parameterType = GetParameterType(type); if (parameterType == ApplicationCommandOptionType.String) { minimumValue = null; maximumValue = null; } else if (parameterType == ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer || parameterType == ApplicationCommandOptionType.Number) { minimumLength = null; maximumLength = null; } if (parameterType != ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel) channelTypes = null; //Handles choices //From attributes var choices = GetChoiceAttributesFromParameter(parameter.GetCustomAttributes()); //From enums if (parameter.ParameterType.IsEnum) { choices = GetChoiceAttributesFromEnumParameter(parameter.ParameterType); } //From choice provider var choiceProviders = parameter.GetCustomAttributes(); if (choiceProviders.Any()) { choices = await GetChoiceAttributesFromProvider(choiceProviders, guildId); } options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandOption(optionAttribute.Name, optionAttribute.Description, parameterType, !parameter.IsOptional, choices, null, channelTypes, optionAttribute.Autocomplete, minimumValue, maximumValue, minimumLength: minimumLength, maximumLength: maximumLength)); } return options; } /* /// /// Refreshes your commands, used for refreshing choice providers or applying commands registered after the ready event on the discord client. /// Not recommended and should be avoided since it can make slash commands be unresponsive for a while. /// public async Task RefreshCommandsAsync() { s_commandMethods.Clear(); s_groupCommands.Clear(); s_subGroupCommands.Clear(); s_registeredCommands.Clear(); s_contextMenuCommands.Clear(); GlobalDiscordCommands.Clear(); GuildDiscordCommands.Clear(); GuildCommandsInternal.Clear(); GlobalCommandsInternal.Clear(); GlobalDiscordCommands = null; GuildDiscordCommands = null; s_errored = false; /*if (Configuration != null && Configuration.EnableDefaultHelp) { this._updateList.RemoveAll(x => x.Value.Type == typeof(DefaultHelpModule)); }*/ /* await this.UpdateAsync(); }*/ /// /// Fires when the execution of a slash command fails. /// public event AsyncEventHandler SlashCommandErrored { add => this._slashError.Register(value); remove => this._slashError.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _slashError; /// /// Fires when the execution of a slash command is successful. /// public event AsyncEventHandler SlashCommandExecuted { add => this._slashExecuted.Register(value); remove => this._slashExecuted.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _slashExecuted; /// /// Fires when the execution of a context menu fails. /// public event AsyncEventHandler ContextMenuErrored { add => this._contextMenuErrored.Register(value); remove => this._contextMenuErrored.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _contextMenuErrored; /// /// Fire when the execution of a context menu is successful. /// public event AsyncEventHandler ContextMenuExecuted { add => this._contextMenuExecuted.Register(value); remove => this._contextMenuExecuted.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _contextMenuExecuted; - - public override void Dispose() - { - this.Client.InteractionCreated -= this.InteractionHandler; - this.Client.ContextMenuInteractionCreated -= this.ContextMenuHandler; - GC.SuppressFinalize(this); - } } /// /// Holds configuration data for setting up an application command. /// internal class ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration { /// /// The type of the command module. /// public Type Type { get; } /// /// The translation setup. /// public Action Translations { get; } /// /// Creates a new command configuration. /// /// The type of the command module. /// The translation setup callback. public ApplicationCommandsModuleConfiguration(Type type, Action translations = null) { this.Type = type; this.Translations = translations; } } /// /// Links a command to its original command module. /// internal class ApplicationCommandSourceLink { /// /// The command. /// public DiscordApplicationCommand ApplicationCommand { get; set; } /// /// The base/root module the command is contained in. /// public Type RootCommandContainerType { get; set; } /// /// The direct group the command is contained in. /// public Type CommandContainerType { get; set; } } /// /// The command method. /// internal class CommandMethod { /// /// Gets or sets the command id. /// public ulong CommandId { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name. /// public string Name { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the method. /// public MethodInfo Method { get; set; } } /// /// The group command. /// internal class GroupCommand { /// /// Gets or sets the command id. /// public ulong CommandId { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name. /// public string Name { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the methods. /// public List> Methods { get; set; } = null; } /// /// The sub group command. /// internal class SubGroupCommand { /// /// Gets or sets the command id. /// public ulong CommandId { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name. /// public string Name { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the sub commands. /// public List SubCommands { get; set; } = new(); } /// /// The context menu command. /// internal class ContextMenuCommand { /// /// Gets or sets the command id. /// public ulong CommandId { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the name. /// public string Name { get; set; } /// /// Gets or sets the method. /// public MethodInfo Method { get; set; } } #region Default Help /// /// Represents the default help module. /// internal class DefaultHelpModule : ApplicationCommandsModule { public class DefaultHelpAutoCompleteProvider : IAutocompleteProvider { public async Task> Provider(AutocompleteContext context) { var options = new List(); IEnumerable slashCommands = null; var globalCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(); if (context.Guild != null) { var guildCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(context.Guild.Id); await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask, guildCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result.Concat(guildCommandsTask.Result) .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()) .Where(ac => ac.Name.StartsWith(context.Options[0].Value.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .ToList(); } else { await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()) .Where(ac => ac.Name.StartsWith(context.Options[0].Value.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .ToList(); } foreach (var sc in slashCommands.Take(25)) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice(sc.Name, sc.Name.Trim())); } return options.AsEnumerable(); } } public class DefaultHelpAutoCompleteLevelOneProvider : IAutocompleteProvider { public async Task> Provider(AutocompleteContext context) { var options = new List(); IEnumerable slashCommands = null; var globalCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(); if (context.Guild != null) { var guildCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(context.Guild.Id); await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask, guildCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result.Concat(guildCommandsTask.Result) .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()); } else { await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()); } var command = slashCommands.FirstOrDefault(ac => ac.Name.Equals(context.Options[0].Value.ToString().Trim(),StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (command is null || command.Options is null) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice("no_options_for_this_command", "no_options_for_this_command")); } else { var opt = command.Options.Where(c => c.Type is ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommandGroup or ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommand && c.Name.StartsWith(context.Options[1].Value.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList(); foreach (var option in opt.Take(25)) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice(option.Name, option.Name.Trim())); } } return options.AsEnumerable(); } } public class DefaultHelpAutoCompleteLevelTwoProvider : IAutocompleteProvider { public async Task> Provider(AutocompleteContext context) { var options = new List(); IEnumerable slashCommands = null; var globalCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(); if (context.Guild != null) { var guildCommandsTask = context.Client.GetGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(context.Guild.Id); await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask, guildCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result.Concat(guildCommandsTask.Result) .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()); } else { await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask); slashCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()); } var command = slashCommands.FirstOrDefault(ac => ac.Name.Equals(context.Options[0].Value.ToString().Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (command.Options is null) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice("no_options_for_this_command", "no_options_for_this_command")); return options.AsEnumerable(); } var foundCommand = command.Options.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Name.Equals(context.Options[1].Value.ToString().Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (foundCommand is null || foundCommand.Options is null) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice("no_options_for_this_command", "no_options_for_this_command")); } else { var opt = foundCommand.Options.Where(x => x.Type == ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommand && x.Name.StartsWith(context.Options[2].Value.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList(); foreach (var option in opt.Take(25)) { options.Add(new DiscordApplicationCommandAutocompleteChoice(option.Name, option.Name.Trim())); } } return options.AsEnumerable(); } } [SlashCommand("help", "Displays command help")] internal async Task DefaultHelpAsync(InteractionContext ctx, [Autocomplete(typeof(DefaultHelpAutoCompleteProvider))] [Option("option_one", "top level command to provide help for", true)] string commandName, [Autocomplete(typeof(DefaultHelpAutoCompleteLevelOneProvider))] [Option("option_two", "subgroup or command to provide help for", true)] string commandOneName = null, [Autocomplete(typeof(DefaultHelpAutoCompleteLevelTwoProvider))] [Option("option_three", "command to provide help for", true)] string commandTwoName = null) { List applicationCommands = null; var globalCommandsTask = ctx.Client.GetGlobalApplicationCommandsAsync(); if (ctx.Guild != null) { var guildCommandsTask= ctx.Client.GetGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(ctx.Guild.Id); await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask, guildCommandsTask); applicationCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result.Concat(guildCommandsTask.Result) .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()) .ToList(); } else { await Task.WhenAll(globalCommandsTask); applicationCommands = globalCommandsTask.Result .Where(ac => !ac.Name.Equals("help", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) .GroupBy(ac => ac.Name).Select(x => x.First()) .ToList(); } if (applicationCommands.Count < 1) { await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .WithContent($"There are no slash commands").AsEphemeral(true)); return; } if (commandTwoName is not null && !commandTwoName.Equals("no_options_for_this_command")) { var commandsWithSubCommands = applicationCommands.FindAll(ac => ac.Options is not null && ac.Options.Any(op => op.Type == ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommandGroup)); var subCommandParent = commandsWithSubCommands.FirstOrDefault(cm => cm.Name.Equals(commandName,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var cmdParent = commandsWithSubCommands.FirstOrDefault(cm => cm.Options.Any(op => op.Name.Equals(commandOneName))).Options .FirstOrDefault(opt => opt.Name.Equals(commandOneName,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var cmd = cmdParent.Options.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Name.Equals(commandTwoName,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var discordEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = "Help", Description = $"{subCommandParent.Mention.Replace(subCommandParent.Name, $"{subCommandParent.Name} {cmdParent.Name} {cmd.Name}")}: {cmd.Description ?? "No description provided."}" }; if (cmd.Options is not null) { var commandOptions = cmd.Options.ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var option in commandOptions) sb.Append('`').Append(option.Name).Append("`: ").Append(option.Description ?? "No description provided.").Append('\n'); sb.Append('\n'); discordEmbed.AddField(new DiscordEmbedField("Arguments", sb.ToString().Trim())); } await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddEmbed(discordEmbed).AsEphemeral(true)); } else if (commandOneName is not null && commandTwoName is null && !commandOneName.Equals("no_options_for_this_command")) { var commandsWithOptions = applicationCommands.FindAll(ac => ac.Options is not null && ac.Options.All(op => op.Type == ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubCommand)); var subCommandParent = commandsWithOptions.FirstOrDefault(cm => cm.Name.Equals(commandName,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var subCommand = subCommandParent.Options.FirstOrDefault(op => op.Name.Equals(commandOneName,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); var discordEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = "Help", Description = $"{subCommandParent.Mention.Replace(subCommandParent.Name, $"{subCommandParent.Name} {subCommand.Name}")}: {subCommand.Description ?? "No description provided."}" }; if (subCommand.Options is not null) { var commandOptions = subCommand.Options.ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var option in commandOptions) sb.Append('`').Append(option.Name).Append("`: ").Append(option.Description ?? "No description provided.").Append('\n'); sb.Append('\n'); discordEmbed.AddField(new DiscordEmbedField("Arguments", sb.ToString().Trim())); } await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddEmbed(discordEmbed).AsEphemeral(true)); } else { var command = applicationCommands.FirstOrDefault(cm => cm.Name.Equals(commandName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (command is null) { await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .WithContent($"No command called {commandName} in guild {ctx.Guild.Name}").AsEphemeral(true)); return; } var discordEmbed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = "Help", Description = $"{command.Mention}: {command.Description ?? "No description provided."}" }.AddField(new DiscordEmbedField("Command is NSFW", command.IsNsfw.ToString())); if (command.Options is not null) { var commandOptions = command.Options.ToList(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var option in commandOptions) sb.Append('`').Append(option.Name).Append("`: ").Append(option.Description ?? "No description provided.").Append('\n'); sb.Append('\n'); discordEmbed.AddField(new DiscordEmbedField("Arguments", sb.ToString().Trim())); } await ctx.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder().AddEmbed(discordEmbed).AsEphemeral(true)); } } } #endregion diff --git a/DisCatSharp.CommandsNext/CommandsNextExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.CommandsNext/CommandsNextExtension.cs index b7c101900..e9447807a 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.CommandsNext/CommandsNextExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.CommandsNext/CommandsNextExtension.cs @@ -1,1094 +1,1086 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.CommandsNext.Attributes; using DisCatSharp.CommandsNext.Builders; using DisCatSharp.CommandsNext.Converters; using DisCatSharp.CommandsNext.Entities; using DisCatSharp.CommandsNext.Exceptions; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; namespace DisCatSharp.CommandsNext; /// /// This is the class which handles command registration, management, and execution. /// public class CommandsNextExtension : BaseExtension { /// /// Gets the config. /// private readonly CommandsNextConfiguration _config; /// /// Gets the help formatter. /// private readonly HelpFormatterFactory _helpFormatter; /// /// Gets the convert generic. /// private readonly MethodInfo _convertGeneric; /// /// Gets the user friendly type names. /// private readonly Dictionary _userFriendlyTypeNames; /// /// Gets the argument converters. /// internal Dictionary ArgumentConverters { get; } /// /// Gets the service provider this CommandsNext module was configured with. /// public IServiceProvider Services => this._config.ServiceProvider; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The cfg. internal CommandsNextExtension(CommandsNextConfiguration cfg) { this._config = new CommandsNextConfiguration(cfg); this._topLevelCommands = new Dictionary(); this._registeredCommandsLazy = new Lazy>(() => new ReadOnlyDictionary(this._topLevelCommands)); this._helpFormatter = new HelpFormatterFactory(); this._helpFormatter.SetFormatterType(); this.ArgumentConverters = new Dictionary { [typeof(string)] = new StringConverter(), [typeof(bool)] = new BoolConverter(), [typeof(sbyte)] = new Int8Converter(), [typeof(byte)] = new Uint8Converter(), [typeof(short)] = new Int16Converter(), [typeof(ushort)] = new Uint16Converter(), [typeof(int)] = new Int32Converter(), [typeof(uint)] = new Uint32Converter(), [typeof(long)] = new Int64Converter(), [typeof(ulong)] = new Uint64Converter(), [typeof(float)] = new Float32Converter(), [typeof(double)] = new Float64Converter(), [typeof(decimal)] = new Float128Converter(), [typeof(DateTime)] = new DateTimeConverter(), [typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = new DateTimeOffsetConverter(), [typeof(TimeSpan)] = new TimeSpanConverter(), [typeof(Uri)] = new UriConverter(), [typeof(DiscordUser)] = new DiscordUserConverter(), [typeof(DiscordMember)] = new DiscordMemberConverter(), [typeof(DiscordRole)] = new DiscordRoleConverter(), [typeof(DiscordChannel)] = new DiscordChannelConverter(), [typeof(DiscordGuild)] = new DiscordGuildConverter(), [typeof(DiscordMessage)] = new DiscordMessageConverter(), [typeof(DiscordEmoji)] = new DiscordEmojiConverter(), [typeof(DiscordThreadChannel)] = new DiscordThreadChannelConverter(), [typeof(DiscordInvite)] = new DiscordInviteConverter(), [typeof(DiscordColor)] = new DiscordColorConverter(), [typeof(DiscordScheduledEvent)] = new DiscordScheduledEventConverter(), }; this._userFriendlyTypeNames = new Dictionary() { [typeof(string)] = "string", [typeof(bool)] = "boolean", [typeof(sbyte)] = "signed byte", [typeof(byte)] = "byte", [typeof(short)] = "short", [typeof(ushort)] = "unsigned short", [typeof(int)] = "int", [typeof(uint)] = "unsigned int", [typeof(long)] = "long", [typeof(ulong)] = "unsigned long", [typeof(float)] = "float", [typeof(double)] = "double", [typeof(decimal)] = "decimal", [typeof(DateTime)] = "date and time", [typeof(DateTimeOffset)] = "date and time", [typeof(TimeSpan)] = "time span", [typeof(Uri)] = "URL", [typeof(DiscordUser)] = "user", [typeof(DiscordMember)] = "member", [typeof(DiscordRole)] = "role", [typeof(DiscordChannel)] = "channel", [typeof(DiscordGuild)] = "guild", [typeof(DiscordMessage)] = "message", [typeof(DiscordEmoji)] = "emoji", [typeof(DiscordThreadChannel)] = "thread", [typeof(DiscordInvite)] = "invite", [typeof(DiscordColor)] = "color", [typeof(DiscordScheduledEvent)] = "event" }; foreach (var xt in this.ArgumentConverters.Keys.ToArray()) { var xti = xt.GetTypeInfo(); if (!xti.IsValueType) continue; var xcvt = typeof(NullableConverter<>).MakeGenericType(xt); var xnt = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(xt); if (this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(xcvt)) continue; var xcv = Activator.CreateInstance(xcvt) as IArgumentConverter; this.ArgumentConverters[xnt] = xcv; this._userFriendlyTypeNames[xnt] = this._userFriendlyTypeNames[xt]; } var t = this.GetType(); var ms = t.GetTypeInfo().DeclaredMethods; var m = ms.FirstOrDefault(xm => xm.Name == "ConvertArgumentToObj" && xm.ContainsGenericParameters && !xm.IsStatic && xm.IsPrivate); this._convertGeneric = m; } /// /// Sets the help formatter to use with the default help command. /// /// Type of the formatter to use. public void SetHelpFormatter() where T : BaseHelpFormatter => this._helpFormatter.SetFormatterType(); #region DiscordClient Registration /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { if (this.Client != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("What did I tell you?"); this.Client = client; this._executed = new AsyncEvent("COMMAND_EXECUTED", TimeSpan.Zero, this.Client.EventErrorHandler); this._error = new AsyncEvent("COMMAND_ERRORED", TimeSpan.Zero, this.Client.EventErrorHandler); if (this._config.UseDefaultCommandHandler) this.Client.MessageCreated += this.HandleCommandsAsync; else this.Client.Logger.LogWarning(CommandsNextEvents.Misc, "Not attaching default command handler - if this is intentional, you can ignore this message"); if (this._config.EnableDefaultHelp) { this.RegisterCommands(typeof(DefaultHelpModule), null, null, out var tcmds); if (this._config.DefaultHelpChecks != null) { var checks = this._config.DefaultHelpChecks.ToArray(); foreach (var cb in tcmds) cb.WithExecutionChecks(checks); } if (tcmds != null) foreach (var xc in tcmds) this.AddToCommandDictionary(xc.Build(null)); } } #endregion #region Command Handling /// /// Handles the commands async. /// /// The sender. /// The e. /// A Task. private async Task HandleCommandsAsync(DiscordClient sender, MessageCreateEventArgs e) { if (e.Author.IsBot) // bad bot return; if (!this._config.EnableDms && e.Channel.IsPrivate) return; var mpos = -1; if (this._config.EnableMentionPrefix) mpos = e.Message.GetMentionPrefixLength(this.Client.CurrentUser); if (this._config.StringPrefixes?.Any() == true) foreach (var pfix in this._config.StringPrefixes) if (mpos == -1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pfix)) mpos = e.Message.GetStringPrefixLength(pfix, this._config.CaseSensitive ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); if (mpos == -1 && this._config.PrefixResolver != null) mpos = await this._config.PrefixResolver(e.Message).ConfigureAwait(false); if (mpos == -1) return; var pfx = e.Message.Content[..mpos]; var cnt = e.Message.Content[mpos..]; var __ = 0; var fname = cnt.ExtractNextArgument(ref __); var cmd = this.FindCommand(cnt, out var args); var ctx = this.CreateContext(e.Message, pfx, cmd, args); if (cmd == null) { await this._error.InvokeAsync(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = ctx, Exception = new CommandNotFoundException(fname) }).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } _ = Task.Run(async () => await this.ExecuteCommandAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false)); } /// /// Finds a specified command by its qualified name, then separates arguments. /// /// Qualified name of the command, optionally with arguments. /// Separated arguments. /// Found command or null if none was found. public Command FindCommand(string commandString, out string rawArguments) { rawArguments = null; var ignoreCase = !this._config.CaseSensitive; var pos = 0; var next = commandString.ExtractNextArgument(ref pos); if (next == null) return null; if (!this.RegisteredCommands.TryGetValue(next, out var cmd)) { if (!ignoreCase) return null; next = next.ToLowerInvariant(); var cmdKvp = this.RegisteredCommands.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key.ToLowerInvariant() == next); if (cmdKvp.Value == null) return null; cmd = cmdKvp.Value; } if (cmd is not CommandGroup) { rawArguments = commandString[pos..].Trim(); return cmd; } while (cmd is CommandGroup) { var cm2 = cmd as CommandGroup; var oldPos = pos; next = commandString.ExtractNextArgument(ref pos); if (next == null) break; if (ignoreCase) { next = next.ToLowerInvariant(); cmd = cm2.Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == next || x.Aliases?.Any(xx => xx.ToLowerInvariant() == next) == true); } else { cmd = cm2.Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == next || x.Aliases?.Contains(next) == true); } if (cmd == null) { cmd = cm2; pos = oldPos; break; } } rawArguments = commandString[pos..].Trim(); return cmd; } /// /// Creates a command execution context from specified arguments. /// /// Message to use for context. /// Command prefix, used to execute commands. /// Command to execute. /// Raw arguments to pass to command. /// Created command execution context. public CommandContext CreateContext(DiscordMessage msg, string prefix, Command cmd, string rawArguments = null) { var ctx = new CommandContext { Client = this.Client, Command = cmd, Message = msg, Config = this._config, RawArgumentString = rawArguments ?? "", Prefix = prefix, CommandsNext = this, Services = this.Services }; if (cmd != null && (cmd.Module is TransientCommandModule || cmd.Module == null)) { var scope = ctx.Services.CreateScope(); ctx.ServiceScopeContext = new CommandContext.ServiceContext(ctx.Services, scope); ctx.Services = scope.ServiceProvider; } return ctx; } /// /// Executes specified command from given context. /// /// Context to execute command from. /// public async Task ExecuteCommandAsync(CommandContext ctx) { try { var cmd = ctx.Command; await this.RunAllChecksAsync(cmd, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false); var res = await cmd.ExecuteAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false); if (res.IsSuccessful) await this._executed.InvokeAsync(this, new CommandExecutionEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = res.Context }).ConfigureAwait(false); else await this._error.InvokeAsync(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = res.Context, Exception = res.Exception }).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { await this._error.InvokeAsync(this, new CommandErrorEventArgs(this.Client.ServiceProvider) { Context = ctx, Exception = ex }).ConfigureAwait(false); } finally { if (ctx.ServiceScopeContext.IsInitialized) ctx.ServiceScopeContext.Dispose(); } } /// /// Runs the all checks async. /// /// The cmd. /// The ctx. /// A Task. private async Task RunAllChecksAsync(Command cmd, CommandContext ctx) { if (cmd.Parent != null) await this.RunAllChecksAsync(cmd.Parent, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false); var fchecks = await cmd.RunChecksAsync(ctx, false).ConfigureAwait(false); if (fchecks.Any()) throw new ChecksFailedException(cmd, ctx, fchecks); } #endregion #region Command Registration /// /// Gets a dictionary of registered top-level commands. /// public IReadOnlyDictionary RegisteredCommands => this._registeredCommandsLazy.Value; /// /// Gets or sets the top level commands. /// private readonly Dictionary _topLevelCommands; private readonly Lazy> _registeredCommandsLazy; /// /// Registers all commands from a given assembly. The command classes need to be public to be considered for registration. /// /// Assembly to register commands from. public void RegisterCommands(Assembly assembly) { var types = assembly.ExportedTypes.Where(xt => { var xti = xt.GetTypeInfo(); return xti.IsModuleCandidateType() && !xti.IsNested; }); foreach (var xt in types) this.RegisterCommands(xt); } /// /// Registers all commands from a given command class. /// /// Class which holds commands to register. public void RegisterCommands() where T : BaseCommandModule { var t = typeof(T); this.RegisterCommands(t); } /// /// Registers all commands from a given command class. /// /// Type of the class which holds commands to register. public void RegisterCommands(Type t) { if (t == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t), "Type cannot be null."); if (!t.IsModuleCandidateType()) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(t), "Type must be a class, which cannot be abstract or static."); this.RegisterCommands(t, null, null, out var tempCommands); if (tempCommands != null) foreach (var command in tempCommands) this.AddToCommandDictionary(command.Build(null)); } /// /// Registers the commands. /// /// The type. /// The current parent. /// The inherited checks. /// The found commands. private void RegisterCommands(Type t, CommandGroupBuilder currentParent, IEnumerable inheritedChecks, out List foundCommands) { var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); var lifespan = ti.GetCustomAttribute(); var moduleLifespan = lifespan != null ? lifespan.Lifespan : ModuleLifespan.Singleton; var module = new CommandModuleBuilder() .WithType(t) .WithLifespan(moduleLifespan) .Build(this.Services); // restrict parent lifespan to more or equally restrictive if (currentParent?.Module is TransientCommandModule && moduleLifespan != ModuleLifespan.Transient) throw new InvalidOperationException("In a transient module, child modules can only be transient."); // check if we are anything var groupBuilder = new CommandGroupBuilder(module); var isModule = false; var moduleAttributes = ti.GetCustomAttributes(); var moduleHidden = false; var moduleChecks = new List(); foreach (var xa in moduleAttributes) { switch (xa) { case GroupAttribute g: isModule = true; var moduleName = g.Name; if (moduleName == null) { moduleName = ti.Name; if (moduleName.EndsWith("Group") && moduleName != "Group") moduleName = moduleName[0..^5]; else if (moduleName.EndsWith("Module") && moduleName != "Module") moduleName = moduleName[0..^6]; else if (moduleName.EndsWith("Commands") && moduleName != "Commands") moduleName = moduleName[0..^8]; } if (!this._config.CaseSensitive) moduleName = moduleName.ToLowerInvariant(); groupBuilder.WithName(moduleName); if (inheritedChecks != null) foreach (var chk in inheritedChecks) groupBuilder.WithExecutionCheck(chk); foreach (var mi in ti.DeclaredMethods.Where(x => x.IsCommandCandidate(out _) && x.GetCustomAttribute() != null)) groupBuilder.WithOverload(new CommandOverloadBuilder(mi)); break; case AliasesAttribute a: foreach (var xalias in a.Aliases) groupBuilder.WithAlias(this._config.CaseSensitive ? xalias : xalias.ToLowerInvariant()); break; case HiddenAttribute h: groupBuilder.WithHiddenStatus(true); moduleHidden = true; break; case DescriptionAttribute d: groupBuilder.WithDescription(d.Description); break; case CheckBaseAttribute c: moduleChecks.Add(c); groupBuilder.WithExecutionCheck(c); break; default: groupBuilder.WithCustomAttribute(xa); break; } } if (!isModule) { groupBuilder = null; if (inheritedChecks != null) moduleChecks.AddRange(inheritedChecks); } // candidate methods var methods = ti.DeclaredMethods; var commands = new List(); var commandBuilders = new Dictionary(); foreach (var m in methods) { if (!m.IsCommandCandidate(out _)) continue; var attrs = m.GetCustomAttributes(); if (attrs.FirstOrDefault(xa => xa is CommandAttribute) is not CommandAttribute cattr) continue; var commandName = cattr.Name; if (commandName == null) { commandName = m.Name; if (commandName.EndsWith("Async") && commandName != "Async") commandName = commandName[0..^5]; } if (!this._config.CaseSensitive) commandName = commandName.ToLowerInvariant(); if (!commandBuilders.TryGetValue(commandName, out var commandBuilder)) { commandBuilders.Add(commandName, commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder(module).WithName(commandName)); if (!isModule) if (currentParent != null) currentParent.WithChild(commandBuilder); else commands.Add(commandBuilder); else groupBuilder.WithChild(commandBuilder); } commandBuilder.WithOverload(new CommandOverloadBuilder(m)); if (!isModule && moduleChecks.Any()) foreach (var chk in moduleChecks) commandBuilder.WithExecutionCheck(chk); foreach (var xa in attrs) { switch (xa) { case AliasesAttribute a: foreach (var xalias in a.Aliases) commandBuilder.WithAlias(this._config.CaseSensitive ? xalias : xalias.ToLowerInvariant()); break; case CheckBaseAttribute p: commandBuilder.WithExecutionCheck(p); break; case DescriptionAttribute d: commandBuilder.WithDescription(d.Description); break; case HiddenAttribute h: commandBuilder.WithHiddenStatus(true); break; default: commandBuilder.WithCustomAttribute(xa); break; } } if (!isModule && moduleHidden) commandBuilder.WithHiddenStatus(true); } // candidate types var types = ti.DeclaredNestedTypes .Where(xt => xt.IsModuleCandidateType() && xt.DeclaredConstructors.Any(xc => xc.IsPublic)); foreach (var type in types) { this.RegisterCommands(type.AsType(), groupBuilder, !isModule ? moduleChecks : null, out var tempCommands); if (isModule) foreach (var chk in moduleChecks) groupBuilder.WithExecutionCheck(chk); if (isModule && tempCommands != null) foreach (var xtcmd in tempCommands) groupBuilder.WithChild(xtcmd); else if (tempCommands != null) commands.AddRange(tempCommands); } if (isModule && currentParent == null) commands.Add(groupBuilder); else if (isModule) currentParent.WithChild(groupBuilder); foundCommands = commands; } /// /// Builds and registers all supplied commands. /// /// Commands to build and register. public void RegisterCommands(params CommandBuilder[] cmds) { foreach (var cmd in cmds) this.AddToCommandDictionary(cmd.Build(null)); } /// /// Unregister specified commands from CommandsNext. /// /// Commands to unregister. public void UnregisterCommands(params Command[] cmds) { if (cmds.Any(x => x.Parent != null)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot unregister nested commands."); var keys = this.RegisteredCommands.Where(x => cmds.Contains(x.Value)).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); foreach (var key in keys) this._topLevelCommands.Remove(key); } /// /// Adds the to command dictionary. /// /// The cmd. private void AddToCommandDictionary(Command cmd) { if (cmd.Parent != null) return; if (this._topLevelCommands.ContainsKey(cmd.Name) || (cmd.Aliases != null && cmd.Aliases.Any(xs => this._topLevelCommands.ContainsKey(xs)))) throw new DuplicateCommandException(cmd.QualifiedName); this._topLevelCommands[cmd.Name] = cmd; if (cmd.Aliases != null) foreach (var xs in cmd.Aliases) this._topLevelCommands[xs] = cmd; } #endregion #region Default Help /// /// Represents the default help module. /// [ModuleLifespan(ModuleLifespan.Transient)] public class DefaultHelpModule : BaseCommandModule { /// /// Defaults the help async. /// /// The ctx. /// The command. /// A Task. [Command("help"), Description("Displays command help.")] public async Task DefaultHelpAsync(CommandContext ctx, [Description("Command to provide help for.")] params string[] command) { var topLevel = ctx.CommandsNext._topLevelCommands.Values.Distinct(); var helpBuilder = ctx.CommandsNext._helpFormatter.Create(ctx); if (command != null && command.Any()) { Command cmd = null; var searchIn = topLevel; foreach (var c in command) { if (searchIn == null) { cmd = null; break; } cmd = ctx.Config.CaseSensitive ? searchIn.FirstOrDefault(xc => xc.Name == c || (xc.Aliases != null && xc.Aliases.Contains(c))) : searchIn.FirstOrDefault(xc => xc.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == c.ToLowerInvariant() || (xc.Aliases != null && xc.Aliases.Select(xs => xs.ToLowerInvariant()).Contains(c.ToLowerInvariant()))); if (cmd == null) break; var failedChecks = await cmd.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (failedChecks.Any()) throw new ChecksFailedException(cmd, ctx, failedChecks); searchIn = cmd is CommandGroup ? (cmd as CommandGroup).Children : null; } if (cmd == null) throw new CommandNotFoundException(string.Join(" ", command)); helpBuilder.WithCommand(cmd); if (cmd is CommandGroup group) { var commandsToSearch = group.Children.Where(xc => !xc.IsHidden); var eligibleCommands = new List(); foreach (var candidateCommand in commandsToSearch) { if (candidateCommand.ExecutionChecks == null || !candidateCommand.ExecutionChecks.Any()) { eligibleCommands.Add(candidateCommand); continue; } var candidateFailedChecks = await candidateCommand.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!candidateFailedChecks.Any()) eligibleCommands.Add(candidateCommand); } if (eligibleCommands.Any()) helpBuilder.WithSubcommands(eligibleCommands.OrderBy(xc => xc.Name)); } } else { var commandsToSearch = topLevel.Where(xc => !xc.IsHidden); var eligibleCommands = new List(); foreach (var sc in commandsToSearch) { if (sc.ExecutionChecks == null || !sc.ExecutionChecks.Any()) { eligibleCommands.Add(sc); continue; } var candidateFailedChecks = await sc.RunChecksAsync(ctx, true).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!candidateFailedChecks.Any()) eligibleCommands.Add(sc); } if (eligibleCommands.Any()) helpBuilder.WithSubcommands(eligibleCommands.OrderBy(xc => xc.Name)); } var helpMessage = helpBuilder.Build(); var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder().WithContent(helpMessage.Content).WithEmbed(helpMessage.Embed); if (!ctx.Config.DmHelp || ctx.Channel is DiscordDmChannel || ctx.Guild == null) await ctx.RespondAsync(builder).ConfigureAwait(false); else await ctx.Member.SendMessageAsync(builder).ConfigureAwait(false); } } #endregion #region Sudo /// /// Creates a fake command context to execute commands with. /// /// The user or member to use as message author. /// The channel the message is supposed to appear from. /// Contents of the message. /// Command prefix, used to execute commands. /// Command to execute. /// Raw arguments to pass to command. /// Created fake context. public CommandContext CreateFakeContext(DiscordUser actor, DiscordChannel channel, string messageContents, string prefix, Command cmd, string rawArguments = null) { var epoch = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero); var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; var timeSpan = (ulong)(now - epoch).TotalMilliseconds; // create fake message var msg = new DiscordMessage { Discord = this.Client, Author = actor, ChannelId = channel.Id, Content = messageContents, Id = timeSpan << 22, Pinned = false, MentionEveryone = messageContents.Contains("@everyone"), IsTts = false, AttachmentsInternal = new List(), EmbedsInternal = new List(), TimestampRaw = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz"), ReactionsInternal = new List() }; var mentionedUsers = new List(); var mentionedRoles = msg.Channel.Guild != null ? new List() : null; var mentionedChannels = msg.Channel.Guild != null ? new List() : null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msg.Content)) { if (msg.Channel.Guild != null) { mentionedUsers = Utilities.GetUserMentions(msg).Select(xid => msg.Channel.Guild.MembersInternal.TryGetValue(xid, out var member) ? member : null).Cast().ToList(); mentionedRoles = Utilities.GetRoleMentions(msg).Select(xid => msg.Channel.Guild.GetRole(xid)).ToList(); mentionedChannels = Utilities.GetChannelMentions(msg).Select(xid => msg.Channel.Guild.GetChannel(xid)).ToList(); } else { mentionedUsers = Utilities.GetUserMentions(msg).Select(this.Client.GetCachedOrEmptyUserInternal).ToList(); } } msg.MentionedUsersInternal = mentionedUsers; msg.MentionedRolesInternal = mentionedRoles; msg.MentionedChannelsInternal = mentionedChannels; var ctx = new CommandContext { Client = this.Client, Command = cmd, Message = msg, Config = this._config, RawArgumentString = rawArguments ?? "", Prefix = prefix, CommandsNext = this, Services = this.Services }; if (cmd != null && (cmd.Module is TransientCommandModule || cmd.Module == null)) { var scope = ctx.Services.CreateScope(); ctx.ServiceScopeContext = new CommandContext.ServiceContext(ctx.Services, scope); ctx.Services = scope.ServiceProvider; } return ctx; } #endregion #region Type Conversion /// /// Converts a string to specified type. /// /// Type to convert to. /// Value to convert. /// Context in which to convert to. /// Converted object. public async Task ConvertArgument(string value, CommandContext ctx) { var t = typeof(T); if (!this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(t)) throw new ArgumentException("There is no converter specified for given type.", nameof(T)); if (this.ArgumentConverters[t] is not IArgumentConverter cv) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid converter registered for this type.", nameof(T)); var cvr = await cv.ConvertAsync(value, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false); return !cvr.HasValue ? throw new ArgumentException("Could not convert specified value to given type.", nameof(value)) : cvr.Value; } /// /// Converts a string to specified type. /// /// Value to convert. /// Context in which to convert to. /// Type to convert to. /// Converted object. public async Task ConvertArgument(string value, CommandContext ctx, Type type) { var m = this._convertGeneric.MakeGenericMethod(type); try { return await (m.Invoke(this, new object[] { value, ctx }) as Task).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { throw ex.InnerException; } } /// /// Registers an argument converter for specified type. /// /// Type for which to register the converter. /// Converter to register. public void RegisterConverter(IArgumentConverter converter) { if (converter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(converter), "Converter cannot be null."); var t = typeof(T); var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); this.ArgumentConverters[t] = converter; if (!ti.IsValueType) return; var nullableConverterType = typeof(NullableConverter<>).MakeGenericType(t); var nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(t); if (this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(nullableType)) return; var nullableConverter = Activator.CreateInstance(nullableConverterType) as IArgumentConverter; this.ArgumentConverters[nullableType] = nullableConverter; } /// /// Unregister an argument converter for specified type. /// /// Type for which to unregister the converter. public void UnregisterConverter() { var t = typeof(T); var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); if (this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(t)) this.ArgumentConverters.Remove(t); if (this._userFriendlyTypeNames.ContainsKey(t)) this._userFriendlyTypeNames.Remove(t); if (!ti.IsValueType) return; var nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(t); if (!this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(nullableType)) return; this.ArgumentConverters.Remove(nullableType); this._userFriendlyTypeNames.Remove(nullableType); } /// /// Registers a user-friendly type name. /// /// Type to register the name for. /// Name to register. public void RegisterUserFriendlyTypeName(string value) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value), "Name cannot be null or empty."); var t = typeof(T); var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); if (!this.ArgumentConverters.ContainsKey(t)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot register a friendly name for a type which has no associated converter."); this._userFriendlyTypeNames[t] = value; if (!ti.IsValueType) return; var nullableType = typeof(Nullable<>).MakeGenericType(t); this._userFriendlyTypeNames[nullableType] = value; } /// /// Converts a type into user-friendly type name. /// /// Type to convert. /// User-friendly type name. public string GetUserFriendlyTypeName(Type t) { if (this._userFriendlyTypeNames.ContainsKey(t)) return this._userFriendlyTypeNames[t]; var ti = t.GetTypeInfo(); if (ti.IsGenericTypeDefinition && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)) { var tn = ti.GenericTypeArguments[0]; return this._userFriendlyTypeNames.ContainsKey(tn) ? this._userFriendlyTypeNames[tn] : tn.Name; } return t.Name; } #endregion #region Helpers /// /// Allows easier interoperability with reflection by turning the returned by /// into a task containing , using the provided generic type information. /// private async Task ConvertArgumentToObj(string value, CommandContext ctx) => await this.ConvertArgument(value, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Gets the configuration-specific string comparer. This returns or , /// depending on whether is set to or . /// /// A string comparer. internal IEqualityComparer GetStringComparer() => this._config.CaseSensitive ? StringComparer.Ordinal : StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; #endregion #region Events /// /// Triggered whenever a command executes successfully. /// public event AsyncEventHandler CommandExecuted { add => this._executed.Register(value); remove => this._executed.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _executed; /// /// Triggered whenever a command throws an exception during execution. /// public event AsyncEventHandler CommandErrored { add => this._error.Register(value); remove => this._error.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _error; /// /// Fires when a command gets executed. /// /// The command execution event arguments. private Task OnCommandExecuted(CommandExecutionEventArgs e) => this._executed.InvokeAsync(this, e); /// /// Fires when a command fails. /// /// The command error event arguments. private Task OnCommandErrored(CommandErrorEventArgs e) => this._error.InvokeAsync(this, e); #endregion - - - - public override void Dispose() - { - this.Client.MessageCreated -= this.HandleCommandsAsync; - GC.SuppressFinalize(this); - } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs index b54a663c2..42cfda735 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.Interactivity/InteractivityExtension.cs @@ -1,973 +1,971 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.Enums; using DisCatSharp.Interactivity.EventHandling; namespace DisCatSharp.Interactivity; /// /// Extension class for DisCatSharp.Interactivity /// public class InteractivityExtension : BaseExtension { /// /// Gets the config. /// internal InteractivityConfiguration Config { get; } private EventWaiter _messageCreatedWaiter; private EventWaiter _messageReactionAddWaiter; private EventWaiter _typingStartWaiter; private EventWaiter _modalInteractionWaiter; private EventWaiter _componentInteractionWaiter; private ComponentEventWaiter _componentEventWaiter; private ModalEventWaiter _modalEventWaiter; private ReactionCollector _reactionCollector; private Poller _poller; private Paginator _paginator; private ComponentPaginator _compPaginator; /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The configuration. internal InteractivityExtension(InteractivityConfiguration cfg) { this.Config = new InteractivityConfiguration(cfg); } /// /// Setups the Interactivity Extension. /// /// Discord client. protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { this.Client = client; this._messageCreatedWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this._messageReactionAddWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this._componentInteractionWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this._modalInteractionWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this._typingStartWaiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); this._poller = new Poller(this.Client); this._reactionCollector = new ReactionCollector(this.Client); this._paginator = new Paginator(this.Client); this._compPaginator = new ComponentPaginator(this.Client, this.Config); this._componentEventWaiter = new ComponentEventWaiter(this.Client, this.Config); this._modalEventWaiter = new ModalEventWaiter(this.Client, this.Config); + } /// /// Makes a poll and returns poll results. /// /// Message to create poll on. /// Emojis to use for this poll. /// What to do when the poll ends. /// Override timeout period. /// public async Task> DoPollAsync(DiscordMessage m, IEnumerable emojis, PollBehaviour? behaviour = default, TimeSpan? timeout = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); if (!emojis.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You need to provide at least one emoji for a poll!"); foreach (var em in emojis) await m.CreateReactionAsync(em).ConfigureAwait(false); var res = await this._poller.DoPollAsync(new PollRequest(m, timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout, emojis)).ConfigureAwait(false); var pollBehaviour = behaviour ?? this.Config.PollBehaviour; var thisMember = await m.Channel.Guild.GetMemberAsync(this.Client.CurrentUser.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); if (pollBehaviour == PollBehaviour.DeleteEmojis && m.Channel.PermissionsFor(thisMember).HasPermission(Permissions.ManageMessages)) await m.DeleteAllReactionsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return new ReadOnlyCollection(res.ToList()); } /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// Override the timeout period in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, buttons, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button in the specified collection to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait on. /// A collection of buttons to listen for. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, IEnumerable buttons, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!buttons.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("You must specify at least one button to listen for."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Provided Message does not contain any button components."); var res = await this._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && buttons.Any(b => b.CustomId == c.Id), token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(res is null, res); } /// /// Waits for a user modal submit. /// /// The custom id of the modal to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the modal. public Task> WaitForModalAsync(string customId, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForModalAsync(customId, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a user modal submit. /// /// The custom id of the modal to wait for. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of the modal. public async Task> WaitForModalAsync(string customId, CancellationToken token) { var result = await this ._modalEventWaiter .WaitForModalMatchAsync(new ModalMatchRequest(customId, c => c.Interaction.Type == InteractionType.ModalSubmit, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var ids = message.Components.SelectMany(m => m.Components).Select(c => c.CustomId); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType == ComponentType.Button && ids.Contains(c.Id), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, user, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button on the specified message to be pressed by the specified user. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The user to wait for the button press from. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// A with the result of button that was pressed, if any. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.User == user, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a button with the specified Id to be pressed. /// /// The message to wait for the button on. /// The Id of the button to wait for. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// A with the result of the operation. /// Thrown when attempting to wait for a message that is not authored by the current user. /// Thrown when the message does not contain a button with the specified Id, or any buttons at all. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().Any(c => c.CustomId == id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain button with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// Override the timeout specified in public Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForButtonAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any button to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The predicate to filter interactions by. /// A token to cancel interactivity with at any time. Pass to wait indefinitely. public async Task> WaitForButtonAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Button)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any button components."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Button && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, predicate, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for any dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait for. /// A filter predicate. /// A token that can be used to cancel interactivity. Pass to wait indefinitely. /// Thrown when the Provided message does not contain any dropdowns public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, Func predicate, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, c => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && predicate(c), token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// This is here for backwards-compatibility and will internally create a cancellation token. /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().All(c => c.CustomId != id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select component with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, (c) => c.Interaction.Data.ComponentType is ComponentType.Select && c.Id == id, token)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// Override the timeout period specified in . /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => this.WaitForSelectAsync(message, user, id, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Waits for a dropdown to be interacted with by a specific user. /// /// The message to wait on. /// The user to wait on. /// The Id of the dropdown to wait on. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. /// Thrown when the message does not have any dropdowns or any dropdown with the specified Id. public async Task> WaitForSelectAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, string id, CancellationToken token) { if (message.Author != this.Client.CurrentUser) throw new InvalidOperationException("Interaction events are only sent to the application that created them."); if (!message.Components.Any()) throw new ArgumentException("Provided message does not contain any components."); if (!message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).Any(c => c.Type is ComponentType.Select)) throw new ArgumentException("Message does not contain any select components."); if (message.Components.SelectMany(c => c.Components).OfType().All(c => c.CustomId != id)) throw new ArgumentException($"Message does not contain select with Id of '{id}'."); var result = await this ._componentEventWaiter .WaitForMatchAsync(new ComponentMatchRequest(message, (c) => c.Id == id && c.User == user, token)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(result is null, result); } /// /// Waits for a specific message. /// /// Predicate to match. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForMessageAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasMessageIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No message intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this._messageCreatedWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(x => predicate(x.Message), timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns?.Message); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// /// Predicate to match. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this._messageReactionAddWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Wait for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutOverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Predicate to match. /// Message reaction was added to. /// User that made the reaction. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordMessage message, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Message.Id == message.Id, timeoutOverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a specific reaction. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// predicate to match. /// User that made the reaction. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForReactionAsync(Func predicate, DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) => await this.WaitForReactionAsync(x => predicate(x) && x.User.Id == user.Id, timeoutOverride).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Channel the user is typing in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this._typingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id && x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for a user to start typing. /// /// User that starts typing. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForUserTypingAsync(DiscordUser user, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this._typingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.User.Id == user.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Waits for any user to start typing. /// /// Channel to type in. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForTypingAsync(DiscordChannel channel, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasTypingIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No typing intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var returns = await this._typingStartWaiter.WaitForMatchAsync( new MatchRequest(x => x.Channel.Id == channel.Id, timeout)) .ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(returns == null, returns); } /// /// Collects reactions on a specific message. /// /// Message to collect reactions on. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectReactionsAsync(DiscordMessage m, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { if (!Utilities.HasReactionIntents(this.Client.Configuration.Intents)) throw new InvalidOperationException("No reaction intents are enabled."); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var collection = await this._reactionCollector.CollectAsync(new ReactionCollectRequest(m, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return collection; } /// /// Waits for specific event args to be received. Make sure the appropriate are registered, if needed. /// /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> WaitForEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.WaitForMatchAsync(new MatchRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return new InteractivityResult(res == null, res); } /// /// Collects the event arguments. /// /// The predicate. /// Override timeout period. public async Task> CollectEventArgsAsync(Func predicate, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) where T : AsyncEventArgs { var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; using var waiter = new EventWaiter(this.Client); var res = await waiter.CollectMatchesAsync(new CollectRequest(predicate, timeout)).ConfigureAwait(false); return res; } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new PaginationButtons(bts); if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) { bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); bts.Left.Disable(); } var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); var message = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var req = new ButtonPaginationRequest(message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages, token == default ? this.GetCancellationToken() : token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message with buttons. /// /// The channel to send it on. /// User to give control. /// The pages. /// Pagination buttons (pass null to use buttons defined in ). /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour. /// Override timeout period. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync( DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, buttons, behaviour, deletion, this.GetCancellationToken(timeoutOverride)); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// The token. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, default, behaviour, deletion, token); /// /// Sends the paginated message. /// /// The channel. /// The user. /// The pages. /// Override timeout period. /// The behaviour. /// The deletion. /// A Task. public Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default) => this.SendPaginatedMessageAsync(channel, user, pages, timeoutOverride, behaviour, deletion); /// /// Sends a paginated message. /// For this Event you need the intent specified in /// /// Channel to send paginated message in. /// User to give control. /// Pages. /// Pagination emojis. /// Pagination behaviour (when hitting max and min indices). /// Deletion behaviour. /// Override timeout period. public async Task SendPaginatedMessageAsync(DiscordChannel channel, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationEmojis emojis, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, PaginationDeletion? deletion = default, TimeSpan? timeoutOverride = null) { var builder = new DiscordMessageBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .WithEmbed(pages.First().Embed); var m = await builder.SendAsync(channel).ConfigureAwait(false); var timeout = timeoutOverride ?? this.Config.Timeout; var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.PaginationDeletion; var ems = emojis ?? this.Config.PaginationEmojis; var pRequest = new PaginationRequest(m, user, bhv, del, ems, timeout, pages); await this._paginator.DoPaginationAsync(pRequest).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Sends a paginated message in response to an interaction. /// /// Pass the interaction directly. Interactivity will ACK it. /// /// /// The interaction to create a response to. /// Whether the interaction was deferred. /// Whether the response should be ephemeral. /// The user to listen for button presses from. /// The pages to paginate. /// Optional: custom buttons. /// Pagination behaviour. /// Deletion behaviour. /// A custom cancellation token that can be cancelled at any point. public async Task SendPaginatedResponseAsync(DiscordInteraction interaction, bool deferred, bool ephemeral, DiscordUser user, IEnumerable pages, PaginationButtons buttons = null, PaginationBehaviour? behaviour = default, ButtonPaginationBehavior? deletion = default, CancellationToken token = default) { var bhv = behaviour ?? this.Config.PaginationBehaviour; var del = deletion ?? this.Config.ButtonBehavior; var bts = buttons ?? this.Config.PaginationButtons; bts = new PaginationButtons(bts); if (bhv is PaginationBehaviour.Ignore) { bts.SkipLeft.Disable(); bts.Left.Disable(); } DiscordMessage message; if (deferred) { var builder = new DiscordWebhookBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .AddEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); message = await interaction.EditOriginalResponseAsync(builder).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { var builder = new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder() .WithContent(pages.First().Content) .AddEmbed(pages.First().Embed) .AsEphemeral(ephemeral) .AddComponents(bts.ButtonArray); await interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, builder).ConfigureAwait(false); message = await interaction.GetOriginalResponseAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } var req = new InteractionPaginationRequest(interaction, message, user, bhv, del, bts, pages, token); await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Waits for a custom pagination request to finish. /// This does NOT handle removing emojis after finishing for you. /// /// /// public async Task WaitForCustomPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this._paginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Waits for custom button-based pagination request to finish. ///
/// This does not invoke . ///
/// The request to wait for. public async Task WaitForCustomComponentPaginationAsync(IPaginationRequest request) => await this._compPaginator.DoPaginationAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false); /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message content. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInContent(string input, SplitType splitType = SplitType.Character) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splitType) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += subsplit[i]; if (i >= 15 && i % 15 == 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (split.All(x => x != s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page($"Page {page}:\n{s}")); page++; } return result; } /// /// Generates pages from a string, and puts them in message embeds. /// /// Input string. /// How to split input string. /// Base embed for output embeds. /// public IEnumerable GeneratePagesInEmbed(string input, SplitType splitType = SplitType.Character, DiscordEmbedBuilder embedBase = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) throw new ArgumentException("You must provide a string that is not null or empty!"); var embed = embedBase ?? new DiscordEmbedBuilder(); var result = new List(); List split; switch (splitType) { default: case SplitType.Character: split = this.SplitString(input, 500).ToList(); break; case SplitType.Line: var subsplit = input.Split('\n'); split = new List(); var s = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subsplit.Length; i++) { s += $"{subsplit[i]}\n"; if (i % 15 == 0 && i != 0) { split.Add(s); s = ""; } } if (!split.Any(x => x == s)) split.Add(s); break; } var page = 1; foreach (var s in split) { result.Add(new Page("", new DiscordEmbedBuilder(embed).WithDescription(s).WithFooter($"Page {page}/{split.Count}"))); page++; } return result; } /// /// Splits the string. /// /// The string. /// The chunk size. private List SplitString(string str, int chunkSize) { var res = new List(); var len = str.Length; var i = 0; while (i < len) { var size = Math.Min(len - i, chunkSize); res.Add(str.Substring(i, size)); i += size; } return res; } /// /// Gets the cancellation token. /// /// The timeout. private CancellationToken GetCancellationToken(TimeSpan? timeout = null) => new CancellationTokenSource(timeout ?? this.Config.Timeout).Token; - public override void Dispose() - => GC.SuppressFinalize(this); - /// /// Handles an invalid interaction. /// /// The interaction. private async Task HandleInvalidInteraction(DiscordInteraction interaction) { var at = this.Config.ResponseBehavior switch { InteractionResponseBehavior.Ack => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.DeferredMessageUpdate), InteractionResponseBehavior.Respond => interaction.CreateResponseAsync(InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource, new DiscordInteractionResponseBuilder { Content = this.Config.ResponseMessage, IsEphemeral = true}), InteractionResponseBehavior.Ignore => Task.CompletedTask, _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unknown enum value.") }; await at; } } diff --git a/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkExtension.cs index a098763f5..9aa3231dd 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.Lavalink/LavalinkExtension.cs @@ -1,218 +1,215 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Common.Utilities; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Lavalink.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Net; namespace DisCatSharp.Lavalink; /// /// The lavalink extension. /// public sealed class LavalinkExtension : BaseExtension { /// /// Triggered whenever a node disconnects. /// public event AsyncEventHandler NodeDisconnected { add => this._nodeDisconnected.Register(value); remove => this._nodeDisconnected.Unregister(value); } private AsyncEvent _nodeDisconnected; /// /// Gets a dictionary of connected Lavalink nodes for the extension. /// public IReadOnlyDictionary ConnectedNodes { get; } private readonly ConcurrentDictionary _connectedNodes = new(); /// /// Creates a new instance of this Lavalink extension. /// internal LavalinkExtension() { this.ConnectedNodes = new ReadOnlyConcurrentDictionary(this._connectedNodes); } /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { if (this.Client != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("What did I tell you?"); this.Client = client; this._nodeDisconnected = new AsyncEvent("LAVALINK_NODE_DISCONNECTED", TimeSpan.Zero, this.Client.EventErrorHandler); } /// /// Connect to a Lavalink node. /// /// Lavalink client configuration. /// The established Lavalink connection. public async Task ConnectAsync(LavalinkConfiguration config) { if (this._connectedNodes.ContainsKey(config.SocketEndpoint)) return this._connectedNodes[config.SocketEndpoint]; var con = new LavalinkNodeConnection(this.Client, this, config); con.NodeDisconnected += this.Con_NodeDisconnected; con.Disconnected += this.Con_Disconnected; this._connectedNodes[con.NodeEndpoint] = con; try { await con.StartAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { this.Con_NodeDisconnected(con); throw; } return con; } /// /// Gets the Lavalink node connection for the specified endpoint. /// /// Endpoint at which the node resides. /// Lavalink node connection. public LavalinkNodeConnection GetNodeConnection(ConnectionEndpoint endpoint) => this._connectedNodes.ContainsKey(endpoint) ? this._connectedNodes[endpoint] : null; /// /// Gets a Lavalink node connection based on load balancing and an optional voice region. /// /// The region to compare with the node's , if any. /// The least load affected node connection, or null if no nodes are present. public LavalinkNodeConnection GetIdealNodeConnection(DiscordVoiceRegion region = null) { if (this._connectedNodes.Count <= 1) return this._connectedNodes.Values.FirstOrDefault(); var nodes = this._connectedNodes.Values.ToArray(); if (region != null) { var regionPredicate = new Func(x => x.Region == region); if (nodes.Any(regionPredicate)) nodes = nodes.Where(regionPredicate).ToArray(); if (nodes.Length <= 1) return nodes.FirstOrDefault(); } return this.FilterByLoad(nodes); } /// /// Gets a Lavalink guild connection from a . /// /// The guild the connection is on. /// The found guild connection, or null if one could not be found. public LavalinkGuildConnection GetGuildConnection(DiscordGuild guild) { var nodes = this._connectedNodes.Values; var node = nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ConnectedGuildsInternal.ContainsKey(guild.Id)); return node?.GetGuildConnection(guild); } /// /// Filters the by load. /// /// The nodes. private LavalinkNodeConnection FilterByLoad(LavalinkNodeConnection[] nodes) { Array.Sort(nodes, (a, b) => { if (!a.Statistics.Updated || !b.Statistics.Updated) return 0; //https://github.com/FredBoat/Lavalink-Client/blob/48bc27784f57be5b95d2ff2eff6665451b9366f5/src/main/java/lavalink/client/io/LavalinkLoadBalancer.java#L122 //https://github.com/briantanner/eris-lavalink/blob/master/src/PlayerManager.js#L329 //player count var aPenaltyCount = a.Statistics.ActivePlayers; var bPenaltyCount = b.Statistics.ActivePlayers; //cpu load aPenaltyCount += (int)Math.Pow(1.05d, (100 * (a.Statistics.CpuSystemLoad / a.Statistics.CpuCoreCount) * 10) - 10); bPenaltyCount += (int)Math.Pow(1.05d, (100 * (b.Statistics.CpuSystemLoad / a.Statistics.CpuCoreCount) * 10) - 10); //frame load if (a.Statistics.AverageDeficitFramesPerMinute > 0) { //deficit frame load aPenaltyCount += (int)((Math.Pow(1.03d, 500f * (a.Statistics.AverageDeficitFramesPerMinute / 3000f)) * 600) - 600); //null frame load aPenaltyCount += (int)((Math.Pow(1.03d, 500f * (a.Statistics.AverageNulledFramesPerMinute / 3000f)) * 300) - 300); } //frame load if (b.Statistics.AverageDeficitFramesPerMinute > 0) { //deficit frame load bPenaltyCount += (int)((Math.Pow(1.03d, 500f * (b.Statistics.AverageDeficitFramesPerMinute / 3000f)) * 600) - 600); //null frame load bPenaltyCount += (int)((Math.Pow(1.03d, 500f * (b.Statistics.AverageNulledFramesPerMinute / 3000f)) * 300) - 300); } return aPenaltyCount - bPenaltyCount; }); return nodes[0]; } /// /// Removes a node. /// /// The node to be removed. private void Con_NodeDisconnected(LavalinkNodeConnection node) => this._connectedNodes.TryRemove(node.NodeEndpoint, out _); /// /// Disconnects a node. /// /// The affected node. /// The node disconnected event args. private Task Con_Disconnected(LavalinkNodeConnection node, NodeDisconnectedEventArgs e) => this._nodeDisconnected.InvokeAsync(node, e); - - public override void Dispose() - => GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } diff --git a/DisCatSharp.VoiceNext/VoiceNextExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp.VoiceNext/VoiceNextExtension.cs index 4fa01c4ee..fc7f47b3f 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp.VoiceNext/VoiceNextExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp.VoiceNext/VoiceNextExtension.cs @@ -1,268 +1,265 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DisCatSharp.Entities; using DisCatSharp.Enums; using DisCatSharp.EventArgs; using DisCatSharp.Net; using DisCatSharp.VoiceNext.Entities; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace DisCatSharp.VoiceNext; /// /// Represents VoiceNext extension, which acts as Discord voice client. /// public sealed class VoiceNextExtension : BaseExtension { /// /// Gets or sets the configuration. /// private readonly VoiceNextConfiguration _configuration; /// /// Gets or sets the active connections. /// private readonly ConcurrentDictionary _activeConnections; /// /// Gets or sets the voice state updates. /// private readonly ConcurrentDictionary> _voiceStateUpdates; /// /// Gets or sets the voice server updates. /// private readonly ConcurrentDictionary> _voiceServerUpdates; /// /// Gets whether this connection has incoming voice enabled. /// public bool IsIncomingEnabled { get; } /// /// Initializes a new instance of the class. /// /// The config. internal VoiceNextExtension(VoiceNextConfiguration config) { this._configuration = new VoiceNextConfiguration(config); this.IsIncomingEnabled = config.EnableIncoming; this._activeConnections = new ConcurrentDictionary(); this._voiceStateUpdates = new ConcurrentDictionary>(); this._voiceServerUpdates = new ConcurrentDictionary>(); } /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// /// DO NOT USE THIS MANUALLY. /// protected internal override void Setup(DiscordClient client) { if (this.Client != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("What did I tell you?"); this.Client = client; this.Client.VoiceStateUpdated += this.Client_VoiceStateUpdate; this.Client.VoiceServerUpdated += this.Client_VoiceServerUpdate; } /// /// Create a VoiceNext connection for the specified channel. /// /// Channel to connect to. /// VoiceNext connection for this channel. public async Task ConnectAsync(DiscordChannel channel) { if (channel.Type != ChannelType.Voice && channel.Type != ChannelType.Stage) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid channel specified; needs to be voice or stage channel", nameof(channel)); if (channel.Guild == null) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid channel specified; needs to be guild channel", nameof(channel)); if (!channel.PermissionsFor(channel.Guild.CurrentMember).HasPermission(Permissions.AccessChannels | Permissions.UseVoice)) throw new InvalidOperationException("You need AccessChannels and UseVoice permission to connect to this voice channel"); var gld = channel.Guild; if (this._activeConnections.ContainsKey(gld.Id)) throw new InvalidOperationException("This guild already has a voice connection"); var vstut = new TaskCompletionSource(); var vsrut = new TaskCompletionSource(); this._voiceStateUpdates[gld.Id] = vstut; this._voiceServerUpdates[gld.Id] = vsrut; var vsd = new VoiceDispatch { OpCode = 4, Payload = new VoiceStateUpdatePayload { GuildId = gld.Id, ChannelId = channel.Id, Deafened = false, Muted = false } }; var vsj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vsd, Formatting.None); await (channel.Discord as DiscordClient).WsSendAsync(vsj).ConfigureAwait(false); var vstu = await vstut.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); var vstup = new VoiceStateUpdatePayload { SessionId = vstu.SessionId, UserId = vstu.User.Id }; var vsru = await vsrut.Task.ConfigureAwait(false); var vsrup = new VoiceServerUpdatePayload { Endpoint = vsru.Endpoint, GuildId = vsru.Guild.Id, Token = vsru.VoiceToken }; var vnc = new VoiceNextConnection(this.Client, gld, channel, this._configuration, vsrup, vstup); vnc.VoiceDisconnected += this.Vnc_VoiceDisconnected; await vnc.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await vnc.WaitForReadyAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); this._activeConnections[gld.Id] = vnc; return vnc; } /// /// Gets a VoiceNext connection for specified guild. /// /// Guild to get VoiceNext connection for. /// VoiceNext connection for the specified guild. public VoiceNextConnection GetConnection(DiscordGuild guild) => this._activeConnections.ContainsKey(guild.Id) ? this._activeConnections[guild.Id] : null; /// /// Vnc_S the voice disconnected. /// /// The guild. /// A Task. private async Task Vnc_VoiceDisconnected(DiscordGuild guild) { VoiceNextConnection vnc = null; if (this._activeConnections.ContainsKey(guild.Id)) this._activeConnections.TryRemove(guild.Id, out vnc); var vsd = new VoiceDispatch { OpCode = 4, Payload = new VoiceStateUpdatePayload { GuildId = guild.Id, ChannelId = null } }; var vsj = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(vsd, Formatting.None); await (guild.Discord as DiscordClient).WsSendAsync(vsj).ConfigureAwait(false); } /// /// Client_S the voice state update. /// /// The client. /// The e. /// A Task. private Task Client_VoiceStateUpdate(DiscordClient client, VoiceStateUpdateEventArgs e) { var gld = e.Guild; if (gld == null) return Task.CompletedTask; if (e.User == null) return Task.CompletedTask; if (e.User.Id == this.Client.CurrentUser.Id) { if (e.After.Channel == null && this._activeConnections.TryRemove(gld.Id, out var ac)) ac.Disconnect(); if (this._activeConnections.TryGetValue(e.Guild.Id, out var vnc)) vnc.TargetChannel = e.Channel; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.SessionId) && e.Channel != null && this._voiceStateUpdates.TryRemove(gld.Id, out var xe)) xe.SetResult(e); } return Task.CompletedTask; } /// /// Client_S the voice server update. /// /// The client. /// The e. /// A Task. private async Task Client_VoiceServerUpdate(DiscordClient client, VoiceServerUpdateEventArgs e) { var gld = e.Guild; if (gld == null) return; if (this._activeConnections.TryGetValue(e.Guild.Id, out var vnc)) { vnc.ServerData = new VoiceServerUpdatePayload { Endpoint = e.Endpoint, GuildId = e.Guild.Id, Token = e.VoiceToken }; var eps = e.Endpoint; var epi = eps.LastIndexOf(':'); var eph = string.Empty; var epp = 443; if (epi != -1) { eph = eps[..epi]; epp = int.Parse(eps[(epi + 1)..]); } else { eph = eps; } vnc.WebSocketEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint { Hostname = eph, Port = epp }; vnc.Resume = false; await vnc.ReconnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } if (this._voiceServerUpdates.ContainsKey(gld.Id)) { this._voiceServerUpdates.TryRemove(gld.Id, out var xe); xe.SetResult(e); } } - - public override void Dispose() - => GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } diff --git a/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs b/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs index a01275840..2199924bb 100644 --- a/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs +++ b/DisCatSharp/BaseExtension.cs @@ -1,44 +1,40 @@ // This file is part of the DisCatSharp project, based off DSharpPlus. // // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 AITSYS // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. -using System; - namespace DisCatSharp; /// /// Represents base for all DisCatSharp extensions. To implement your own extension, extend this class, and implement its abstract members. /// -public abstract class BaseExtension : IDisposable +public abstract class BaseExtension { /// /// Gets the instance of this extension is attached to. /// public DiscordClient Client { get; protected set; } /// /// Initializes this extension for given instance. /// /// Discord client to initialize for. protected internal abstract void Setup(DiscordClient client); - - public abstract void Dispose(); }